

We all wanted something that is greater than us, we can't help it, we are human after all. It all started with her, Eve. What happens when you are given a chance to become just like gods, the power to create at will, the power to control. All maybe it all just Game.

notAfreak · Video Games
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15 Chs

Me and me

Zed dragged his body into the house that looked to be about three stories tall; there was a large garden in front of the building; the gate was well decorated, not to talk of the door.

If he were thinking straight, he would have avoided this house cause even the blind could tell that this house is for someone rich in the community.

Zed, on the other hand, didn't notice all these details. His mindset was to find shelter and figure things out. He believes he is the only moving creature on earth cause every living thing he met so far had their eyes closed and are not even moving.

It like their mind is stuck somewhere else. Zed tried to wake them up, but they always have a shield around them that stops him from touching them; he tries to wake them from their nightmares. The one he experienced almost gave him a heart attack.

He approaches the door to the Mansion without the intention of knocking; after all, he sure no one was home, or they are stuck in their nightmare.

"First things first, find something to eat," Zed thought to himself. Like a greedy wolf, he pounced on whatever snacks they had in their kitchen cabinet; luckily for him, there happen well-stored food in the kitchen food such as A pack of ramen, A box of chips, and some canned food. "It looks like whoever lives here doesn't like do a lot of cooking," Zed said with a mouth full of chips.

After his rampage of hunger, zed ran into the bathroom naked, and he has his uniforms lying on the ground like it was his own home. The bathroom in the building explained it all to him; this was the fanciest bathroom he has ever seen.

They had different scents, soaps, Facewash, and even shampoos lined up neatly, and the toilet was beautifully sculpted. He won't be afraid to sit on it for the rest of his life. The only word that describes this building was "majestic."

Zed got into the showers; he forgot about the pain he felt and the fact that he might be the only human alive still moving. The water-hitting skin felt like a messenger saying, forget all your worries; it was so good that he even started humming a song.

Zed thought he would be an excellent singer. If everyone else could hear him sing, they will go jump off a skyscraper without thinking twice.

"Shut up your voice, you idiot." Zed heard a voice out of nowhere; he immediately went in a combat stance, looking for whoever said that. "You are too weak, yet you want to be happy, don't make me laugh," the voice continued.

Zed, hearing this knew who it was, his nightmare who claim to save him but put him in a dream where he experiences physical and mental pain for what looks like a century.

Zed looks towards the mirror above the tiny sink, not too far from the showers. The fog on the mirror was slowly disappearing, and the face Zed doesn't want to remember slowly appears on it; the burnt look and the dark aura made his heart skip a beat.

"Leave me alone and stay away from me," Zed was slowly having a mental breakdown even though he said those words confidently. "I sense something on this island not far from here, and I feel its power; lucky for us, this will mark the beginning of our return."

Zed stood there, clueless about what the man in the mirror was blabbing about. He asked him one question. Who are you, and what do you want? The guy in the mirror smile with an evil grin, The man in the mirror burned his face, so Zed could not tell he was smiling, but he responded, " It not what I want; it is what we want because I am you and you are me."