
God's Guardian

Great and full of blessings is the Ancient Ellada. From all of them it does not exist a higher honour to be blessed as a God Guardian, a chosen mortal human, blessed by god that he will worship, and gaining mistick powers. And only them have the deepest knowledge about the true fate to be a god. As every god have moment's of weakness when they are so powerless and unsafe that even a simple human can take their life. By the oath of guardian's, this few chosen have to protect them even with the price of their lifes. Awakening in the forest, a man that look like a soldier do not remember anything, being attacked by a monster and after saved by an ex-guardian of Goddess Hestia, he find out that he is a guardian and not a simple one, he is a Guardian of Light, the closest guardian of Helios sun god. He find that Helios is gone, and no one don't know where he disappeared, that's most probably mean that something happened in weakness moment of Helios. As a closest guardian that had to be beside his god all the time, this mean that Guardian failed his mission to protect Helios and now he have to find him till something bad may happen. On his way he find that in disappearance of Helios is implicated a dark power, that make even the greatest enemies of god's the titans, to tremble in fear.

Heimdalus · Fantasy
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4 Chs


"Day and night, light and darkness, Ice and fire, everything in this world have their opposites, even the law of Newton say every action has its equal opposite reaction. This world is full of contradictories that react to each other like an endlessly fight between them. Certainly is one fact, the most ancient battle that ever existed, the war of light and dark.

This eternal fight, that never stopped even today, brought the ancient gods that always fought for light, to great sacrifices to maintain the glimmer of hope for the peace and safety of mortals, that being so weak and powerless, were not able to protect themselves from the shadows.

However the gods didn't considerate one thing, the hope of mankind in good, unceasingly made them to rise up, and unconditionally giving new powers for gods that became the shield against the calling of darkness that despite of all heavenly protection was able to share in this world his whispers, resulted with great wars, plagues and calamities. The hope of mortals, so weak, so powerless, is the key. Until this small spark warm their heart, the pagan gods will never end their fight with primordial Dark"

Chisinau, December 31

Great National Assembly Square

The singing live music and calmly falling snowflakes, floating down over the happy people enjoying New Year fair. Walking through boutiques, an young man was looking with an amazed face to the souvenirs that captured his whole attention.

- Would you like a souvenir Theodor? It was hearing a calm man voice.

- No Alex, thank you. I was just curious.

- Ok brother, what do you think about something warm? In few minutes is New Year and I will become an icicle.

- Yah sure. Laughed Theodor.

- Would you like Glintwein or hot chocolate?

- Chocolate

- Ok, i will take a glintwein then.

- Drunky wine lover...

Both brothers started to laugh and Alex went to a boutique meanwhile Theodor was looking over the music concert.

"Time of pagan Greek gods passed away a long time ago, but this it doesn't mean that they never existed or still do not exist. Hidden among humans like simple mortals, they day by day fight against the darkness that I created by myself, that I set free from the depths of my mind. Because I was known throughout the history by different names of my avatars that I send to destroy the world. Quetzaquatl, Jormurgand, Shenlong, Vasilisk, this are just few of my names. However I never thought some of them to start loving the human world and to protect it instead of it destruction for which they were created."

While waiting his brother, someone hit the shoulder of Theodor. Looking to the guy that done that, he saw an old man with gray beard, dressed like a beggar, his eyes were completely dark. The old man gave a menacing smile and in next second disappear. A giant wave of fear overflowed over Theodor and with his shaking hands and a desperate look he tried to find his brother. He saw him that still was in the queue, trying to approach him through the people that stayed very close in his way he tried to call him, but suddenly his voice trailed off, despite of his painstaking tries his voice was silent. Alex made the purchasing and with two cups turned around and saw Theo jumping and waving his hands. Felling that something is wrong, Alex approached fast, but in next second in front of his eyes Theo vanished.

-Theo, Theo! Alex looked scared around, but with no results Theo disappeared.

"In the end, I understood why some of my avatars decided to protect humans, and I do not regret now that they chose to do this. And this eternal and tiring fight, I was supposed to be finished twenty years ago, when the one that was created from me, the one that was my creation, my son, in the end became my father. Believing that the everlasting war is finished, we left down our guard being blinded by happiness of victory, we forgot that the darkness is never giving up and it always claim what it belongs, the darkness wants me."

Seeing Alex approaching, the eyesight of Theo blurred and covered by obscurity, in next moment he find himself in an other place, he was near the square, on the alley of the classics. Looking around, he was alone and the lights started to shut down one after another to his direction, remaining alone in the dark only the moon was giving a small light around him.

Suddenly a husky voice whispered: I found you…

Turning around, in his front it was a black cloud with two golden eyes from it. Trying to run away from it through the alley, Theo slipped on ice and fell, caught by legs, the dark cloudy shadow pulled him to himself through the snow.

- You will not escape again, now you are mine.

Trying to free himself he was waving his hands in the snow to hold on something. Suddenly he felt something in the snow and grabbed it, the object was looking like a small sword, it was a white dagger.

Taking Theo close in front of his golden eyes the shadow started to laugh over him that tied by shadow ropes he still try to free himself. Releasing a hand, Theo started stabbing the shadow with the dagger he find out in the snow. In next second the shadow screaming in agony, throw him away on the nearby park street, because of collision shock Theo started to faint slowly, he saw how furious the shadow approached him and people on the square hear themselves counting: Five, four, three, two, one.

The shadow that was nearby him looked up, Theo saw the sky full with colors and the moon that was shining so bright and white, his eye sight was covered by white and he fainted.

Opening the eyes, Theo saw himself in a bed with white sheets and in a room with white walls, he understood he is in a hospital, next to him was sitting someone.

- Alex…

-Stay calm, don't try to get up. You was found unconscious, someone called emergency, the official report is that you slipped on the ice and hurted your head and lost your consciousness. But as I feel it was not this, right?

Theo closed his eyes and turned back starting to cry

- I am tired Alex, how long we still have to run away, I can't take it anymore! Even I have my memory remained from all my millions years, all I want now is just a normal life. I can not take it anymore, I can not continue to live in fear all my life… Uroboros of Darkness found me this time, what will stop him to capture me next time.

-Oh Theo… Alex took him and hugged him. We did not wish you a such life, and you know very well that your father left you in my care, to be able to find a way to save you.

- I saw him…

- Who?

-When I was attacked by him, I saw father. With an shocked face Alex was able only to look to Theo.

-Are you sure that you saw Helios?

He nodded.

- I don't know how, but I was able to hurt the shadow, and when firework started a light appeared between me and it and cast it away. Before I fainted, I saw his face, I am sure it was father, he saved me. Also I don't know from where appeared a white dagg…

Theo was not able to finish his sentence, Alex hugged him strongly to the chest.

-He's near, he is always near to protect you. Now is clear why I found near to you the Dagger of Goddess Selene, the Holly Moon Electrum. When I found you, few people were near you and calling the emergency, I saw the dagger near to you and I hide it.

Theo was able only to look amazed at the beauty of the white and full of elegance weapon.

- I don't know from where appeared this dagger, when I tried to escape I grabbed it from the snow by mistake without knowing what I took.

- Seems like Helios asked aunty Selene to help you a little bit. Remember this is not only a weapon, this is the regalia of Moon Goddess, and if you find it, this mean that it is yours till she will not ask it back.

-What do you mean?

-As I told you, this is a regalia, an artefact of a god that is the sign of power over the attribute the god is ruling, if god is giving to someone his regalia this is the greatest blessing that someone can get.

-Interesting why I get it?

- This you have to find out by yourself.

"In legends I was known under the different names, but the first name I had and I will never forget is Primordial Snake, Dragon of Primordial Waters that bite his tail Uroboros. This story is not about me, is about the one god that became my father, the Sun God Helios and his Divine Guardian."