

Abrax Is a young Egyptian warrior who dreams to overthrow the gods and take his place amongst them. During the beginning of his journey, he is told of an olden tale of the gods and how they forged the universe. Intrigued by this, Abrax ventures across the whole of Egypt seeking a sanctuary of legends where he would come face to face with these forces of nature but before he could, Abrax must fight the perils his path presents him

Nika_Etominika34 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 2: Femi's lineage

Femi bid goodbye to the last customers who had visited her store and prepared to close up. She wiped the counter with a cloth, removing all the dust that had accumulated on the oak. After she was done she closed the windows and put down the curtains before heading to the door.

She was about to shut it close when a boot got in between stopping the door from fully closing. Femi crept her head into the opening left by the semi-closed door, She was instantly horrified. Femi took several steps back and fell on her behind allowing the person behind the door the leisure to open it.

"Femi Isis, I take it?"

The man asked once he got through the door, several others heavily armed also stepped inside, crowding the small store with their numbers.

Femi even though horrified put up a pretense. "I don't know who you are looking for."

The leader of the group chuckled and brought his hand to the pouch attached to his waist. He fondled the things inside and fished out a poster. He placed the poster in front of Femi and looked at her.

"I'm not stupid, I know this person on the paper is you, and it's not a coincidence that you happen to share the same name as Femi Isis."

The man's towering body made him look like a monster to Femi. She tried to claw her way back but she was stopped by the man who grabbed her ankle and held it in place.

Femi desperately trashed, trying to free herself from the binding but nothing she did made the grasp ease it only made the man grip her ankle even tighter.

"Please! You have the wrong person. I'm just a healer, I don't know that person."

The unknown assailant and his team laughed. This girl knew how to make someone laugh, it was no wonder that she managed to evade capture for that long. For twenty years, have they been searching, and in those twenty years they only came up empty-handed until this day.

"Isis, the royal family that ruled this land thousands of years ago. Presumably, to be connected to the goddess Isis, you don't know how much you are worth in the market. Now be a good girl and come with us."

The captain said having a lecherous grin on his face. He was going to make a killing in the slave market, what better way to make money than sell the daughter of one of the most sacred lineages ever to roam the planet.

The dreadful feeling sank in, Femi shuddered and was paralyzed in fear. She couldn't muster the strength to speak, the only thing she could do was cry and hope that someone came to her aid.

The pandemonium downstairs was irritating Abrax who shifted and tossed around the bed trying to tune out the voices.

After a few moments of doing the same thing with no fruition. Abrax gave an exasperated sigh and got up from the bed, he shivered when his feet touched the floor finish but ignored that. He staggered to the door, using the walls as leverage for walking. Once outside the door, he descended the stairs and saw what made his blood boil.

"What do you guys think you... Are doing?"

His voice caught the kidnappers off-guard. The captain turned around and looked at the battered Abrax standing a few feet away from him.

"And who are you?"

Abrax looked at Femi hanging on the man's shoulder and he suddenly felt angry, he kept his composure and glared harshly at the man holding her. "I'm the head of this shop and you are having my employee on your shoulder, put her down and we all can call it a day."

Femi felt a blush creep on her cheeks, she couldn't understand why Abrax worded his statements that way. Was he insinuating that she was his to claim? Femi was like any Egyptian female, she had fantasies, and this one happened to be one of hers. She temporarily forgot about her circumstance.

The captain laughed yet again. "Boy, you don't know who this girl is? She's the last living descendant of the Isis lineage. Many would pay a large sum of money just to get her and breed with her but what if the Pharaoh was ever to get a whiff of this I'll be filthy rich! I'll be royalty."

The man's words were sickening. Human Trafficking? Abrax knew that the nobles and other royalties were into such. But he was not going to let that happen to Femi.

He chuckled a bit. "You know, I don't give a damn about lineages and what not. They aren't the ones who define what someone will shape out to be."

His statement once again made Femi's heart skip a beat. She composed herself but couldn't get her fluttering heart at bay. 'Why am I reacting this way?'

The captain's prideful face twisted. He was no longer laughing, but instead, he was angry. Angry at Abrax for his statement, who was he to judge him? The son of Nefertiti. This man judged him.

Abraham put Femi down and stepped forward closing the space in-between him and Abrax. "Dare to say that again to my face?"

Abrax stared at the towering man without fear in his eyes. "Put her down and none of us gets hurt."

Abraham chuckled and looked to the side. Quickly, and swiftly, Abraham raised his hand from beneath going in for an uppercut to Abrax's chin.

Abrax was however fast enough. His left foot was pulled backward, and his upper body was leaned back although with a bit of resistance. The uppercut grazed his chin a bit, missing him by a millimeter.

With the attack off point, Abraham tried to gather his balance by shifting his hand and changing its upward trajectory back down to slam on Abrax who exposed a bit of vulnerability.

His action was rewarded by a force that hit him way too fast to follow — Abrax in that instant delivered four precise kicks, one on Abraham's chin. One on the left side of his neck, the other on the right side, and the final one on the back of his nape.

The man kneeled, having his breathing messed up by the kicks, and clutched his throat wheezing. He craned his neck to look at Abrax, fire flashed in his eyes after had suffered the humiliating defeat. Abraham raised his hand and did a sign alerting his men to charge.

But before any one of them could even move a muscle. The sound of bones being crushed rang true, cutting through the quiet ambiance.


Abraham screamed after Abrax stomped on his shoulder hard enough to shatter the shoulder blade into two. He tossed on the ground, forgetting that he had weapons. As the pain was too much to bear.

Abrax grabbed him by the collar and dragged him to the door, he threw Abraham out on the street and turned to his men. "Leave now!"

The men nodded and put the tied-up Femi on the floor before scurrying out of the shop. They picked up their captain and ran away with their tails in between their legs.

Once they were gone, Abrax turned to Femi after locking the door and knelt to untie her. "Are you ok?"

Femi looked to the side and nodded, she looked to the ground letting her dark tresses hide her facial reaction. "Yeah, I'm ok, thanks to you."

Then something clicked, Abrax was wounded but he was moving just fine. She whipped her head up and looked at him. "What happened to your wound?"

Abrax looked at her then at his abdomen. He peeled the bandage away and watched along with Femi as the tissues stitched them up one by one leaving only a mark behind.

Femi gasped. "You have regeneration magic? That's one of the rarest magic types but from what I can tell you are not using your magical power."

Abrax stared at her confused. Magic? He didn't have anything of sorts, his body was just good at healing itself whenever he has enough strength.

"Nope, I don't believe I have magic, my body was always good at repairing itself."