
God's Kingdom

A thrilling journey through a realm of gods with Irene, a young woman with deep blue eyes and an air of mystique, as she explores mythical landscapes and encounters divine beings in her otherworldly adventures

momakun · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Island of the Lost

I stood before a desolate island, its shores washed by crashing waves that echoed the sorrow within me. The air was heavy with a palpable grief—a feeling that emanated from a lone figure sitting atop a stone throne.

Approaching cautiously, I observed the deity—a god who had lost his purpose, his spirit burdened by an invisible weight. I felt an immediate connection with his anguish.

"I sense your sorrow," I said softly, my voice carrying both empathy and curiosity.

The god's eyes met mine—a glimmer of hope flickered within their depths as he whispered, "You can hear me? You can feel my pain?"

Nodding solemnly, I stepped closer. "I am Irene—someone who has been granted the ability to communicate with gods and share their burdens."

The god's gaze lingered on me for a moment before he spoke again. "My name is Arion—once revered as the bringer of light and joy to this island."

"What happened?" I asked gently but urgently.

Arion sighed heavily as memories resurfaced in his mind like shards of shattered dreams. "Long ago," he began hesitantly, "this island was vibrant—filled with laughter and mirth—the embodiment of happiness itself."

"But something changed?" I probed gently.

Arion nodded slowly—the weight on his shoulders evident in every movement he made. His voice quivered as if afraid to utter what came next: "A dark force invaded this realm—an entity born from shadows itself—it enveloped everything—the laughter turned into cries—the joy into despair—and eventually even my own light succumbed to its darkness."

Tears welled up in Arion's eyes—he had carried this burden for far too long—and now it was time for someone else to shoulder it alongside him.

"Can you show me your memories?" My request hung between us—an unspoken promise of shared pain and understanding.

Arion hesitated but then extended his hand towards me, his palm glowing with a faint light. As I reached out and touched it, a surge of energy coursed through me—I saw glimpses of a once-vibrant island—its people smiling and dancing—Arion himself radiant with joy as he weaved his magic.

But the scenes shifted—the darkness crept in—the people's smiles faded—their dances became slow, mournful steps—and Arion's light flickered as he fought against the encroaching shadows.

Tears streamed down my face—I felt the weight of this tragedy—and I knew that only through shared pain could we find healing. I opened my eyes, releasing Arion's hand.

"You are not alone in this," I said firmly. "Together, we can reclaim your purpose—we can bring back joy to this island."

Arion stared at me for a moment—a mixture of disbelief and hope reflected in his eyes. "But how?" he asked hesitantly.

I took a deep breath—a plan forming within my mind—an idea that had sprouted from our connection—an idea that could lead us towards redemption.

"We will gather the gods—those who still carry sparks within them—we will rally their powers—together," I declared passionately. "With their aid and our unwavering determination—we will confront the darkness head-on—and restore your light."

A glimmer returned to Arion's eyes—it was faint but unmistakable—a spark reignited amidst desolation—an ember yearning to become flame once more.