

We all wanted something that is greater than us, we can't help it, we are human after all. It all started with her, Eve. What happens when you are given a chance to become just like gods, the power to create at will, the power to control. All maybe it all just Game.

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The monstrous appearance of the king specter took everyone by a storm. Fear was the only visible expression, The people began to attempt to teleport out of the island, and some could only run for shelter. Those closer to the beast couldn't even move, not to talk of saving their lives.

Stop, stop running. We can fight this beast together, Ave shouted, hoping to get some of the people around her Morales up, but who would hear her little voice? Everyone was so focused on escaping. The beast hasn't even begun rampaging yet; it watched in amusement as people began chaos among themselves.

The specter king knew if he swallowed all the being on this island, he might have a chance for another evolution. He was happy even if he didn't get his hand on the treasure he sensed a while back; he won't regret it.

Zed was hiding a tower not too far from the Specter king; Shadow had told him to head back but not to get close so he can thoroughly inspect the so-called Specter king. Zed, who had to do this bidding, was not only angry because he had lost an arm; he was even more furious because of this; Old man who has been following him for a while now.

Zed was watching the situation. He could already tell who was the strongest among the pack of sheep, he saw Ava, and he immediately rates her as a dangerous lone wolf, who will use people as a step to climb out of hell and leave them to rot in hell.

These people are the real manipulator; they will manipulate you without even knowing you were being used. Zed looked a little bit to the left to find Greg; he had people behind him, The natural-born leader. Greg looked confident, which made the people behind him continue to remain unfazed despite their current situation.

Zed immediately rates him as the "I want justice for all kind of guy," In zed opinion running away from a fight that could kill you is also a kind of superpower people like Greg don't possess; they always end up dead one way or another.

"we will wait until the Specter king moves; this your only chance to gain power that will help you accomplish our mission," Shadow told Zed. On the other end, Zed only had the word power; he notices people like Ava and Greg.

They looked like gods when they unleashed their power. "you compare their puny power to that of gods, hahahahaha you ignorant little fool, you know nothing of the powers gods," Shadow said after reading Zed's mind.

The Specter king jumped 200 meters of the ground, and boom, it landed on those planning theirs escape route, blood spewed, and meats flew into the mouth of those who couldn't keep them closed.

The same action of the specter went on for another 3 minutes before people like Ava and Greg finally made a move. The moment the two attacked the Specter king, they saw a health bar above the specter king



Everyone was shocked, So the Specter king wasn't unbeatable or un-killable. They all came to the same conclusion, "attack and run," some of them were even making an advance plan like "attack, run, and when the health bar is low, they will steal the loot."




They all began to attack in desperation, which made the Specter king angry. Roooooaoaoaor, the specter king, wanted to instill fear into this human, but it did not work; although he looked all big and strong, he had one weakness his stamina.

The human became smarter all of a sudden; they would disperse after they see the Specter king jump; instead of the death of about a group, the Specter kill always end up either missing entirely or landing on one unlucky individual.

The attack continued for about an hour; the Specter had given up on its jumping skills or its power to instill fear; it began using its claw and teeth, which were quite helpful but not efficient enough to give the humans terror. The closer the Specter king was to its death, the more aggressive they became.

Zed was also tempted to try his luck, but he knew he had no chance, he notices everyone had some uniqueness, but he did not. Rather be safe than to be sorry," Run towards the specter king now," Shadow shouted. Zed shook up from his imagination, did that? I hear that, he thought.

"I said run towards the Specter king now," Zed was still hesitating until he hard it for the third time; he immediately rushed out the tower.

He began to run towards the Specter king location, he looked behind him, and he saw the Old man who has been hiding with him in the tower right on his tail. Zed was surprised the Old man is following him to the lion's den; maybe he wants the loot, Zed thought.