
God's gift.

Humans sorrow are different in every person. Even tough human have unheal-able sorrow, one person's love for him and make time for him is enough to keep the person happy and heal through the help of love. “Good night, mom, i miss you and i love you". “Mom if only you could see ive met a person who love me as I am just like you did" “Im never letting him go!".

pawi_hlawncheu · Urban
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Chapter~4 (Online love)

The next morning was bright and sunny when the sun rises and woke up from the mountain, less people can be seen on the road side as it was sunday, people were getting ready to go to church.

Childrens were excited while the teenage/elders were not so excited but it was needed, because of their parents.

Henry was also exercising on their backyard, while Harry was still asleep. After Henry took enough exercise he sat down on a chair which they kept on their verandah, he took out his phone and started to text random people on the apps.

He had began since last year to avoid from depression, but nothing really helped him from his sorrows, sometimes he thoughts of killing himself but when he sees his little brother he just cancel it again and again.

Death has took all his best (loved ones) only except for his little hope little brother.

He took a peak at his watch and it was almost 9:00 a.m already he stood up and went towards his little brother room.

When he reach his little brother was all dressed up in black and was ready but when he thinks about his little brother clothes he was confused because his little brother never likes to wear black.

Seeing the confusing eyes Harry spoke up,"Today's the date that our mother passed away".

Henry was surprised to not noticed it earlier.

Henry also put on a black coat suit in respect of their dear mother's death. After the church programme was done they both went to thier mom's grave with a bunch of flowers and some beautiful rocks.

Harry was crying on top of the grave while Henry was watching him piti-fully with a watery eyes trying not to shed tears.

After staying half an hour, they went back to their home. Henry went straight to the kitchen and start cooking while his little borther Harry was still weeping in the sitting room.

Harry went to his room to change his clothes and also to take a short bath.

Henry dishes on the other hand was ready to eat and so he put it on the dining table. While he was waiting for his brother his bestfriend called him on the phone, he picked up and replied,"Hello". The other side of the phone was dead silence, there was nothing to hear.

When Henry was was about to call off the phone, a person replied,"Henry, hello, are you Henry?".

Henry was freezed, it was exactly the same voice as his dead father.

Henry couldn't think of anything, he look at the same direction on and on. When Harry came downstairs to eat, he saw his big brother looking at the same direction un-closing his eyes, he was a little creeped out.

He shake his big brother from his shoulder trying to wake him up, Henry suddenly woke up from his day dreaming and saw Harry looking at him helplessly.

Henry washed his hands and went back to his chair and started eating with his little brother, but his appetite was loss, even though his cook was delicious he couldn't eat a lot.

That night their neighbours had accompany them, as they still knew what was happening in the house of the boys, that death had took their best.

The moon was brighter than other nights and even the stars were shining sparklingly, the night was perfect and the air was also so refreshing.

Henry had a little programme that night and it went perfectly. He thanked everyone who was presented there to comfort their sorrow and worrying and letting them know that their neighbours are also supporting and caring.

The night was late so the people in the house started to return to their home and places.

Soon after they all left Henry and Harry also went to bed.

Couple of months had past,

Henry had been talking to some private person, Harry knew it because he always see his big brother smiling or with a lighten face when he talks to someone.

When Henry was child he always had an inner feeling that he likes boy, but his parents were against it so he always hid it inside and act like a boy. So, he tried to change himself with the help of God and started dating girls. His first date was Maria.

Maria : She was an officer, she had three big brothers with one younger sister, she had also been hiding her feelings but know that she had met Henry she told her parents that she had a date with Henry. She was groß (meaning of tall in german, just adding) beautiful and pretty, her attitude and manners were good.

Same to Henry his attitude and manners were same as Maria's.

They met from Instagram, and had been talking since than, when Harry knew that his big brother had been dating a boy he was shy and didnt want to let his friends know that his big brother is gay. So he even scolded his big brother. Now that his big brother had dated he was happy for him and also Harry had a good manner towards his big brother girlfriend.

Henry and Maria started to meet up in restaurant and coffee shops, they were in such a kind of love that no one had, they are happy that they had met each other.

Sometimes they laugh sometimes the other cry, its apart of a relationship right?

To be continued...