
God's Unfair, Isn't It?

Olivia had all enough when her father passed away. She intended to end her life but she never thought that what waiting for her was a world without eyes to see. Olivia went through a lot to find out what is the purpose of her being in another world. Her eyes, her family, her mental condition, her everything might be robbed just to know the meanings behind her being there. Well, let's see what's 'God' have for 'playing' mischievously like this.

cielkeyz · Fantasy
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5 Chs


"Young lady, have you awake?" A voice of a man calling her. Her body felt really heavy and she could barely open her eyes.

"Ugh… we em a…" What! How could my voice? The way I spoke also different, the accent, the words, I mean it was pretty… childish! Or so, she said without voicing it as she examined her surroundings.

So, currently, she stayed in a room that could be said as the widest room she ever been in to. The one who called her just now introduced himself as An from the Yun family who recently became an apprentice of one of the young master of this house. Well, whatever, by the way, who's exactly she turned in to? Did she shrink or curse or something? Her body, her hand was really small as if she was a si— hold up.

Oi, oi, oi. Are you being serious? Six?! Olivia screamed out her frustration without voicing it (again). Olivia always hated her young self because there was many things she could not do by herself and it felt very annoying to her.

"Em, Brother An, where am I? And who am I, actually?" Yun An left with a shock on his beautiful face. "Lady, are you—"

"LIIIIXUEEEEE!!" Either Olivia, Yun An, or other staff there jump in surprise and almost shouted to the edge of their throat out because of that kind of loud and piercing ears voice. It was not good for heart health if you encountered this often.

A young man dressed in a white robe, well, Olivia saw it as weird, like was it hanfu? You know, the traditional Chinese clothes that you always saw on festival or internet? That young man had a beautiful face, not too chubby yet not too skinny, Olivia could bet that this guy must be a really 'expensive' model or actor. His figure was tall with a broad shoulder. In additional, gentle eyes and gentle smile.

"Ah Xue, does it still hurt? Of course, it must be! Oi, Xiao An, what do you think my sister is, huh? She is my precious younger sister! Daughter of the great merchant and sister of the greatest doctor in the entire East land!" That guy declared as he like while that Yun An guy seemed troubled as he tried to calm him down, but it was not Olivia's problem, so she turned to other side as that pitiful guy looked for help.

(Note : Actually, I found that Ah- and Xiao- used for calling someone close or familiar to you, or so I found in most of script)

"Say, is this my elder brother, Brother An?" said Olivia. That words alone are really amazing, it shutted that loud guy up until Olivia probably seeing things like a soul got out from that guy's mouth.

Yun An turned to Olivia and nodded, "My Lady, this is Lord Guo Li Wei, your eldest brother out of the other three young master and I am Lord Wei's apprentice." Thank you, An, for those information.

"Then, me…?" Olivia pointed herself as she still confused what was her identity.

"My Lady is Lady Guo Li Xue, the youngest daughter of Lord Guo Yang Shen and the youngest sister of Lord Wei."

"Li Xue." Olivia pointed herself as she spoke, then pointed at that loud guy, then the gentleman who sat beside him, "Brother Wei and Brother An?"

As she realized that certain something felt wrong, she uncovered the blanket that covered her body from the beginning. "Brother Wei." She tried to stand and walk towards Guo Li Wei, but ended up falling.

"Be careful, Ah Xue." Guo Li Wei held her just in time before any part of her body hit the floor, was it tatami, the floor of Japanese traditional house?

Olivia turned her face toward Guo Li Wei, "Brother Wei, Ah Xue sorry for forgetting Brother Wei, Ah Xue so sorry…" Her face almost looked like she was about to cry.

"Shh… it's okay, it's okay…" Guo Li Wei wiped her almost fell tears. "Ah Xue is my precious one, it is fine even if Ah Xue forget, Brother will remind you again and again."

(Note : Sometimes I really want to write it in Japanese because it's more similar to my imagination, but I don't know the words well)

"Then, Xiao An… how did this happen? I have checked her medicine yesterday and there seemed tobe no side-effect," said Guo Li Wei as he put Olivia to sit on his lap.

"My apologies, My Lord. I, myself, also checked the medicine and there were nothing to cause the side-effect. My guess was that My Lady had her mind in shock-state, so apparently, a few of her memory seems tobe forgotten." Yun An answered with a pity grin toward Olivia as he felt really sympathetic.

"Brother Wei…?" said Olivia as she felt her hair being stroked gently by Guo Li Wei.

"It's okay, everything will be fine in no time…" Olivia looked up at Guo Li Wei, seeing an empty smile or was it a pitiful smile, on his face.

Olivia didn't know why, her chest ached as she looked at her unfamiliar surroundings, her unfamiliar gentle brother, everything. Why was Olivia resided in another body in another unfamiliar environment? Olivia could not catch up with whatever happened before her eyes.

So, apparently, the body she resided in recently called Guo Li Xue. A girl of six, the lady of Guo house, and the 'victim' of murder attempt by someone of the 'noble'. Actually, when Olivia messed with her memory not awhile ago, she found out that because Guo Li Xue engaged to the crown prince and some didn't like it, so they attempted on an assassination. But, a few of them noticed by her immediately, well, she accidentally listened to that kind of attempt almost every time she visited the palace.

About the crown prince, then. He is about four years older than Guo Li Xue, name Wang Ao Yan. Even his name symbolized the majestic West dragon, wait, West? Well, Wang Ao Yan apparently was a child of the East King and the princess of a great West Kingdom. So, he received the support of West Kingdom and the East, that's why people some kind of scared of him and if he got married to Guo family's lady, then his power would be oppressive. Of course to those corrupted people who only thought of themselves, that fact really was a menace.

"I wanna go home. Dad—" Olivia startled by her own words. "Ah, yes, daddy's not coming back… anymore…" Tears begin to roll down to her cheeks as she wiped it as to not make other noticed.

She sat on a stone not too far from the fish pond near the main house. She suddenly remembered about that sad moment. Where her father would never welcome her anymore when she got home from studying at university or from going somewhere. She just too missed him, she was longing for those warm arm that will hug her every time she wanted to. But now…

"Ah Xue!" Olivia looked up, her eyes met with a gentle faced man with a tidy appearance. His beard was not too long and seemed maintained, he waved at Olivia as he walked closer to her.

"Daddy…" That word just got out from her mouth unconscious. Her body instinctively ran toward that man. She never thought that this unfamiliar man could make her felt as if she really missed him so much.

"Daddy…" She said as she hugged him and that man lifted her little body up. "Daddy a… I miss you ughh…" Olivia's tears welled up as she hysterically cry and hugged that man really tight as if she didn't that man to let go or leave her alone anymore.

"Calm down now, Ah Xue. Father is here, father is here… no need to cry…" He patted Olivia's back gently as he walked in to the house while holding Olivia in his arm.

(Note 1 : a (啊) is not necessarily needed but just to complete the feeling that I want to express here.

Note 2 : Father (父亲) here used to address father quite in the past, this is what I usually saw on movie though.

P.S. If any of it was wrong, please do tell me)

"My Lord."

"My daughter has been changed, she never showed her emotion, but yet after that assassination attempt, she changed. No matter, I will still cherish her, but then…" That gentle faced man turned into a devil-like man with a cold-stern eyes and voice. "In any way, find those master-minds. I really have to indulge myself in this fun attempt." He said that as he laughed coldly.

The other man in full black suit, similar to ninja, who stand in front of him shuddered a little, but then answered, "Yes, this servant shall do!" After that, the 'ninja' guy vanished like a shadow.

Left the other man, the Lord, to stare at the night sky. "Ah Xue, I will protect you this time. Just cuddle me like what you did today, I will surely spoil you… my princess…"