
Evil under the of name of Good

The Earth which looks peaceful on its outside but inner side its system is complex .

On one day in the " India " in ' Telangana state ' village called ' Gunpur ' an meteroite is collided in an 30 acre area and it is full of tension of reporters and media because it's the first time in India an meteorite is seen and the government has ordered to investigate it thoroughly and its tension is slowly reduced for about a week. In the village not far from the incident their is a family under the household name " Dev " and the family is full of celebration because the head of household ' Dev Ram ' became father of fourth child and the child is beautiful boy like scripture made from milk and the family celebrates the arrival of new child and the celebration lasts upto late night .

At mid night....

The family head Dev Ram changes his clothes by taking of his top but we can see the burnt marks on his back and hand ,soon he changes and takes the child from his sleeping wife ' Kumari Sanjana ' and looks the child with many complicated look and smiles the recalling event before two week ago .

Dev Ram is the farmer with middle class income ,takes the wife Kumari to the well known hospital and the checking of his eight months pregnant wife is done and result is that their is one complication and it can be solved by using a medicine and the medicine is taken by Ram.

After about a week his wife wastaken to hospital for pregnancy and Ram walks to and fro waiting for the good news but the result was unexpected that child is passed away .

Dev sees his wife is under anesthesia and takes child in his hands and looks with tearful eyes and burst in to tears and place the child in the comfortable pillow and wants to ask doctor for the justification and he goes to the cabin of doctors meeting to hear that that the drug used a week ago is the testing of newly invented drug on about to born new born baby for their result they used on about two fifty children and the result is failure.

By listening to their discussion Ram couldn't control his anger and broke the front door and after entering the room he smashed the doctors and everything in his site and after appeasing his anger and asked them why ?

and the answer was that it is for the future and it is necessary for certain sacrifices,by listening to them he couldn't handle his anger and the fat doctor was thrown outside of window

Ram smiled and said that it is also for good for future of nation.

Dev Ram walked to his sister ' Aporva ' and told her to send his wife to home that he would visit temple with his son for blessing and he would bring the child soon.His sister thought that something is wrong but finally nodded.

Ram walked out of hospital with his passed away child before looking the name of hospital called " Health " which is top in India and he knew that if he bring this subject to required authorities it would bring harm rather than good so he left the hospital with his child with heavy heart to his land to make his son to sleep under the bossom of Earth, he finished his work and placed tombstone above it and named on it as Dev Amar .He don't know how to tell his wife about the truth because he knew that his wife can't handle the truth rather than that he would become the evil person by telling that he sold his child for adoption to another family and after making decision he walked about 20 steps to find that an explosion soon

^^^^^bang bang bang^^^^

back of him and he was blasted to front.