
God's Kingdom

A thrilling journey through a realm of gods with Irene, a young woman with deep blue eyes and an air of mystique, as she explores mythical landscapes and encounters divine beings in her otherworldly adventures

momakun · Fantasy
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30 Chs

A Grieving Heart

Amidst the chaos and battles that consumed Remnants of the Gods, a heavy weight settled upon my heart. The toll of this war, the loss and destruction that surrounded us, began to weigh heavily upon my spirit. The memories of my home and loved ones flooded back to me in waves—each passing day a reminder of what I had left behind.

One evening as we made camp beneath a moonlit sky,

Rylan approached me with concern etched across their face.

"Irene," they said softly, their voice filled with empathy.

"I can see the sadness in your eyes. Your heart grieves for what was lost."

I nodded silently,

unable to find words to express the depth of my sorrow.

Rylan sat beside me—a comforting presence amidst this turmoil.

"Tell me about your home," they said gently.

"Tell me about your loved ones."

And so I shared,

recounting memories of Seoul—the bustling streets filled with vibrant life—the warmth and love that permeated our family home.

"Yes," I said wistfully when Rylan asked if I missed them.

"I miss them more than words can express. It feels as if a part of me is missing—a void that cannot be filled."

As tears welled up in my eyes,

Rylan placed a comforting hand on mine—offering solace amidst this sea of sorrow.

"Our hearts bear burdens too heavy at times," Rylan whispered softly into the night air. "But know that you are not alone—I am here for you—and together we will find strength even in our grief."

Their words touched something deep within—reminding me once more why we fought—for Remnants deserved peace just as much as any other world.

Days turned into weeks—as battles raged on—and amidst it all—I carried within myself both hope for peace and an ache for what was lost.

One evening, as I sat alone near the edge of a battlefield,

Lyra approached—her gaze filled with a mixture of understanding and determination.

"Irene," she said firmly. "Our fight is not just for the people of Remnants—it is for every world that has been touched by war and suffering. We must press on—for their sake—for your sake."

I looked up at Lyra—her words resonating deep within me.

"Yes," I said, my voice filled with determination.

"I will not let my grief consume me. I will channel it into our fight—to bring an end to this war—to bring peace to Remnants."

Lyra nodded approvingly—a silent acknowledgment of the strength she saw within me.

As we continued our journey,

I carried both grief and determination within me—a bittersweet mix that fueled my resolve.

Late one night, as Rylan stood watch beside me,

they looked into my eyes—silent understanding passing between us.

"Yes," Rylan whispered softly into the night breeze. "We carry heavy hearts—but we carry them together."

And in that moment—in their presence—I found solace amidst this turbulent world.

Together, we would forge on—with hearts heavy yet steadfast—in our quest to bring an end to this war—to heal the wounds that scarred Remnants—and find peace amidst the remnants of gods long gone.