
God's Gaze: I Met a Regressor in Another World

One day, Kleint was summoned to an unknown world after an enigmatic message appeared on his screen: - Will you participate in the game? - The monsters poured out, and an incredible crisis ensued. Kleint's talent couldn't have been worse. [The player's talent is horrible] [No matter how hard you work, your talent level will not improve.] Magic and monsters existed in this place, and he seemed to have those powers. Although Kleint's talent is not the best, all that changes when he has a pair of strange eyes. ....

Junni_MC · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
78 Chs

God's Gaze

[Attribute - Heroic Rank - Would you like to read it?]


Before Kleint could react, the soft, quality voice of the beautiful woman was heard again.

[The tutorial has ended. The starting point will open soon. Please be prepared and beware of the monster's attack]

"Damn..." A curse escaped Kleint's lips as he looked at what it said at the bottom of his status window.

Is this happening to me? Hahahaha... Kleint couldn't believe his eyes and couldn't hide the big smile on his lips.

He just received a heroic rank attribute!

Before he could rejoice or do anything about his Attribute, the sound of unknown beasts that the woman mentioned above were monsters was heard.

This is... Kleint's heart raced as his blood rushed through his body with intense pounding, and the big smile on his face disappeared, changing to one of pure terror as he heard the sounds of the monsters in the distance.

"Shit..." With a desperate expression and a cold sweat running down his forehead, Kleint quickly glanced at the heroic rank attribute.


[God's Gaze- Heroic Rank]

[Allows you to see the status window and hidden talents of other players]

Damn, this is amazing! I didn't expect him to be so lucky... Kleint's face lit up as he looked at his Attribute.

Kleint's eyes were wide as saucers as he looked at this, especially the word "Heroic Rank," which glowed a soft red.

[Checking the status window and the talent levels of player Kleint].

[Name: Kleint]

[Age: 24]

[Disposition: Silent observer]

[Title: None]

[Class: None]


[Strength: growth potential: common or lower]

[Agility: growth potential: common or lower]

[Vitality: growth potential: common or lower]

[Intelligence: growth potential: heroic or lower]

[Endurance: growth potential: common or lower]

[Luck: growth potential: heroic or higher]

[Mana: growth potential: rare or lower]

[General review: Player talent is horrible. No matter how hard you work, your talent level will not improve. So, I gave up the idea of using a weapon. You have a hard time developing your physical skills. But you are lucky that your Intelligence, Mana, and Luck are okay, but... Your future will be challenging, no matter what you do]

This... Before he could react or be able to think at that moment, his body visibly shuddered as he heard the sounds of the monsters again.

The room was chaotic after the sound of the monsters; terrified people could be seen advancing toward the walls while others were preparing to protect themselves.

It was the same for Kleint.

As there were enough weapons and supplies, Kleint immediately ran, grabbed a sword, a supply bag, a canteen, and, most curious of all, a small bag of coins.

Yes, a bag of coins. He thought they could be useful in an incredible future, right?

What do I do? What do I have to do? Kleint, in desperation, looked around, clutching his sword and supplies tightly.

Obviously, like Kleint, he was not the only one panicking. Screams that were more like shrieks echoed everywhere as the monsters' screams and the fact that they were trapped in an enclosed space struck fear into everyone's hearts.

"Please let me out of this place!"

"I demand that you let us out, or I'll sue! I'll sue! I'm dead serious!"

"Quickly get us out of here! I'll call the police! The police!"

"Sob sobbing... Please help me. Please!"

"What are you doing? Get a gun! Can't you hear the noise coming from outside?"

A burly man spoke up, having grabbed a gun, but was quickly answered with annoyance by another guy.

"What are you doing? Stop doing the weird stuff and get this tasteless joke over with!"

"This isn't a fucking joke! Didn't you all see the fucking status window? Hurry up and get a gun! You people! You think this is a fucking joke?"

The burly man pointed out the apparent spots, everyone fell silent, and the guy who protested and had been shouting desperately earlier grabbed a wooden shield. The others, seeing this, also went desperately to grab a weapon and supplies.

Kleint, who had already grabbed a weapon and supply, quickly looked around the place in search of someone who looked strong enough to cling to like a sponge to survive.

Who can I use to survive... Kleint was in a hurry and desperate to survive.

And because the situation in the place is too chaotic, his will to live makes him forget to use his heroic rank attribute.

After looking around the place, he spotted a guy who looked strong, and Kleint quickly approached him. As the sounds of the monsters got louder and louder, the panic and terror in the place increased even more.

"Are you going to fight too, buddy?" Kleint approached with a forced smile.

The man he approached had black hair, brown eyes, and a frail appearance that made him look like he was in his thirties.

"Yes. I think that's the best I can do. There seems to be something out there... I think that woman said they were monsters," the man said nervously with a grim expression and forced smile.

Before Kleint could say anything, the burly man's strong voice was heard again.

"You people who are standing around like morons. Nothing will change if you continue to deny the current situation. Shouldn't we first address the problem we are about to face? Outside, the beasts, monsters, or whatever the fuck you want to call them, are roaring. Maybe this is all a joke, a hidden camera, or a dream; we must do something. Everybody, grab a gun! We must do something," said the burly man, straightening his body and raising the sword he had taken earlier. He seemed to shine like a hero during the deepest darkness.

"Stop the joke, you fucking, bastard!"

"It's not a joke. Like you, I'd love for this to be a joke, but it's not. Everybody, grab a gun! If you want to believe this is a joke, I wish you Luck surviving the monsters," the burly man said earnestly.

They needed a lot of people to be able to fight because they did not know how much and what kind of monsters awaited them.

However, the real reason why the burly man is doing that is not to look like a hero or anything like that. The reason for all this is that if more people are willing to fight, their chances of survival will increase, and if possible, use them as meat shields.

People were hesitant after hearing everything the burly man said until someone muttered.

"All right, let's take a gun. It would be best to take care of this first, and then we'll see what to do next. The woman said we had a chance to win, so that we can do it."

"Y-you're right!"

"We'll fight!"

The people who were missing started grabbing guns. Some did it because others did it, and others did it to protect themselves.

The atmosphere was getting better, and of course, none of the people there knew how to fight, but with guns in hand, I felt I could.

It was as if you asked a man if he could defeat a bear with bare hands; even if they had never fought one, they felt they could defeat it.

This made the burly man's smile widen; the odds of survival had increased.

The burly man glanced around the place with a satisfied smile, seeing almost everyone with weapons. Although people still denied the situation, that wasn't his problem.

At that moment, the room fell silent, only interrupted by the fierce roars of the monsters. Everyone swallowed saliva nervously as a shared thought ran through everyone's mind.

Can we win?

Everyone knew they were almost impossible to win, but it was also a probability that they would survive. Most likely, many will die. But as the woman said, this was a tutorial, so survival is possible if you fight together.

The atmosphere of the place became even more tense and disturbing, with the sound of the monsters getting closer and closer. They all gripped their weapons tightly with hardened expressions.

Everyone was ready to fight, and that spark of determination was reflected in their eyes, shining with the strong desire to live.

"We can do it!"

As if he were the leader, the burly man in front roared, raising his sword and boosting morale.

Tutorial: I will survive.

[The door of the starting point will open. Five, four, three, two, one]

[Now the door will open. May the blessing of the goddess be with you].

But it was a mistake for everyone to think I could do something, win, or even resist.


No door opened, but instead, it seemed to be the walls disappearing, leaving them all vulnerable. As soon as the walls disappeared, a ten-foot monster appeared.

It had a large snout full of pointed teeth, a pair of horns resembling those of Asian dragons, pointed ears, and long black legs with dangerous claws. In addition, its body was covered with a sizeable grayish-white fur.

The monster brutally kills the head of the burly man in front. The head of the burly man in front exploded like a watermelon, and his blood splattered all around him.

However, before he could panic, monsters came from all directions.

"Ahhh!!! save me!"


"Damn it!" Kleint cursed, and his expression darkened completely from sheer terror and fear.

In an instant, the whole place was filled with piercing screams.

Everything became hell.

I need to get out of this place fast... Kleint, frightened, terrified, and wanting to shit himself.

He looked to the side in desperation, and the person he had approached was standing there staring at the massacre taking place with a pale expression.

"Run!" shouted Kleint.

"Huh, huh, huh?"

"Damn it! Run! Can't you see what's happening!"

The shout brought him back to his senses because he grabbed the spear tightly and began to flee. Kleint also dove down the narrow shaft to flee.

As they ran through the cacophony of voices, Kleint made eye contact with a woman attacked by a goblin-like monster.

"P-please help," the woman said tearfully, her voice cracking as more monsters closed in on her.

Before she could react, as if in slow motion, he saw the large jaw entire of pointed teeth brimming with crimson blood; the monster's jaws closed quickly and ripped off the woman's upper body.

When the monster ripped off the upper part of the woman, the upper part of the woman trembled as if she was suffering from spasms, and then the monster closed its jaws tightly, crushing the upper part of the woman as if squeezing a prodigal fruit.

Crimson blood splattered on Kleint's face, shaking him with pure fear and terror as this brutal and terrifying image burned itself deep into his mind.

The piercing screams that created a macabre symphony echoed in Kleint's mind as he ran without looking back.

As he ran in fear and dread, Kleint saw trapped people and those who had not been able to escape the place and were waiting to die at the hands of the monsters.

When he looked back, no monsters were following them; he saw a beautiful woman with grayish silver hair standing in the middle of the chaos; she did not look frightened or trembling with fear.

How strange... Kleint looked away and continued running.

As they ran behind, they could hear the screams of those who did not have the time or the Luck to save themselves.

"S-save me!"

"Let's fight again, damn beast!"


"Please save me. I sob, sob, sob, sob, sob, sob... Save me, sob!"


Kleint and the brown-eyed man closed their eyes tightly, escaping that hell.
