

Abrax Is a young Egyptian warrior who dreams to overthrow the gods and take his place amongst them. During the beginning of his journey, he is told of an olden tale of the gods and how they forged the universe. Intrigued by this, Abrax ventures across the whole of Egypt seeking a sanctuary of legends where he would come face to face with these forces of nature but before he could, Abrax must fight the perils his path presents him

Nika_Etominika34 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 3: Silent Abductor

After that little engagement with Abraham and his men, Abrax and Femi sat down to discuss what they were going to do to release the town from the clutches of the Pharaoh. But with her whereabouts known, it was bound to be a matter of time before more conniving foes come knocking at her doorstep.

She sighed and rubbed her temples, her tranquil life as a healer was potentially ruined. "So you are suggesting that you join his ranks and do damage from the inside out?"

Abrax nodded after he consumed the strip of dried meat. "Yes! I see it being the only way we could go at this."

Femi hummed to herself. She got up from her chair and walked to the counter. "You know, this idea of yours is not bad but it's not good either, what if you are discovered by them? You'll be outnumbered."

Abrax raised an eyebrow, as he looked at Femi. "You asked me to help, and I'm planning to do that but now you are having doubts?"

A frustrated sigh escaped Femi's lips, this man could be a pain at times. She fetched a map from the drawer and returned to the table. She laid out the map and pointed at Masha. "You see this? this is the town you are in Masha. North of it is Akbar where the Pharaoh's court is located."

A bored look graced Abrax's eyes as he listened to Femi speak. He got up and stretched his body faking a yawn in the process.

"I'm tired, can we address this tomorrow before I leave?"

Femi feigned her annoyance but didn't pressure him much. He had already helped her too much and was still helping her even now. "Fine, take the room you were in earlier."

Abrax nodded and ascended the stairs heading to bed. Femi stared at his muscular back and blushed, he was rather well built. She slapped her face gathering her thoughts. "Calm down. No need to ogle at him."

She blew out the lamp and retreated upstairs after ensuring that the shop was locked and all entrances were sealed shut.

Midnight hit, and the most deadly individual graced Masha with his presence. The eerie quiet down was changed as the person perched up on the cathedral began his plot.

"Masha! The time I make a grand spectacle has arrived."

His words were carried by the wind as hushed whispers. He took an instrument and placed it on his lips, the first note began soon after. From then a fine symphony of melodic notes rang out coalescing the town as a whole. The deadly notes of the piper were now beginning to show his intentions.

From all over the town, the children in each house were stirred awake by the melody and were put in a trance state. They moved, like zombies from their beds and flooded the streets heading to their summoner.

The masked individual smirked and leaped from the cathedral, heading southwest. The children followed him like mindless drones not feeling fatigued or any physical impairment. They walked through the sand bluntly unaware of the dangers that lurked.

One of the children stepped on a scorpion and was struck by its pincers. The crawler retreated soon after — while in its departure it released a young girl of about seven years from the deadly venomous clutches of the Piper

Her eyes glanced around trying to familiarize herself with her surroundings. She was supposed to be in her house sleeping, but for some reason, she was in the middle of the desert. She was getting scared and in her moment of panic, she turned tail running in the opposite direction as the others.

She ran as far as her short legs could carry her. Her trustworthy stuffed toy was the only companion she had at present.

She ran for the whole night in the direction they came from. As the sun was starting to peek its face from the East, illuminating the whole of Egypt. The little girl made her way into Masha.

The state of the people in the town of Masha was an utter mess. The concerned parents all piled up at the entrance of the cathedral. Worry, and anguish visible on their faces.

"Where are our children?"

" Someone! answer us."

" Have you found them yet?"

" Aaliyah!!!"

" Abner!"

The loud shrieks of the parents rippled across the heavens. They happened to wake up one man who was in an awful mood.

"Shut up," Abrax murmured getting out of bed.

The sun was yet to fully emerge and the residents were already causing a pandemonium. With his sleep now dissipated, Abrax left the room and headed downstairs in only his pants and boots.

He bumped into Femi on her way out the door and followed quietly. His eyes registered the mob of civilians standing at the foot of the cathedral.

The person who governed the town stepped up to the front, wearing his priest clothing. His eyes glanced at the people, and he hid his smirk covering it with a fake concern look.

" Father Adamaris, what should we do? Our children vanished in the middle of the night."

Pope Adamaris looked at the people. It worked like a charm but he didn't need to reveal that to them. Like a servant of their God Ra, he raised his hands in an assuring manner. " Faithful townspeople, be assured that our lord Ra will provide us with the solution to our problem. But for now, let's just wait and see if he will answer."

To add more coaxing, the ring he adorned on his ring finger glowed a bit. This glow helped him cast illusion magic to convince the people that not all hope is lost.

Abrax scoffed, he could detect the surge in magical essence. He folded his hands and looked over his side, looking at Femi. "Don't tell me you believe what he said."

Femi snapped her attention to Abrax. " Of course, I believe him. He's one of the twelve saints who were anointed for their connection with Ra. If Father Adamaris says let's wait we wait."

Abrax's eyebrow twitched profoundly. "So in your right mind, would you stay here while not knowing if the kids are safe or not? Are you going to bluntly trust someone who told them to wait? I know I won't. But enough about me, I'm going for a walk."

Abrax walked off heading in the direction of the town's exit. He trudged forth, keeping an eye on the populace and how they were behaving. He was sickened to the core, these people were idly waiting for a miracle to happen.

"What a bunch of fools, trusting a narcissistic person like that." Abrax scoffed and bumped into something.

He averted his eyes down to see what he collided with and was puzzled to see, a seven-year-old kid on the streets with only her pajamas and stuffed toy.

Abrax knelt and helped the girl to her feet. He offered her a kind smile afterward. "Tell me, what's your name and where did the other kids go?"

The little girl who was sobbing before sniffed and looked at Abrax. "My name is Aaliyah, the others went that way last night... We were following a melody."

Abrax placed his hand on his chin. A melody? Where had he heard that before? It was obvious that the cause of all this was the melody itself.

"There he is, the child Abductor!!"

Abrax turned around and witnessed the crowding mob. He was dumbfounded but kept his reaction at bay. "What do you mean?"

"See my loyal subjects? I told you that Our great lord Ra will always answer our pleas." The Pope added fuel to fire as he sandwiched himself in the crowd for a bit as he made his way to the front.

"Where did you take the kids?"

"Tell us!!"

"You monster, did you come here to prey on the defenseless?"

"You are a horrible human being who deserves to die."

The Pope stopped before Abrax, who was still kneeling, and sneered at the man. " People of Masha, I've come to a decision. This man right here should be punished for his deeds and he is to be hanged at the central of Akbar for all to see. Now capture this ma—"

Adamaris was interrupted by a loud shriek. He looked behind Abrax and cursed under his breath.

Aaliyah, the progenitor of the shriek drew the attention of everyone. She looked at them and blinked her tears away. "This man is innocent, we were abducted by someone playing a melody from a musical instrument. He and the other kids were heading to Akbar."

The mob was stunned. They assumed Abrax was the abductor due to having found him with Aaliyah added to the unfamiliarity they had.

The Pope was now sweating. His crowd control was not working after the revelation from the child, he decided to keep his mouth shut for now.

"Father Adamaris please lend us your men. Help us to find our children."

"Yes Father, please we beg you!"

The Pope looked at his men with a critical eye. They all started acting sick and clutched their stomachs. "As you see, my priests aren't feeling well. I won't jeopardize the rescue by lending you all sick helpers."

His calm word of conviction convinced everyone but Abrax.

"Sir, could you please help us?"