
God and the Devil's World : Blessed by Darkness

Fanfiction of a chinese light novel, English adaptation of the French version of this fanfiction. The primordial entity of darkness has sent the soul of a former reader of the novel to the dimension where the story takes place by granting him wishes as a bonus. English is not my first language so bear with me, I've put enough detail into the story so knowledge of the main novel is not necessary. However, I invite you to go and read this novel because it's incredible . I hope you enjoy reading my little story .

The3Entities · Book&Literature
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67 Chs

chapter 15 : Cleaning the bridge

*knock Knock knock*


 *knock Knock knock*

 " SHIT !" 

 Drake swore as he shouted as once again he was roused from his sleep. He got out of bed and went to open the door to find Yue Zhong staring at him in a daze before speaking.

 Yue: Hello Drake, sorry for disturbing you again but it's urgent. Today the team and I are going to kill the Hunters and I would like you to come with us, we have to leave this place today at the latest.

 "He's finally made up his mind, he's right, the zombies have evolved quickly here and he has too many vulnerable members on his team" thought Drake.

 Drake: Are you aware that I'm not on your team and therefore there's no obligation for me to help you ?

 Yue: Yes I know, however the slightest of your actions could save us there, at least for Wen's safety.

 Drake agreed to accompany them, he went to get dressed while Yue went to prepare his team. Yue took Chi Yang, Lu Wen, Wang Shuang, Ji Qing Wu and Chen Yao with him to drive.

 He explained to the others what they were going to do and their faces went white thinking about the last time they faced the Hunters.

 He reassured them that Drake would be there and the others were extremely relieved, especially the girls who started to blush. Finally, the time had come for them to go into battle.

 They went out and ran into Drake who came towards them dressed in a black leather jacket over a shirt of the same color, tight but flexible black jeans and a black ankle boot!

 " It is not possible to be as beautiful ! It was so beautiful before but now it's just over the top !" 

 "Who is his girlfriend?! "

 The girls started whispering among themselves because of Drake's incredibly handsome appearance!

 "Hello Drake!" Chen Yao and Qing Wu said together. Drake just nodded in response and then completely ignored them as usual.

 Lu Wen came over and jumped on him for a hug as Drake smiled and ruffled her hair.

 The other girls looked at Wen with deadly jealous gaze. 

 Lu Wen: Where were you yesterday Drake, I missed you I thought you were gone.

 Drake just smiled as he pointed at his container truck with his finger explaining that he went to take it and fill it with food and supplies for himself alone.

 The others were shocked by this but he didn't care and reminded Yue that they had to move . 

 Finally the group left, Yue's team was at the front in the Dongfeng trucks and Drake was following on a motorbike behind.

Yue like last time led them towards the Lei Jiang Bridge where two of the original four Hunters remained.

 The moment they arrived they were horrified because unlike last time there was now not only the two Hunters but also a small horde of almost 200 Z's with S1's and L1's, Drake even sensed a few H1's but it was nothing to him.

 The detail that Drake and the others unfailingly noticed was The Sea of Tens of Thousands of Zs held back by an translucent wall at the back of the light gate behind the Hunters, the team was frightened.

 Drake came and knocked on the truck doors to talk with Yue and the others, he signaled them to come down urgently.

Drake was not the leader of this team but Yue, however, he was undoubtedly stronger than Yue so they still went down.

 Chen Yao and Qing Wu also wanted to get off but he motioned them to stay in the vehicles.

 Stubborn, they went down anyway and Drake just sighed, shaking his head.

 Drake: Sorry to make you go down like this but I would like to know if there was a horde here last time?

 At this question, they all shook their heads.

 Yue: Absolutely not, I'm afraid it's almost impossible to kill the Hunters now, Lu Wen and I are certainly strong enough to kill them albeit without much difficulty but the horde isn't going to watch us do it.

 Drake: That's why I'm going to help you, we really have to leave today. Now I have a suggestion for a battle plan but since you're the boss, you'll be free to accept it or not.

 Yue nodded simply and appreciated that Drake remembered that he was the leader of his group, not wanting to take his authority by force.

 Drake: I suggest that you and Lu Wen go eliminate the two Hunters while Chi Yang, the other guy (pointing to Wang Shuang) and I stay to eliminate the horde.

 Wang Shuang: What?! But there are almost 200 Zs there and there are three of us, I'm only level 5 yet! It's a suic… (Drake cut him off)

 Drake: What's your name?!

 W. Shuang: I...I'm Wang Shuang brother Drake.

 Drake: Wang do you want to become stronger and evolve or die?! (Drake gave off some killing intent in this sentence, his spirit level could allow him to do certain things and he wanted to test to find people with a strong will to power to help them)

 Listening to this simple question, he trembled and forgot his fear of Z's but he was afraid of something else. He was afraid of remaining weak and dying weak.

 Before, he admired Yue and wanted to be strong like him for the looks of girls and the privileges of power but now, he just wanted to be strong to survive.

 Wang: I...don't want...to be weak anymore. I want to be strong !

 Drake nodded in approval and took some things out of his backpack, three pairs of level 3 enhanced agility shoes which added 15 points to them in agility, three pairs of type 3 enhanced black gloves adding 15 to them points in Strength and an improved Type 3 ring adding 15 points in endurance.

 Drake handed them the objects under their astonished and amazed looks as he equipped them, it looked like children discovering their presents at Christmas.

 Yue after equipping the boots, gloves and ring felt the energy pouring into him just like Chi Yang and W. Shuang.

He had become the strongest and fastest in his group again now right in front of Lu Wen, he knew she had caught up to him and as a big brother and leader it had hit his ego a bit.

 Yue wanted to ask Drake how he found that but thought it best not to ask him, he had done enough for them.

Drake looked at them and saw the thirst for battle in their eyes with Lu Wen also smiling.

 Drake: Well, now gentlemen we have Zs to exterminate, Yue and Wen when the horde will be attracted to us, you attack the Hunters meanwhile the two boys with me will gain levels.

 Qing Wu: And... and me then, I can fight, I want to fight!

 Drake: You can do what you want but I advise you to do what you do best, protect your friend the princess. Keep her from getting eaten if any Zs show up here, that's all I can tell you. (he said dryly before ignoring them).

 Qing Wu clenched her teeth and fists in frustration, Yue came to her and handed her her old boots and gloves, saying, "Also remember that you can just as easily do whatever you want Qing Wu" with a smile.

 Qing Wu felt warmed by Yue and comforted just like Chen Yao who he looked at differently now.

 Without wasting time, they began the plan. Drake took his Bluetooth speaker from his inventory and took it to a somewhat distant alley playing {115- Elena Siegman} at high volume with Chi Yang and Wang behind him, almost 30 seconds later, the horde was already there, Yue and Wen charged the two remaining Hunters with some evolved zombies.

 In the alley, Drake calmly watched the S1s charge towards smiling.

"When the S1s are on the ground you are going to finish them off, it will make you gain levels easily" he said and the boys nodded staying back far behind Drake who was going to face the S1.

 In front of Drake, 12 S1s rushed up and started attacking him, however, Drake effortlessly dodged their attacks and retaliated by cutting off their legs. Two S1s headed towards the boys behind but Chi Yang with a little difficulty killed them moving to level 10.

 In less than 18 seconds, Drake had dismembered the 10 S1s who attacked him then called the boys to finish them off, Chi Yang rose to level 11 and Wang Shuang to level 8.

 Drake didn't want to wait too long, like any good assassin, he didn't like long fights, he was completely lazy.

 Watching the rest of the horde approach he jumped almost 10 meters into the air before crashing into the horde and starting to take down the normal Zs and dismembering a few L1s he left four intact for the boys to take care of since they also needed combat experience, he killed 2/3 of the normal Zs and left the rest for Chi Yang and Wang Shuang before walking out of the alley.

 He and Qing Wu crossed paths as she was heading to help kill the horde, she stopped thinking he was going to say something but he ignored her blissfully as he went towards Yue and Wen who were fighting against the Hunters.

 Yue Zhong and Lu Wen faced the Hunters without much difficulty, thanks to Drake's equipment, they dodged, parried or countered the Hunters' attacks.

 Lu Wen was tired of playing so she activated the sword dance and started slashing the Hunter while dodging his claw swipes, he sent a tail swipe that almost hit her but with a pirouette, she l 'dodged and before he turned around, Lu Wen quickly beheaded him.

 The Hunter died leaving behind a lot of survival coin, a skill book and a blue chest.

 Yue saw Lu Wen finish her fight and thought it was time to finish his fight, he charged at the Hunter, dodged his claw slashes and made a big slash on his chest, the angry Hunter wanted to catch him but Yue surprisingly disappeared from his sight.

 Drake who was on one of the roofs of the buildings had six dead H1s at his feet, they were stationed there to sneak attack Yue and Wen from a distance. He saw Yue's movement and exclaimed

 "Oh-ooh he can use it now huh?! Not bad really, it will be useful for future fights"

 The technique that had just been used to disappear from the Hunter's sight was none other than "blink", the assassination technique that Drake had shown them during Spartan training.

 Yue moved to the side of the Hunter without him noticing and placed the barrel of his stinger on the monster's head, he pulled the trigger and the Hunter's head exploded leaving bits rotten brains everywhere even on Yue.

 The Hunter dropped Survival Coins, White Chests, a Skill Book, and a Green Chest.

 Moments later, Chi Yang, Wang Shuang, Qing Wu and Chen Yao came to find Yue and Lu Wen, Yue began to share the loot with his team, Chi Yang brought four skill books and some white chests of their fight against the horde.

 At the end of all these fights, everyone except Chen Yao had big gains and leveled up, Yue is now level 16, Lu Wen has climbed two levels and is level 15, Chi Yang has risen to level 12, Wang Shuang at level 9 and Qing Wu also at level 9. So Yue as leader started opening the chests. He started with the blue chest that Lu Wen had won.

 [weapon module : Electrical element

 Property: Once attached to a blade, it gives it electrical properties whose power depends on the power source. Can recharge with a mutant beast core. ]

 "Wow cool ! I'll keep it Brother Yue, you can have the rest!" Lu Wen said, Yue was very interested in the module even though they didn't know what it was but it was Lu Wen who got it by killing the Hunter so it was legitimate for her to keep it if she wanted it!

 He then opened the green chest,

 [Third Grade Weapon: Green Devil Spear

 Property: Extremely sharp, can cut gold and jade]

 Yue liked sword fighting, the spear looked interesting but it wasn't for him, Chi Yang wanted it so he gave him the weapon.

 The white chests contained replica Tang swords, equipment, and a gem.

 [Second Grade Items: Enhancement Stone

 Property: Can be used to upgrade a weapon or equipment.]

 Yue was curious so he kept it to himself. And gave the equipment to Qing Wu and Chen Yao because it was much lousier than the ones given by Drake.

 Then came the skill books

 [Third Grade Skills: Devil Flames

 Property: Once triggered, this dark and terribly hot flame consumes 5 SP (endurance) and 5 MP (Spirit)! Once triggered, it consumes 2 SP and 5 MP every 10 seconds. The power of the flame depends on the user's endurance, strength and vitality]

 Yue directly fell in love with this skill and kept it for himself.

 [2nd degree skill: Plant Manipulation] went to Chen Yao

 [3rd Grade Skill: Basic Firearms Proficiency] went to Wang Shuang.

 [3rd Grade Skill: Weapon Enhancement] went to Qing Wu

 [3rd Degree Skill: Speed ​​Improvement] to Chi Yang

 [3rd Grade Skill: Shadow Step] went to Lu Wen to learn it later.

 As they happily gazed at their spoils, Drake jumped off a roof and landed near them!

 When they noticed his presence, they felt stupid for forgetting the part of Drake without whom they would never have had all this but the latter knew what they were saying so he spoke calmly.

 Drake: Calm down and keep your stuff, I have more than you can dream of in this new world.

 Yue and the others finally realized this fact, Drake was extremely strong and could handle hundreds of Zs, he must have had a lot of skill books, weapons and equipment items with him! Everyone was curious about something specific. How could he be so strong ?

 But thinking about his telekinetic skill and his high martial arts proficiency, they just thought that Drake was just extremely talented and made for this world.

 Drake looked at the shiny gate of the Novice Village and looked at Yue asking, "What now ? What do we do for this door ?" 

 Yue thought about it and as the leader he decided to check what it was first, he looked at Drake and the others saying "I'll see what it is just stay here and watch the surroundings" then, he entered the shining door. 

 Everyone else except Drake was worried when Yue walked inside. Knowing the Novel, he knew that it was just the special space where you had to spend survival coins to have a profession, improve your weapons/items and have other advantages.

 A few minutes later, Yue Zhong came out of there with a satisfied but thoughtful look and told the others what was inside, only those above level 10 could enter.

 Drake without waiting began to walk towards the shiny door smiling, he couldn't wait to see all the advantages that were going to be offered to him there, he had already multiplied millions of survival coins in his inventory and was going to have a blast to spend them.