

We all wanted something that is greater than us, we can't help it, we are human after all. It all started with her, Eve. What happens when you are given a chance to become just like gods, the power to create at will, the power to control. All maybe it all just Game.

notAfreak · Video Games
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15 Chs

Wave of greed

No one would have believed it a month ago. They will be able to transport from anywhere in the world in seconds. In a blink of an eye, lights began to shine from different directions. Those that chose not to teleport or those that plan to teleport later could only watch in amusement.

In less than a minute, the whole island began to be filled with people from different countries, teams after teams, appeared out of nowhere. Those that were powerful had a different aura around that makes others stay away from them.

Those that were powerful even began to challenge each other to duels, and some made allies. The environment wasn't that of fear or intense pressure; instead, it was fun.

Two men were dueling, each giving each other blows, and it seems like it was never going to end. Their duel continued until the earth beneath them broke between them; both men went flying injured even before they touch the ground.

Everyone reacted. They immediately picked up their weapon and were ready to attack whatever it was that attacked the men dueling a few seconds ago. To their surprise, they had to stop in their tracks whit their mouths open.

There stood a woman where the attack came from, her skin, her hair, her eyes, we could go on, but this woman was perfection. Those that were weaker slowly walked towards the woman with their head bow; whether it men or women, no one could resist.

Ave was standing there with a devilish smile on her face; she tested her power that came from the title on the men and women. The people who were eager to listen to eve were stopped in their tracks when a man attacked Ave out of nowhere.

The energy from both Ave and this man blew everyone within the 30m radius. Ave knew there shouldn't be someone that powerful unless he is the man always on her tail in the ranking.

Ave stared at the man who just attacked her; she could feel his dangerousness from his eyes, not his aura. He is 6'2 tall, muscle tone, and had a beard like those in Vikings movies. His smile was so innocent Ave couldn't read his mind.

" Nice to meet you, Eve," Those were the word Ave heard as the man turned around and was about to leave when he said another sentence that confirmed her suspicions," Like you, I am also unique; you might be first right now but remember Adam comes before eve."

Ave now knew he was the so-called Adam, she immediately responded. " well, not this time, Adam." Greg looked back and wanted to have another word; he immediately jumped with all his might rolled as far away from Eve as possible.

He looked back at Ave. He was panicking; his heartbeat wouldn't stop beating fast. He felt the most horrible thing ever. Just as he was going to say another word, he felt his energy flow slowly zip out of him through his leg to his feet and the ground.

He knew something was up, so his first reaction was to jump as far away as possible; even while in the air, he still felt his energy leaving, but it was slower than it was on the ground. He decided to run at least 50m away from Eve.

Now Greg knew Eve possessed a powerful ability to make everyone afraid of fighting her; he decided to leave because he did not want to fight back and show everyone his power.

Everyone on the ground knew something happened but couldn't pinpoint what kind of power the woman had that made the man fly on his own. They could tell the woman must be Eve, and the man must be Adam; many even began to pick sides of who would win if they went all out.


[The specter king has sense your present prepare for battle 0:10]

Everyone was surprised when it came upon them like a slap to their face, Terror.

Some of them have been talking about how they will stab the specter King in the heart and hold his head up in the sky, and everyone will scream "Hero," They weren't wrong when they say those that haven't been in a war will talk like war is nothing.

Whether it was Mamacita Eve or Papi Adam, they felt like a character in a game that was stuck. The terror of such monsters made some with weaker willpower pee their pant.

Meanwhile, some teams were still getting teleported in; some groups were even anxious, hoping no one has taken the specter king points, while those that have seen the specter king could only wish they had just hunted for a normal specter. In their minds, all they could say was, " We Fucked up."