

He lived a hard life. He died. And God decided to reborn him and reward him for being good. A heroic adventure of the former biggest loser.

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12 Chs



"Urmm...yeah. I'm sorry, but I just can't sell this farm."

"Why not? You don't like money or something?"

"I grew up here Liz. I can't just leave my home just like that. For no reason."

"There is a reason. Money. Millions of 'em. Let's leave this old home, and get a new, bigger, better one. Come on Gary. The farm doesn't even make much. It cost money. And it doesn't even worth the effort."

"Ah then you would love this. A few of the butchers, and restaurants have invited the farm for a joint venture. The meat and produce would retail at a lot higher than selling it wholesale. I mean, that's a lot of stable income coming our way. Isn't it good?"

"Whatever profit we make won't even get close to what we could get by selling the farm. Plus, you would get a lot of government projects for your firm. Let's just do the rationale thing here, and sell the farm, okay Gary?"

"I...can't. Not when the farm's started to make serious money now. There's no more reason to sell the farm. And, if I had a choice, I don't want to move. I like it here. This is a great place to live, Liz. Even Sammy wanted to stay here, right buddy?"

I hate getting roped into confrontation that's not my own. I just want to eat my breakfast in peace. But, since it's for the farm, I'll gladly do it. With mouth full of sausages and eggs, I backed my dad up. "Yeah I like it here mom. I learn a lot about animals and plants. And Ricky and the folks were nice to me as well."

Through his eyes, I could see dad giving me the thumbs up. Unfortunately, mom did not like what she's hearing.

"Urghh, I don't get this family. Why would you choose to live in a stinky farm, when you could live in a big house in the city. You're as stupid as you're dad. I can't take it with you. I'm going to work. Where smart people exist."

Mom stormed off to work. Dad sighed and shook his head. Honestly, it did sour my appetite a little bit. But my dad's homemade sausage patties and scrambled eggs were too good not to finish. So I continued eating.

"I know it was you, Sammy."

I almost choked. Thankfully the glass full of orange juice was near. I drank the entire glass in one shot, which helped the food to go down easier while my dad rubbed my back. Seeing me not choking anymore, he got up to get the juice and refill my glass.

"What do you mean dad? What did I do?"

"Oh come on. I know Ricky took you to see the butchers and the restaurants owner. You arranged the deal. Don't deny it because Ricky told me himself."

"Oh hehe. Yeah maybe I did."

My dad was not mad. He was smiling in fact. "Now how did a six year old got so smart?"

"Hehehe how else. Books and TV of course. I told you cable was a great investment, didn't I?"

"Hmph, yeah right. You're this smart without going to school. Do I need to waste money sending you to one?"

"Come on dad, don't be cheap. We got a lot more money now, we can afford a little school tuition."

Dad and I both laughed. Then he tousled my hair. "I'm proud of you, you know that."

Oh my god, I almost cried. The only thing a child wanted to hear, was how proud he made his parents. I got it at six years old. Well, thirty seven if you count my previous life. If you count it. It doesn't count.

"I just don't want to move from the farm. I don't want other people getting in my swimming pool on top of the hill."

"Ah yes, another reason to make your mom angry. Great. Just great."

That's another pickle I thought. Mom. The reason she wanted to sell the farm, was so that she could pocketed the money herself, and ran off. It scared me to think what she might do next.


"What's up?"

"What're we gonna do about mom?"

"Hrmmm, I dunno. I'll try to talk to her again when she came back from work."

It's not gonna work, but I don't want to say it. I just smiled at my dad as I finished the last of of the eggs and sausage patty.

"Umm excuse me...Mr. Dewter?" Ricky appeared at the kitchen door.

"Ahh Ricky. What is it? Did Sammy forgot to do one of his chores this morning?"

I was about to protest. I mean come on dad. I never forgot to do my farm routine. But Ricky beat me to it. "Oh that's alright. I always cleaned up his mess anyway."

"Cehh." both men laughed at my response. "What is it then Ricky?"

"Oh right. There's a lawyer looking for you. I brought him to the front door."

"Ahh right. Thanks Ricky. Oh by the way, I need both you and Sammy to join me to meet the lawyer as well okay?"

Me and Ricky exchanged looks. Why would we meet a lawyer? All of a sudden?

Turns out, dad wanted to put the deed of the farm and the entire land under my name. Dad also entrusted Ricky with the rights to manage the farm, should I inherited it before I reached the legal age. I asked dad why, and he simply said that he was impressed that I set up the business ventures, that he felt I was the right person to inherit my grandparents' farm. I was simply speechless. But was also glad. Even if something happened to dad's business, there's still the farm. My dad won't have to die.


"What should we do now, Rowan? My idiot husband didn't want to sell the farm."

"I thought it was a done deal." Mayor Rowan Golston casually enjoyed a cup of tea, and cucumber mayo finger sandwiches.

"I thought so too, but then for some reason, Gary said the farm started making serious money. Plus, there's my stupid son stupid attachment to the farm. Honestly, poor people will always have that poor folks mentality."

"Wow, you're quite harsh to your family ain't cha?"

Liz plopped down on Rowan's lap, and put her hands on the mayor's cheeks. "What good is family if we can't be rich? I have needs Rowan. Needs only you can provide."

"Hahaha, that I do. So, what are you gonna do now?"

Liz took a sandwich, then chomped down on it. Then drank the tea in Rowan's cup to help it go down. "I don't know. Kill him?"

Rowan suddenly grabbed Liz by the shoulders. His action, plus the wild look in his eyes really startled Liz. "Should we? Should we really kill your husband?"

"Err, well…"

Rowan smirked. "Oh, you hesitated? Looks like deep down, you do love your family huh?"

"Fuck that. Go ahead, kill my husband. Kill my stupid son too while you're at it. Just make sure I don't get caught by the police. Oh, and I get everything."

"Pfft, I own this town darling. The cops, everyone in it too. If I say there'll be an accident befalling the farm, killing your family, then it will be as I said. The question now is, do you want to do it?"

Liz gave Rowan a deep, long kiss. "Do it."


Hello, my name is C Bucket. I'm writing to fulfill my life long dream of buying a bucket of KFC fried chicken.

Please subscribe to my Patreon Kase Aufstrich, and help me buy a bucket of fried chicken.

Thank you,


C Bucket

Kase Aufstrich