
God and the Devil's World : Blessed by Darkness

Fanfiction of a chinese light novel, English adaptation of the French version of this fanfiction. The primordial entity of darkness has sent the soul of a former reader of the novel to the dimension where the story takes place by granting him wishes as a bonus. English is not my first language so bear with me, I've put enough detail into the story so knowledge of the main novel is not necessary. However, I invite you to go and read this novel because it's incredible . I hope you enjoy reading my little story .

The3Entities · Book&Literature
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67 Chs

chapter 16: The Beginning

Drake entered the light gate without any pressure and immediately found himself in what looked like an alleyway at an intersection.

The floor was made of beautiful white marble and the streets were empty, Drake was alone.

 He already had information about the world and the evolution of the Z's so he went to the bar not to ask for information but to buy drinks, in the bars there were extremely expensive alcohols in the external world but only cost 10 survival coins each here.

He was rich in millions so he bought all the drinks under the questioning and shocked gaze of the bartender who he ignored on his way out.

 He then went to the temple of jobs not to choose one but to buy the skills linked to these jobs because it was impossible to have several jobs but he was not subject to the constraints of the system.

 He entered the temple to find a tall, sturdy and intimidating old man, the man looking at Drake flinched as he felt Drake's extremely overwhelming spiritual power and looked at him in disbelief and fear as this kid in front of him was still very much more powerful than he is.

 Drake looked at him and greeted him politely, he respected the people who gave him respect and was on the same wavelength as him.

The old man in front was strong, mysterious but did not give off any hostile impression, Drake's spirit was very high and feeling the emotions of others was nothing to him.

 "Hello Elder, I am a newbie and I would like to see the list of sales skills regardless of jobs please!" he asked politely.

 The man smiled and nodded then waved his hand and a 3D board appeared in front of Drake with a list of skills according to jobs.

 -Doctor: [Medical Research], [Minor Treatment], [Surgeon], [Pharmacist]

 -Soldier: [Basic Firearms Proficiency], [Basic Military Vehicle Proficiency]

 -Warrior: [Enhanced Strength], [Enhanced Speed], [Basic Blade Mastery], [Basic Projectile Mastery]

 -Mages: [Basic Flame Manipulation], [Basic Water Manipulation], [Basic Earth Manipulation], [Basic Ice Manipulation], [Basic Lightning Manipulation], [Basic Wind Manipulation]

 Scientist: [Basic Physicist], [Weapons Engineer], [Electronics Engineer], [Biologist], [Basic Computer Science], [Basic Herbalist]

 Assassin: [Basic Camouflage], [Shadowstep], [Basic Blade Mastery Short]

 Artisan: [Basic Architect], [Basic Blacksmith]

 There were also other jobs like translator, warlock, summoner, hunter and many other real or fictional professions. Drake bought absolutely all of them as skill books and put them in his inventory.

 He looked at a red icon marked [Hidden Jobs] and clicked on it and in front of him there were other jobs but unlike the others, these jobs were linked to titles.

 -Dark Knight: Warrior blessed by darkness.

 Skills: [Art of Fear], [Night Enhancement) etc…

 -Necromancer: Dark mage who has gained the recognition of the dead.

 Skills: [Zombie Control], [resurrection]

 -Cultivator: Warrior knowing how to use the energy of the world and the body.

Skills: [Dou Ki], [Flight] etc…

 -Dark Lord: sorcerer blessed by darkness.

 Skills: [Shadow Manipulation], [Dark Manipulation], [Dark Attribution] etc.

 Like the other skills, Drake did not check them all but bought them all without restraint and put them in his inventory then he calmly came out saying goodbye politely.

 Drake outside then headed towards the equipment and weapons store.

 Entering, there was a man behind a counter who asked him directly "Is this for buying or selling?" 

 Drake just casually replied "Buying" as soon as a 3D board with lists of system weapons, ammo, equipment and medicine appeared in front of him.

 In the list of system guns there were high caliber pistols, assault rifles, heavy weapons and snipers Drake took them all despite them being really very expensive as well as the ammo.

 Killing Zs with normal weapons did not grant experience points or system rewards, but the firearms Drake had just purchased belong to the system and therefore can earn points. He then tapped the medicine icon.

 In the drug icon, he bought a model of each. There were drugs to regenerate limbs, others to replenish stamina or spirit and others to cure any virus or disease but the one that interested Drake the most was serum G, it was a medicine capable of curing a person of the Z virus as long as they had not yet transformed.

 He bought a few before leaving, smiling.

 Drake then went to buy some raffle sticks in the treasure building and after a few tries, he finally found what he was looking for, which were storage rings where he could store objects in a 10x10 storage unit.

It was much bigger than Yue's in the novel, he had bought them especially for his parents.

 Having nothing more to do there, Drake finally came out of there smiling, a smile so beautiful that the girls outside started blushing because it was rare to see this guy smile like that.

 Lu Wen and Chi Yang then returned because they had passed the 10th level. After a few minutes, they came out and Yue told his team what he was told, they had to leave Lei Jiang City in the next 24 hours because the barrier that keeps the Z Sea near them will free them at the end of this period.

 Their mission completed, they quickly returned home to prepare to leave. Initially, some girls wanted to stay and rest to leave the next day but Yue just told them to do as they wanted while he and the others did their business, without delay, they cooperated.

 In an apartment, Zhao Li, the woman who had come to ask for food with her son, looked out the window and saw them carrying their belongings and supplies into the trucks.

 Realizing that they were leaving, she rushed with her luggage and her child to ask Yue to take them with him.

She tried to buy her place in silver and gold but Yue refused, he told her that she could follow on the condition of obeying his orders while eating what will be given to her at the minimum food.

 Zhao Li quickly agreed to these conditions before going to help the girls carry their things.

 Drake who had long finished his preparations was waiting for them in his container truck, the others had not yet noticed his truck but when he started the engine, they realized that the large vehicle belonged to him and were all completely surprised . This guy could drive such a machine!

 Lu Wen came over and asked Drake what was in the container, everyone was waiting for Drake's answer. He looked at Wen smiling and replied, "Little sister, there is food in there, lots of food, spices, water, wine, jewelry for my future wife and clothes for her." 

 When Drake spoke the main information they remembered was "Future Wife" they started blushing and chatting amongst themselves wondering who he was talking about, what woman would be so lucky?

 The convoy was finally ready and they finally started driving towards Long Hai City.

 The next day, the wall that held back the sea of ​​zombies in Lei Jiang City disappeared and the tens of thousands of Zs spread throughout the city, there were hundreds of S1, L1 or H1 and the few enhanced humans who remained there were all devoured alive by the Zombies. The city had become a hell filled with the screams of men, women and children who were being devoured.

 On the way to the Survivors' Enclave in Long Hai City, it had been more than a day since Drake and Yue's group had been moving. Sometimes there were vehicle wrecks in the way, but Yue and C. Yang always went down to push the vehicles.

 Later, while they were still driving, the path was blocked by 12 vehicles abandoned on the road.

 Yue, Chi Yang and White bones went down to push the vehicles when suddenly, 6 men came out of nowhere with machine guns in hand.

 A bald man with a scar on his face appearing to be the leader looked at Yue's group and shouted, "Don't move, put down your weapons or we'll shoot."

 Without even waiting, Yue, C. Yang, and W. Bones rushed in and began engaging the militants. The militants started shooting at them but Yue and Chi Yang activated [Shadow step] and with several times the speed of an ordinary man, they moved in a zigzag and as for White Bones he was only walking, The bandits shot at him, but the bullets of their small calibers only bounced off his solid bones. 

 As Yue prepared to decapitate the bald man, the chief said "Hold your sword my friend if you don't want your comrades in the trucks to die."

 immediately, 20 other militants came out from the sides with machine guns and two trailers blocked the rear path of the trucks. Yue looked towards Drake expecting that he would act but the latter was sitting on the hood of his truck eating snacks and shaking his head clearly saying "I don't really want to move man, I'm too lazy!". Yue wanted to get angry but there was nothing he could do.

 The leader of the militants came and addressed Yue saying that he was impressed with his and his companions' fighting skills, he introduced himself as Tiger Wang and asked Yue his name and if he was the leader of his group.

 Yue nodded before introducing himself and asking T. Wang the reason for their attack.

 Tiger told him that initially he wanted their supplies but now he would like to take them with him to Always Bright Village, a village he controlled.

 Yue, listening to his proposal, refused, telling him that they had to go to the enclave of Long Hai City.

 Tiger was upset but continued to smile telling Yue that he was just going to take the supplies from one of the Dongfeng trucks, he mischievously looked at Drake's container truck pointing at it but Drake started laughing while drinking a beer .

Yue told Tiger that Drake was not in his group but was just following them to go to Long Hai with them.

 Tiger smiled and offered them hospitality in his village and Yue accepted by playing diplomacy, he did not want to risk the lives of the people in his group.

 Tiger asked one of his men to ride with Drake but Drake looked at him coldly and said "If one of you touches my truck you will all die here as many as you are." the militants backed away and out of caution Tiger left him alone.

He witnessed Yue's abilities and felt that Drake was no less strong than him. A normal person couldn't be so relaxed in such circumstances. 

 The convoy resumed with the activists' vehicles heading towards Always Bright Village as Drake smiled smoking a cigar while driving his truck, he had made the decision not to change the canon of history , he was going to control everything and correct what was needed while establishing his dominance. He had the power to do it now, but it wouldn't be fun. 

Plus this arc was going to be the start of Yue Zhong's kingdom building, The story was going to start there and he was going to witness it. Drake wasn't going to limit himself to Yue, the Chinese hero was just the first step on his ride, he was going to dominate the whole world.