
God and Devil System

Everything changed in an instant Peaceful lives no longer exist To survive now all we have to do is fight strive to become stronger and stronger

SixTeen · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Skill book

"What's that?" says Luo Hao as he watches a book fall to the ground next to one of the cadavers

[ skill book level 3 : Flash Step

description: also known as speed gust, is the ability to use spirit power to accelerate your body from point A to point B with the least amount of movement and as fast as possible

to be activated 05 spirit points are required, the further away the distance to travel the more spirit power will be needed

increases the speed by 30%

no cooldown time

need 1 skill point to learn, would you like to learn it?]

Luo Hao for a moment doubted if he would learn it, but he didn't have much time so he decided to use it, "Yes, learn it".

the book in his hand disappears into light particles and are absorbed into his body, in his subconscious he felt as it slowly formed, until a rune appeared along with information on how to use the Flash Step

without wasting time he climbs on a table and tries to find a place as high and close as possible, but finds nothing

He then turns towards the canteen exit, "It'll have to be from here then" he says in a reluctant tone

Gathering all the courage he has he runs towards the exit, after only a few steps his figure disappears from the scene like a flash while he activates his skill and then a noise of glass breaking and hearing

the exit door glass had shattered and Luo Hao who had caused this was with his left arm with several bleeding cuts

"Shit, I'm sure I'll have to go through training after that to learn how to use this skill" mumbles Luo Hao with displeasure while holding on to not scream in pain so as not to attract zombies

but even this was already too late, the noise of the glass breaking was too loud and the zombies in the vicinity started to run towards the canteen

he quickly turns around and runs towards a pavilion that he had near the canteen, the pavilion was not big but it had enough structure to shelter against this zombie, at least temporarily

"Somebody, please somebody save me" a girl's scream was heard from the direction of a tree that was currently surrounded by three zombies girls

she was hanging from one of the highest branches of the tree, as she had come to no one knows

Luo Hao reluctantly looks back and sees that several zombies are still walking towards the canteen, only some were coming towards him

he then decided to try to help the girl, the more people at the time the better, the survival when you're in a team increases a lot

He then runs quickly towards the tree and with the momentum received with speed he swings the apprentice baton back towards the head of one of the three zombies

The hit zombie falls to the ground while Luo Hao moves quickly away from the two remaining zombies who had their attention drawn to him

the zombies ignore the girl and start going in the direction of Luo Hao, "Looking straight ahead, they're really disgusting," he says as he pays attention to them

"perhaps they were one who was infected by others and not one who woke up transformed," he says as he looks at the various bruises on the girl that would normally be severe for a normal human

"This was no time for that" he thinks as he prepares with his baton towards the zombie girls

As the zombies walked towards him, Luo Hao slowly retreated backwards looking for a chance to attack without suffering any injury or if he was not in trouble

He then accidentally hit a rock that was on the ground, "I can use this" he thinks excitedly

He quickly picks up the stone from the ground and decisively throws one of the zombies and runs towards the other

dealing with two zombies at the same time is problematic so your plan changed to stun one while dealing with the other

with all his might he shakes the stick vertically in an attempt to hit the top of the zombie's head and kill him in a single hit


"Shit" a cry of anger comes from Luo Hao after realizing that the apprentice stick had broken after hitting the zombie's head, "Girl, get down from there we don't have much time" says Luo Hao for girl who quickly starts to climb down the tree

He looks away in the direction of the zombie who had fallen after being hit by the stone that was now trying to get up

With the broken part of the stick he runs over the zombie quickly for fear that he can get up and jump over his body then stabbing the zombie's face with the stick

[you have advanced to level 3 and gained 1 status points please distribute them]

Without wasting time and ignoring once again the system's warning he turns to the girl who had just climbed down the tree

The girl was average height, her wavy brown hair descended to below her shoulders and her body was visibly not very developed. She wore a black shorts with a white sweatshirt that was covered in dirt.

"You-" Luo Hao shows a serious look rushing towards her and holding on to his arm, eventually scaring her for a moment until she realizes what he was looking at

"That's not done by them," she says in an attempt to explain the bruise on her left arm

I'm changing several things in history and the god and devil system itself as you can see

excludes stamina statistics that I didn't find very useful, and I also want to make the skill have more real effects instead of just adding status points when activated

comments you think.

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