
God's gift.

Humans sorrow are different in every person. Even tough human have unheal-able sorrow, one person's love for him and make time for him is enough to keep the person happy and heal through the help of love. “Good night, mom, i miss you and i love you". “Mom if only you could see ive met a person who love me as I am just like you did" “Im never letting him go!".

pawi_hlawncheu · Urban
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5 Chs

Chapter~3 (Lesson for life)

Three years has passed.

Henry had also become a 23 years old man and his little brother also turned 13 their dad was a little old so he did not work as a teacher anymore but to stay at home and make his body fit.

One Autumn.....

In a blessed saturday morning, Henry woke pretty early, he looked at the clock hanging on the painted wall. It was 7:10 a.m. He close his eyes and started to thank God that Almighty God let him view the beautiful world that he had made for the humans.

Schools were off that day. Henry left his home to buy groceries, he was in a hurry as he went to the store by foot, he brought a kg of potato and 3 boxes of cereal for his little brother.

When he left the groceries store he heard a voice that he ne'er heard. His little heart given by the Heavenly God was pounded heavily and was loud, he turned round to see whom it was but he was too late.

He was filled with joy and his heart was holy awe.

He went back home, his sweats had also covered him he couldn't wait to take a fresh bath.

When he reaches his home, his little brother was watching an anime on the Tv but his dad was nowhere to be found.

Henry took off his T-shirt, his body was muscular enough, his abs can also be seen while he was standing motionless.

He again took of his pants and take a towel he then went towards the bathroom.

After he was done bathing, it was almost 12 p.m.

He makes breakfast for hid dad and his lil brother before he left for groceries shopping, he also knew that the breakfast plate was empty when he entered the house.

Henry got out of his room after he was done wearing his clothes, he than asked his little brother about their dad, where Harry replied,"Dad's in his room", Henry was a little worried about their dad, so he went to check on him.

When Henry entered their father's room his dad wad laying in bed sickly, he rushed towards him and check his father temperature it was high fever.

He than rushed towards the garage and start the engine of his car and than returned to his dad, seeing this Harry also come to know what was happening, so he was trying to makes use of himself, he opened the door of the car.

Henry carried his dad in his back and rushed towards the car, he put his dad on the backseat with his little brother. He started to rushed to the hospital.

His tears were falling, when he looked back he saw his little brother cry over the corpse of their dad, their father was breathing no more, he braked the car and hit his head on the handle 3....4...times. He covered his eyes and started crying.

He turned the car back to his home, his tears were uncontrollable, when they reached Henry called his aunty (one of the sister of their father and she is only the one who is still alive), like he knew his aunty didn't care at all.

This made Henry cry out with a loud voice, their neighbours went to see what was happening, when they saw Henry and Harry dad lying on the couch not breathing and unmoving they understand what was happening. And they too followed the sound of crying. People gathered on condolence.

There were loud noise of women cry.

Lets say in a shorter way.....

After the programe was done and the corpse was burryed. Henry was sitting in the couch and his bestfriend sat beside him. Hack seeing his bestfriend like that he couldn't control but to cry with him.

Henry little brother was sobbing asleep. When he sees Harry going to grow up without a father and a mother he felt his heart was cut with a knife.

Why does death always took our best…?

Two years have passed under the sun and shower again, Henry also turned 25 years old, everyone he knew told him to get marry but he could resist again and again, he still worked at the same school.

The salary was a bit higher than before.

So, there were no problems.

One cold winter night, the moon was bright, the star were twinkling like a glitter of rain, even the clouds were visible.

Harry had also become 15 (a real teenage), Henry told what their mom's had told him when he was 15.

Henry called his brother in his room and when his little brother entered and sit next to him, he started to tell him about what had been told.

"Every clouds has a silver lining".

"Life is not a bed of roses".

"Not to return evil for evil".

"Sarcasm and arrogance are two things that should be avoided in life".

"Dream but dont make you dream a master".

"Sorrow may be there but it wont last long".

"Lose and start again and again".

"Never breathe a word about your loss".

"Have self-confidence, patient and honesty in your life".

"Trust yourself when all men doubt you and make allowance for their doubting too".

"Wait and dont be tired of waiting".

"Being lied about, don't deal with lies".

"Being hated, dont give way to hating".

"Don't look too good, nor talk too wise".

and lastly but not the least,

"Force your heart and make your right desicion first as a word yes is not always an answer".

Harry left the room thinking bout what his big brother all said. He wrote down on his dairy one by one, he attitude was being changed by the words of a loving brother.

Harry was grateful that his big brother was a fully grown mature he was like a father and a mother to him.

Henry also tries to do best for his little brother. He work harder that before, some girls also like Henry but he don't intended to look at them because his little brother was still young to understand. And it might lead to a mental problem.

Harry shouted,"Good night, big brother, i love you". Henry chukle,"huh!".

Henry also whispered,"Good night my little brother, Good night Mom and Dad, we love you."

To be continued...