
chapter 8 : Savior

The next day, Drake woke up at noon, got dressed and went outside.

 By the time, he knew that Yue Zhong had gone to look for his friend and with his heightened hearing, he could tell that apart from Yue, Qing Wu and Chen Yao, everyone remained in the apartment refusing to help. Yue and fight.

 He shook his head and went to get his motorcycle, he wanted to go to the nearest gas station to fill up and put jerrycans of gasoline in his inventory so he never ran out later.

 He started his motorbike and set off, unlike the day before, he did not wear his hood or his mask simply to relax.

 Along the way, the Zs were attracted by the sound of the engine but Drake didn't care until 3 slightly larger and gray Zs started chasing him, they were much faster than ordinary humans.

 Drake : S1 zombies ?! Finally the Z's started to evolve, things are getting interesting finally hahaha!

 He stopped his motorcycle and got off casually, taking his sword, he waited for the S1 to come to him.

The first S1 came quickly and launched a claw slash which Drake effortlessly dodged, he then swung his sword and decapitated him, the other two also wanted to attack him but he killed them quickly and effortlessly. They were faster than normal humans but that's it.

 Drake: So slow, it's overkill! (shaking his head)

 He returned to the road by telekinetically collecting the loot from S1. After a while he arrived at the gas station without problems and filled up. He then collected jerrycans of several types of fuel and multiplied them in his inventory.

 Drake then made his way to the shopping district, there he found a troop of zombies, there were at least 4 S1s and 2 L1s, the L1s were zombies over 2 meters tall that were quite sturdy and specialized in brute force.

 He got off the bike and started walking towards them, he took his sword and swung it in front of him and it started spinning like a saw and he threw it at the zombies who were all cut up in less than 5 seconds.

 Killing his zombies, he went up 2 levels arriving at level 19, he waved his finger and 4 white boxes and 2 skill books flew towards him and entered the inventory.

 Drake then walked into a fancy women's clothing store and took a lot of clothes inside, walked out and went to a fancy jewelry store and almost robbed everything. He wanted that if he took one or more girls under his wing, that they would be treated well.

 Drake advanced further killing the zombies in the environment and arrived in front of a store selling electrical appliances and parts, he took a lot of things inside and came out. 200m away there was a car garage so he went there, took the tools, spare parts and such.

 With that done, he continued by chasing evolved zombies into the area to level up.

 A few hours later, he returned to the neighborhood where he stayed. He walked up the stairs whistling and ignoring the world completely. He went back to his apartment and checked his status.

 [Alexander Drake Armstrong: human

 Age: 16 and a half years old

 Level: 21

 Occupation: None

 Title: None

 Skills: Telekinesis / Perfect Shadow

 Strength: 136

 Agility: 122

 Vitality: 467



 Stat points: 648]

 " Perfect ! I will never have an equal in this world!" he said smiling. Then adjusted [Strength:236] and [Agility:322].

 He then released the new skill books including,

 [gravity manipulation (active) lvl 3]

 [Minor healing (active) lvl 1]

 [shadow step (active) lvl 3]

 He put them back in his inventory and evolved [minor healing] to type 8 and became

 [Celestial Healing (active) type 8

 Property: Can depending on the user's level cure any illness or injury. It can even cure people who have just been bitten by the living dead by destroying the virus. Cost: 30 SP.]

 After that, He undressed to go take a nap, sleeping naked was his second favorite activity after fighting or killing.

 Some time later he was awakened by sounds of panic and panting in Yue Zhong's apartment, he stood up listening to Yue Zhong's voice shouting "DON'T LEAVE ME BUDDY, STAY AWAKE IF HE PLEASE COME ON."

 Drake began to think and never in the novel had Yue Zhong been in this distress. Something unexpected had happened so he rushed to his neighbors' house and saw blood spilling down the stairs to their living room.

 He saw Ji Qing Wu unconscious with her broken arm and a bone sticking out of her left thigh. He further saw Yue Zhong leaning with tears in his eyes in front of the inert body of a young man who was dying with a piece of wood stuck in his chest.

Seeing Yue in this distress, he deduced that this guy on the ground was Chi Yang, Yue Zhong's best friend. It was a character he really liked in the novel.

 Lu Wen, one of the new girls was sitting on the ground exhausted because she had, despite her low level 1, used the healing skill that Yue Zhong had given her to heal him first. Drake made his way over to him and Yue.

 Drake: Move over Yue I'll try to do something!

 Listening to him, Yue felt a little hope and begged him to help keep his friend alive. Drake simply nodded and without waiting, he sharply removed the wooden debris from Chi Yang's chest, causing a large hemorrhage.


 Yue shouted as she waved her sword at Drake but the sword just stayed frozen in the air by Drake's telekinesis. Quickly, Drake put his hands on Chi Yang's chest using [Celestial Healing].

 Immediately, the bleeding stopped and the wound closed, Yue who was enraged calmed down and felt ridiculous thinking about his reaction.

He wanted to speak to say something but Drake cut him off

 Drake: He's not out of the woods yet, even if he's healed from his wound, he lost a lot of blood and if we don't find some soon he will die soon. What is his blood type?!

 Yue: It's an A+

 Drake: Okay, I'm going to the nearest hospital to look through their blood bank and I'll be right back. Keep it warm until then.

 Yue: Please, let me come with you to help .

 Drake: No I'll be faster on my own, take care of your friend.

 As Drake left, Chen Yao rushed to him

 C. Yao: Please also heal Qing Wu, she got hurt protecting me. I beg you, if she dies because of me I will kill myself!

 Drake quickly pushed her away, saying, "Damn! I don't care if you die but not her, she is fighting to survive but because of your weakness she is in this state. (looks at Ji Qing Wu) She lost a lot of blood too. What is his group? ! »

 C. Yao: it's A+

 A ashamed Chen Yao just stood there with tears in her eyes while Drake placed his hand on Qing Wu to heal her.

After healing the girl, he quickly went to get his backpack and left for the hospital on his motorcycle wearing only his black jeans and bare feet.

 Nearly 20 minutes later, the sound of a motorcycle was heard, it was Drake coming back. He quickly went up to Yue's apartment he had blood all over him and in his hair showing that he had certainly fought against several Z's, it was done on purpose to show them that they had to get their hands dirty to stay envy.

 The girls looked at him a little scared with the blood on him and his muscular body. 

 He asked where Chi Yang was and was taken to Yue's room where he lay shivering under the blankets.

 Drake quickly performed the blood transfusion with 2 bags of O+ blood and walked out to Yue's sincere thanks. He walked towards Qing Wu and did the same. ( He's an assassin , he's been taught the basics of emergency medicine) 

 He wiped the sweat from his forehead before leaving from there. 

 As he was out, Lu wen and the new girls asked who this handsome and strong guy was but the others only sighed as even they couldn't describe him.

Chen Yao had a complicated look on her face, she liked this guy too much but already had a very bad opinion on her.

 Drake entered his house, a little tired, not physically but he felt he had done too many things today, he was lazy by nature.

 He quickly went to take a bath to wash off all the blood on him, after 20 minutes he came out as clean as an angel.

 He rubbed on some body cream and went to get some sleep for the rest of the evening, while he was resting he heard his door knock but didn't answer.

Next chapter