

Abrax Is a young Egyptian warrior who dreams to overthrow the gods and take his place amongst them. During the beginning of his journey, he is told of an olden tale of the gods and how they forged the universe. Intrigued by this, Abrax ventures across the whole of Egypt seeking a sanctuary of legends where he would come face to face with these forces of nature but before he could, Abrax must fight the perils his path presents him

Nika_Etominika34 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 6: Closer

Hooves of camels impeding across the sands of Avalon were the first things loud and clear before the residents even got a chance to start their daily activities. Lael Lafayette rode on the camel's back along with some of his men. He was seeking Abrax to inform him about something.

The group stopped just outside the inn, across the tavern, and got off their modes of transport. Lael walked to the tavern and entered the establishment which had just opened up, he removed his linen cover whilst making his way to the counter.

"Greetings, we are not open for business yet."

The same bartender from the previous day enunciated while kneeling under the table. He had no idea who the customer was but offered his greeting nonetheless, as he got up he was shocked to see Lael and quickly bowed his head.

"I am deeply sorry Mr. Lafayette, forgive my impotence."

Lael just shook his hand dismissing the bartender. "Say, did a man come here yesterday? He had ivory hair and had a long weapon."

The bartender stared at Lael, he knew the famous man who not only kicked the nobleman's son but ridiculed the whole Qadir family by going that. "Well sir, I'm not being a gossiping person but do keep your distance away from that man."

Lael was startled a bit, stay away from the warrior? He had business to attend to with that man but he wanted to know more. "What do you mean? spill it out, I hate being put on the edge."

The bartender's eyes widened for a brief moment, he shook his head. "Yesterday, that man did something no resident of Egypt has ever done before, he punched Obasi Qadir and defeated his men rather quickly. He made a spectacle against the Qadir family, everyone knows this."

To say Lael was shocked, was an understatement. He was beyond shocked, even as a noble he wouldn't touch the son of Kalem not ever. He kept his shock in check. "Did you see what he went when he left this place?"

"He went to the inn across the tavern, try to check him there."

With no time to waste, Lael spun on his heel and left the tavern. He started at the inn on the opposite side of the establishment he was in and headed inside.

Once inside, he went straight to the reception.

Like the bartender, the receptionist saw him and visibly panicked. She composed herself and plastered a large smile on her face. "Welcome to Avalor, Mr. Lafayette."

Lael nodded as he took a stop before the lady behind the table. "Yes, do you by chance happen to see a man with a large weapon here?"

Before the receptionist could answer, Abrax descended the stairs, fully equipped with the clothing he gas worn the day prior. He looked to his side and saw Lael standing there, he was confused as to why the man came here but didn't push it. He wanted him to say it himself.

Lael caught sight of Abrax and walked up to him. "Sir! I would like it if you came with me to my home there is something of great importance I wish to discuss with you in private."

Abrax creased his eyebrows and narrowed his eyes for a moment, he waged his options and nodded. Though he had to be busy and get going if he wanted to save the children.

"Lead the way."

The two males left the inn and boarded their respective camels, as soon as they set off east of Avalon, Abrax gave his inquiry. "What is it that we are going to be discussing? It ought to be something important given you had to drag me all the way here."

Lael smiled a faint smile. He had faith that Abrax was going to love what he was to be told.

Their journey took an hour and a half to come to its conclusion. The camels entered a city of luxury. Every house took up several acres of land and had been sculptured from gold, and ivory.

Abrax looked around as they kept moving, he couldn't help but feel disgusted by the things he saw — other natives dressed in cloth, half-naked hauling large weights were on the street and they were being punished.

He turned to Lael and narrowed his eyes. "Did you bring me here to show me how slaves are treated?"

Lael seeing that Abrax misunderstood his intentions clarified. "Not at all, I brought you to Nania to meet my family. My wife insisted I bring you over, she wanted to know what kind of person you are."

Lael's reply made Abrax when more skeptical, he couldn't drop his guard. This man did say his wife wanted to meet him, for what reason? To bewitch him?

"Welcome back Master Lafayette."

"I hope your journey wasn't troubling."

Abrax snapped his attention to the female slaves' greeting Lael. He scoffed, this wasn't how humans were supposed to be treated but he was any better than this.

He kept his peace until the reached the large mansion filled with exotic ornaments that highly complimented the golden support structures. But that wasn't what caught his eye, but in fact, the lady standing at the doorstep.

She had long auburn tresses that framed her oval face, she had a beauty mark underneath her right eye and a pair of jade eyes which complimented her tan skin tone and natural red, full lips.

The woman wore crimson linens with gold bands embroidered on them, gold bangles hung on her wrist, and to finish up the attire she wore two looped earrings.

Abrax stared at her for a while, she radiated nothing but divinity. Her pose made her even more desirable, he kept that thought to himself.

Lael pulled the camel to a stop and got off. He glanced at the woman and hugged her immediately. "I've returned sister. I'm sorry I kept you all waiting."

"Likewise younger brother, but enough trivialities."

Abrax got off the camel and walked to Lael and his sister. He stood behind Lael facing the woman straight on.

"Sister, this is the man I was telling you about."

"Hello there, my name is Nephyths Lafayette. Lael's older sister." Nephyths introduced herself smiling at Abrax.

Abrax acknowledged her by nodding his head. "My name is Abrax."

Lael was taken back, he never knew Abrax's name or that it was such extraordinary.

Nephyths on the other hand merely widened her smile. "Ah taken from the ancient scripture meaning the great Archon. It's a lovely name."

The doors leading inside the large building were opened and another woman of pulchritude stepped out. She had more delicate features. And she wore the same clothing as Nephyths. "Oh, you are back. Come inside breakfast is ready."

The three standing at the stairway nodded and walked inside, Nephyths walking afore the two males. She intentionally added a bit of swaying to her hips while keeping an eye out for Abrax's reaction.

Abrax merely closed his eyes not wanting to be tempted and walked in silence, inside the large dining room.

Each of them including two more females who joined them shortly after took their seats around the table. The maids passed a bowl of water for them to wash their hands and gave them a cloth to rinse the water.

The ambiance around the table was calm as they ate breakfast. Lael looked over to his wife and cleared his throat. "Hortensia I don't believe you have been acquainted with Abrax."

Hortensia looked over at the man calmly eating his food. "It's nice to meet you."


The brief response returned the table to being calm and quiet again. Abrax continued eating occasionally stealing glances at the people around him.

Nephyth couldn't sit still. The reason was that Abrax ignored her, how could he ignore the savory meal that she was? she truly needed to find out more about him.

"So Abrax, what do you do for a living?"

Abrax heard her question and stopped eating. She was being very persistent, he swallowed and wiped his lips with a handkerchief. "I'm a traveler."

Nephyth's eyes narrowed at the response but she continued. "You are a traveler? A merchant traveler perhaps?"

"No, I'm not a merchant."

"Then what are you?"

"I'm a magician."

Nephyths retort was silenced by that response. Her eyes widened subtly, someone who can use magic? Those were not common.

"What type of magic do you possess at current?"

Her questions were starting to get on his nerves. Lael, from his seat at the head of the table, saw the flicker of emotions in Abrax's eyes and knew he had to stop this. "Please sister, Abrax is a guest here. Let's not ask too many questions."

Lael stood up and placed everything he used to eat on the table. "Follow me"

He beckoned Abrax to follow him as he retreated down the hallway.

Abrax nodded and excused himself from the table. He walked behind Lael in silence wondering where they were going.

Lael stopped before the door to his study and entered. Abrax followed and closed the door behind him.

Lael sat on his chair and looked at Abrax, no longer having the fear he had the day prior. "I found some information on Maharaj and some other slave traders."

This piqued Abrax's interest. He folded his hands and leaned against the wall. "Go on."

"But first, I need to know why you are interfering with the slave trades and slave unions."

"The town on Masha had its whole young population abducted in the middle of the night. Someone asked me to lend my help to find them."

"I see, that solves the first part of my questions. The second question, what was the method used to abduct the children? Was the forced entry?"

Abrax thought for a while. Aaliyah mentioned something about melody.

"The forced entry part I don't particularly know but from what the little girl said, is they were following a melody."

Lael's eyes widened, It couldn't possibly be. He was after him.

"The Piper, he's the most dangerous and notorious abductor in these parts. He operates using sound magic to hypnotize his victims."

Abrax raised an eyebrow, sound magic? That was surely interesting. "You seem to know a lot about this person."

"Yes, I do."