
God's Heir: Tale Of The Eighth Immortal

Weekly bonus chapter goals: • 1 review: 1 extra chapter • 100+ (weekly) Power stones: 2 extra chapters. • Every 10 Golden Ticket = 2 extra chapters • Super gift = 4-8 extra chapters (depending on the super gift.) Normal posting schedule: 1 chapter(s) per day *** In a realm where immortal beings, known as the Chiranjeevis, have long protected humanity from evil demons, these guardians' sudden and mysterious disappearance throws the entire mortal realm into chaos. The gods themselves are deeply concerned, knowing that the Chiranjeevi's presence is vital for the survival of the mortal world. With the defenders gone, humanity is left vulnerable and defenceless against the looming threat of darkness. Amidst the escalating crisis, the anxious gods seek counsel from the great lord Shiva, the supreme deity. Recognising the gravity of the situation, Lord Shiva devises a daring plan to address the unprecedented crisis. He instructs the Devas to gather the remaining Somras, a potent elixir of immortality possessed by divine beings. At the same time, he commands lord Nandi to summon lord Parshuram, one of the original seven immortals, and entrust him with the precious Somras. The justification behind this bold approach was to awaken the Eighth Immortal, an entity whose existence even the all-knowing Lord Brahma would not expect, let alone the demons. While such a tactic may be regarded as abnormal and unsafe, the gods had no choice but to take extreme measures in the dreadful times. Their hope was that this new immortal, unlike any other, would rise to the occasion and restore the much-needed balance, shielding humanity from the looming darkness that threatens to swallow the mortal realm as well as find out what happened to the two missing immortals. *** Discord server link: https://discord.gg/bjetmPER5p

Vihaan_ · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Threat Levels of Demons

1. Preta (or Level 1 threat): At this level, threats are relatively minor, typically causing disturbances or minor inconveniences. These entities may possess limited powers and are not considered a significant danger to the world.

2. Daitya (or Level 2 threat): Entities at this level can cause more significant disruptions and may pose a moderate threat to individuals or small communities. They are not yet apocalyptic but can be formidable adversaries.

3. Danava (or Level 3 threat): At this level, threats become more substantial. These entities have significant powers and are capable of causing widespread disruptions. These creatures are strong enough to destroy small to mid-size cities by themselves.

4. Asura (or Level 4 threat): This class represent formidable threats to a large city. They have the power to cause large-scale destruction and upheaval. Their actions can have far-reaching consequences, and they require substantial intervention or effort to contain them.

5. Rakshasa (or Level 5 threat): These are extremely dangerous and cunning adversaries. They are masters of deception and can orchestrate complex plots. Countering them requires not only physical prowess but also clever strategies and insight. Often leading to an all-out war, and they can destroy countries in the blink of an eye.

6. Gandharva (or Level 6 threat): At this level, threats become mystical and otherworldly. Gandharvas, while often associated with enchanting music and beauty, can wield potent mystical powers. They may pose near-apocalyptic threats that challenge the fabric of reality.

However, they are not exactly demonic creatures, as they are often hailed as divine entities. But they do not hesitate to descend upon the human realm with ill intentions if they are challenged or taken lightly.

7. Kala (or Level 7 threat): Entities at this level are cosmic or time-altering in nature. They pose the most significant threats to existence itself. They have the power to disrupt the very fabric of reality, and countering them often requires extraordinary measures or divine intervention, such as causing the gods to incarnate in the mortal realm.

For Example: Ravana was a level 7 threat.