
God's Rebel Child

A man from the future became Adam. What kind of change will such a rebirth bring. Desire is expanding, reason is dissipating. The purity of the Garden of Eden is absent, the newborn human beings are absent from faith, the history of Europe is unrecognizable, and the countries of Asia are familiar but strange. The transcendent city built by humanity who left the Garden of Eden on Earth. They saw Adam as the leader, but the dead leader was the good leader. How will history be going on?

Easybro · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chaper 1

The stars and the moon take turns in the sky. The sea rises and falls, the wind blows and stops. Shadows dance in the air like tides, and life bustles on the ground like ants. Two thousand years of time pass in a blink of an eye.

The sun bakes the earth mercilessly, and the hot wind howls in the desert, carrying sand that stings the skin.

A group of people struggle to run on the sandy ground, riding camels. Behind them, dozens of people on camels are waving their scimitars, shouting in various languages.

Soon, the fleeing group is surrounded, with a total of eight people circled in the center.

"What do you want?" A tall man in a white robe climbs down from the camel's back and shouts the common phrase in old stories. His face is tightly wrapped in a windproof scarf, leaving only his bloodshot eyes visible.

The others do not answer. One of them, dressed in a black hemp robe and also tightly wrapped, slowly walks to the front on his camel, looking as leisure as if he is taking a walk.

He bends down and gestures to the man in the white robe with his left hand, which is wearing a gray hemp glove, signaling him to come closer.

The man in the white robe does as he is told, but the moment he gets close to the man in the black robe, a stream of blood sprays into the sky!

He helplessly covers his neck, his blood staining his white robe. He wants to say something, but only spits out a few of blood, falls to the ground, twitches a few times, and then loses his breath.

Immediately, all the people surrounded scream, they huddle closer together, huddling in the center of the circle like sheep shivering.

"Alright, hand over all your belongings. I hope your possessions won't disappoint our hard work, otherwise, you can only repent in the underworld." The man in the black robe wipes the blood-stained scimitar on his sleeve and puts it back in the sheath.

The people immediately understand that they have encountered the guardians of this desert, but in fact, they are the largest gang of robbers in the desert, the Lizard Lord's troops. They receive the official's salary and do the work of robbers, and they have long been notorious.

Being famous, even if it's a bad reputation, sometimes has its benefits. Knowing the identity of robbers, these captives cooperatively pile up all their belongings.

The man in the black robe who leads the group circles the items on his camel and nods in satisfaction.

At this time, a member of the gang of robbers suddenly notices something, reaches out and pulls off the headscarf of one of the captives, revealing her shoulder-length black hair, which shines like a waterfall in the sun.

"Look what I found!" The robber ignores the girl's scream and loudly calls his companions. Soon, everyone gathers around, and a burst of laughter erupts.

"Take her." The man in the black robe says indifferently.

"What do you want to do? You can't do this." The woman with the face scarf screams, but only struggles symbolically a few times, and is quickly thrown onto a camel by several members of the gang of robbers. She is very clear that in front of these robbers, intense resistance is undoubtedly seeking death.

"Sir, we have already handed over our belongings according to your requirements, we hope you won't..."

"Swish" another scimitar flash through, a robber accurately cuts the speaker's throat, blood sprays all over him. The remaining few victims don't say a word, they just look horrified at their companion twitching on the ground.

The man in the black robe points to the woman and says, "While I'm still in a good mood, don't make too many demands on me, otherwise, I'll talk to you about hiding property."

In his eyes, women are also a kind of property, not mentioning this woman at the beginning is equivalent to hiding property.

He moves his camel a few steps and instructs the robbers, "You guys, put the property on the camel and take it away. And you guys, lead the remaining camels." As he says this, he points to the captives' camels.

"Sir, you can't take the camels, if you just leave us in the desert like this, it's more painful than death!" The captives can't hold back at this point, without these camels in this desert, they undoubtedly have no hope of survival.

"Hmm, you're right, it would indeed be more painful than death." The man in the black robe thinks for a moment and says, "Then I'll be merciful and kill you."

As he speaks, several robbers have already drawn their scimitars and charge at them on their camels.

"No! It can't be like this! I am an official of the Domo Kingdom!" A man in a blue robe screams frantically, but this doesn't prevent anything. In the screams, blood splatters on the scorching sand.

"What did he just say? He was an official of what?" The man in the black robe points to the body of the man in the blue robe and asks.

"I didn't hear clearly, never mind." This desolate desert is the robbers' world, here they dare to rob even the emperor. It's not that they are really that strong, but because the truly powerful people will not appear in this desolate pile of sand.

Soon, this group of robbers kills all the captives, except for the woman, the blood that flows stains tens of square meters of sand red.

Singing all kinds of vulgar songs, they load all the property onto the camels.For them, this is no different from farmers harvesting rice, it's all the joy of harvest.

Suddenly, a cold wind blows, and everyone shivers. In the desert, cold wind is a rare thing, especially during the day.

Looking up, the man in the black robe sees that the sky is actually covered with dark clouds, and in no time, lightning crisscrosses, the sky seems to have turned into a ferocious beast, roaring.

"Wow--! It's going to rain!" A robber shouts happily.

The man in the black robe who leads the group sticks his finger into his face scarf, wets it with saliva, and probes it in the wind.

"Let's go back quickly, the weather doesn't look right. Don't run into a sandstorm later, that would be troublesome."

So, the robbers hum all kinds of vulgar songs and run north happily.

At this moment, no one noticed that the sand and stones on the ground were greedily sucking up fresh blood. The bodies, wrapped in thick coats, were becoming thinner at a visible speed.

The sky was always gloomy, accompanied by flashes of lightning and thunder, but there was no rain.

Until night fell.

A few vultures circled around the bodies on the ground, occasionally pecking at them.

In the center of the bodies, the sand slowly bulged, revealing shallow cracks around it.


A small sand dune suddenly exploded, and a hand that looked like it belonged to a mummy shakily extended out.

That hand waved in the air twice, then bent down with effort to support itself on the sandy ground. The movement seemed very clumsy.

After a while, a mummy crawled out of the sand.

Its head was bald, the eyeball of the left eye was protruding almost to the point of falling out, and the right eye was not better.

The skin all over the body was burnt to a shine due to the high-speed friction during the fall, not to mention the clothes.

Muscles, bones, blood vessels, and teeth were all exposed, looking charred and shriveled.

A horrifying wound in the chest pierced the body, but only occasionally leaked a little blood, after all, there wasn't much blood in this body now.

Accompanied by a loud rumbling sound, a bolt of lightning flew by, casting a terrifying white light on him, projecting a horrifying image.

Adam raised his head to look at the roaring sky, then lowered his head to look at the bodies all over the ground. A puff of white mist floated out from the gaps in his teeth, which were unprotected by lips.


Suddenly, he remembered the black figure that turned and flew towards the earth.


Another flash of white light passed, illuminating his terrifying face.