
God and the Devil's World : Blessed by Darkness

Fanfiction of a chinese light novel, English adaptation of the French version of this fanfiction. The primordial entity of darkness has sent the soul of a former reader of the novel to the dimension where the story takes place by granting him wishes as a bonus. English is not my first language so bear with me, I've put enough detail into the story so knowledge of the main novel is not necessary. However, I invite you to go and read this novel because it's incredible . I hope you enjoy reading my little story .

The3Entities · Book&Literature
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67 Chs

chapter 14 : Returning Home

The next day, Yue planned to return to Xing Ning Road at the shopping district to pick up a second Dongfeng truck and reload their supplies there.

To do this, he took Chi Yang, Lu Wen, Wang Shuang, Qing Wu and Chen Yao who will drive and they left.

 Drake, who was sleeping in as usual, woke up in the afternoon, got dressed in his Hawaiian shirt, black shorts and shoes and went hunting Zombies to increase his stock of statistical points.

 He went to the shopping district but in a very different area than Yue's team, He was looking for a container truck.

 Arrived at his destination on his motorbike, saw the streets filled with almost 300 zombies with over 30 S1s and almost 20 L1s!

 "Oh man, this is going to be so good!" he said as he took out a Bluetooth speaker from his inventory that he connected with his phone, he played the music {Papercut- Linkin Park} with a high volume which attracted the Zombies' attention to him.

 As the Zs came towards him, suddenly from his shadow came 10 figures that looked like him, Five were holding a sword and the others had a black staff.

 Without waiting, Drake and his shadows charged the zombies. To have more fun, he used a small part of his strength and agility in the battle, he could destroy this small horde in a few seconds but preferred to make the fun last!

 His shadows began decapitating the Zs or crushing their heads with the Monkey King's sticks like a pack of hungry wolves in a flock of sheep!

 The S1 and L1 with their numbers could have been the undoing of even Yue Zhong's group if he had fallen on them but unfortunately for them, they were in the path of Drake who intended to kill for fun.

 As Drake laughingly sliced ​​through three unlucky S1s, he suddenly jumped back at high speed when two fireballs crashed into his previous location!

 "Not good for Yue, we stayed here way too long, the H1s are already here"

 he said looking at two special zombies on the rooftops, they were red with very large heads compared to their bodies. They were H1s, the fireball zombies!

 If the S1 specialize in speed and the L1 in strength and solidity, the H1 specialize in long-range attacks and more precisely very powerful fireballs that can completely destroy a vehicle.

 Without even delaying, Drake telekinetically flew his sword which pierced the H1's heads at insane speed without even giving them time to understand that they were being attacked.

 He finished off the rest of the zombies without problems and checked his status:

 [Alexander Drake Armstrong: Human

 Age: 16 and a half years old

 Level: 26

 Skills: Heavenly Heal / Perfect Shadow / Telekinesis

 Profession: None

 Title: None

 Strength: 236


 Vitality: 467



 Attribute points: 927]

 "Hmm, not bad!" 

 Then, he adjusted [Spirit:700], [Stamina:700],[Vitality:700] leaving only 68 points in reserve. Immediately, he felt a great heat invade him, he sent his shadows to open a large supermarket and kill the zombies inside then he entered it and sat on the ground letting the transformation process finish!

 On Yue Zhong's side, they had separated because just before arriving at their destination a small horde of nearly a hundred Z blocked their way. In the horde, there were several S1s and L1s.

 Yue asked Chen Yao to continue to their destination with Qing Wu to protect her while he, Chi Yang, and Lu Wen would distract the Z's and kill them all if possible.

 Ji Qing Wu while listening to the orders felt replaced by Lu Wen and frowned slightly but said nothing, she knew that it was only the consequences of her overprotective attitude on Chen Yao who made no effort to become stronger.

 The trio got out of the vehicle and started attacking the Z! Very quickly, they saw the fruits of their 4-day training with Drake. Even if he wasn't as fast as him, they moved better, made fewer unnecessary gestures and their reactions were much faster.

 Yue and Wen were Tyrannical on the zombies, Chi Yang used this opportunity to improve the killing techniques that Drake had shown him.

 Unfortunately for them, they didn't have the abnormal stamina of Drake who could fight almost indefinitely so after a while they got tired, especially Chi Yang.

 So, their strategy was to run and distance themselves from the horde and only the few S1s could catch up with them but they were killed by Yue and Wen who could manage 3 S1s each.

 At some distance, after killing the S1s, they were tired and stopped, Yue ate a vitality apple and Wen took out two enhanced apples for her and Chi Yang.

 After 5 minutes, Lu Wen and Chi Yang were ready to return to battle while Yue He looked at them in surprise because he himself was still recovering his energy !

 A few seconds later, the horde had caught up with them. The trio returned to the fight and continued the massacre.

After a while they had to move away again to rest, they had finished off almost the entire horde and only a few L1s and normal Zs remained.

 After resting again they launched a final assault, Yue and Wen took the L1s and Chi Yang had to complete the normal Zs.

 Yue took a pistol out of his bag and ran towards the one L1 muttering "Let's see what the stinger gun has to offer" this gun was a system weapon recovered from a blue chest left by the hunters he managed to take down the last time.

 It was a 17mm caliber close to an artillery caliber.

 An L1 attacked him with a punch which he dodged, at point blank range, he aimed the L1's head with his stinger!



 After a loud bang, the bullet directly exploded L1's head with pieces of black brains and rotten flesh everywhere.

 "Wow big brother Yue what was that thing ?! Too powerful !" Lu Wen asked impressed.

 Yue: It's a weapon I gained by killing a Zombie Hunter. 

 Chi Yang: Go ahead Yue do it again it was too violent brother ahahahah. 

 Yue got closer to one of the last L1s and at point blank range, he exploded his head, passing him to level 14! Lu Wen was level 13 after killing the last remaining L1 and Chi Yang reached level 9.

 After this fight, they returned to the meeting point to find Qing Wu, Chen Yao and Wang Fang who was already driving the second Dongfeng truck, they loaded the trucks with provisions in a supermarket on the square and returned to the 'apartment !

 Drake for his part woke up from his rise power up , he had a black and dirty material on him but did not try to remove it right away. He walked out of the big supermarket to look at the container trucks in the back. After inspection, he took a black truck with a 40 foot HC stainless steel container! He got in and led him to the front of the store.

 Without getting off the truck, he asked his shadows to open the container and start loading the supermarket supplies inside.

 If it had been other people it would have taken a while to load but the clones had the same skills and stats.

 Quickly, using telekinesis, they loaded all kinds of supplies, food, clothing, and household products. The rest went to inventory.

 With the truck loaded, Drake drove west and headed out of town towards his parents' mansion.

 He drove for almost 2 hours on the way, the abandoned cars obstructing his path were pushed back by telekinesis without effort. 

 He arrived at his home, it was a mansion in a forest estate outside the city. The path to his house was slightly narrow, so he left his truck with a shadow to watch over him and took the path that would take him home.

 As he walked he heard growling sounds, Drake smiled as he knew they were mutated beasts and he couldn't wait to see them as they were extremely ferocious in the novel.

 He ignored them a bit as he continued on his way when five large mutant dogs appeared, they were even bigger than wolves, their fur was bristling with long canines protruding from their mouths!

 [Level 17 Mutant Dog]

 Drake, lazy, didn't want to read the rest of the information regarding the Mutated Dogs.

 " Eh !? But these are…! Oh my god these are the wolves of the orcs in World of Warcraft ahahahah! Cool, Frostwolf Clan mounts !" 

he said laughing, the dogs suddenly charged at him but get killed in less than three seconds.

He was in a hurry and had no time to waste with these beasts, he took the three dropped objects before continuing on his way as if nothing had happened.

 Soon he arrived home and when he looked at his parents' mansion he sighed in relief with a feeling of missing it but not too much.

 He communicated every day with his parents and thanks to his instructions, they were doing well and rising in level very quickly. His father Robert was at level 17 and his mother Maria was already at level 16.

 He entered the security code and the reinforced gate opened, he entered and entered another different code on the door of the mansion protected by a thick metal plate armored like all the openings of the mansion.

 The door opened and the light came on. Drake without delay went straight to his parents' weapons cache, he opened the entrance and in front of him there were dozens of different advanced weapons with ammunition.

 His parents were among the most feared assassins in the world so their weapons were state-of-the-art! Drake stole the weapons and ammunition from his inventory, multiplied them and then put them back in place on the walls of the room.

 He then came out and went to take a bath as he still had the dirt secreted from his body while he was gaining strength.

 he showered first before getting into the jacuzzi in the bathroom for over 20 minutes. Drake dried himself off and went out to get dressed in front of the mirror and what he saw confused him.

 Drake looking at his reflection in the mirror was in a daze. He was too beautiful to be human. His still tanned skin was incredibly smooth and flawless, his facial features were even sharper, his gray eyes became lighter and so did his hair. His muscles and bones also became more flexible and strong, almost like diamonds.

 His appearance no longer had anything to do with this world and he gave off an aura that he quickly hid so as not to attract the attention of the system god.

 He dressed in his same casual outfit with other clothes that were always black and burned the old ones because they were dirty. He refilled the food and water supplies before leaving the mansion again, leaving a shadow there to watch and kill the intruders. Drake then got back in the truck and sped toward his apartment in town.

 Two hours later he arrived and it was getting late. He went up to his apartment, opened it, ate a nice meal and called his parents before going to sleep without even a care in the world.