

We all wanted something that is greater than us, we can't help it, we are human after all. It all started with her, Eve. What happens when you are given a chance to become just like gods, the power to create at will, the power to control. All maybe it all just Game.

notAfreak · Video Games
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15 Chs


"Hey, wake up! Hey, wake up!! Zed, hurry up. Zed, who was having a beautiful sleep and was snoring so loud the empty temple, was repeating his loud snores.

Zed slowly opened his eyes, and the first thing his eyes landed on was the katana which was about 2 ft. in front of him; the first thing he notices was the change in color of the katana. The katana, which had a golden glow, was not golden anymore but blondish red; it had an aura around it that suffocates Zed.

Zed immediately reacted by moving back, "Too late now to fear that thing," the shadow said after seeing Zed's reaction. Zed didn't even pay shadow any attention. Slowly the aura began to dissipate.

"There are good news and bad news for you," Zed couldn't see Shadow's face, but just from his voice, he could tell he is happy about something. "Tell me the good news first and the bad news after," Zed responded.

"Well, look down at your right arm," Since it was bad news, he slowly looked down his right arm only to discover he had lost his whole right arm; even his shoulder wasn't speared, just looking at his missing body part gave him the pain he hadn't felt when he was asleep or when he didn't know he was missing an arm.

"Haaaaaaaaaaa, My arm! My Freaking arm!! noooooooooooo where is my arm!!! He continued to ask where his arm went for almost an hour. He was in so much pain physically and mentally; he lays in the pool of his sweats and snorts for 6 hours, asking who took his arm like a woman who lost her child until Shadow said something.

"I told you not to remove the katana from his sheath that is the prize of using its power, it's a sword that slowly drains a man's power, and if there is no more power left, it will drink their blood then their flesh." Zed immediately stood up to defend himself, "but I didn't use its power."

"you did, but you were possessed by the sword cause of your weak willpower," Shadow protested. "why will I want a power that I can't use?

"We need it for our goal, anyway, don't you want to hear the good news?

Once in Zed's life, he finally has something to be happy about after countless misfortune; of course, he was excited to know what the good news was.

"What is the good news?" Zed asked

"The good news is your stupid ass has been sleeping for three days now, and he's missing out on the specter hunt."

Immediately he heard the word stupid; he knew it was bad news; just as Zed was about to ask what a specter hunt was about, he could listen to a different kind of sound. He knows this sound. They were sounds of a living being. He couldn't ever miss them up with something else. "People, people, there are people outside; with his one arm, Zed struggled to get, but he finally did after grabbing a pillar for support.

He ran like a poor man who found gold but doesn't want others to reach it first. Immediately he got outside the temple; he saw a crowd of people; they were screaming, and almost everyone was walking around in groups. Some had armor on that made them looked fresh and crisp, and some dress like mages he imagined about when he read's novel of a mage.

He was about to step out when shadow said something

"Wait!! go and grab the katana."

Although he hated the idea of grabbing such a dangerous weapon, he couldn't ignore Shadow anymore.

Everything Shadow looked like made him suffer after thinking about it deeply; Shadow always either tries to save his life or make him powerful. The fact that every time he ignores Shadow's words, something wrong always happens to him.

Zed went back to grab the katana this time. He was cautious; he did what shadow instructed him to do, which was to place it on his back.

After placing the katana on his back, he had a bright smile on his face as he stepped onward towards the crowd.

His smile quickly disappeared after he notices everyone was either ignoring or staring at him strangely. Zed quickly walk towards a man who was shouting for someone to join his group earlier, not even ten feet from the man before the man yelled at Zed, "we are not allowing handicaps like you in the group."

Zed didn't even want to join the group, but everyone is acting strange; usually, when people see someone with a missing body part, they always try to help.

After a while of working around, he discovers people were making groups to hunt specters, and they were talking about trying to gain power.

Zed was still walking around when he saw a group of young men, about seven of them beating this old man. Before he could turn around and pretend he was there, the man shouted at Zed.

"Help me, please."

Zed heard this and quickly tripped himself; the group beating the older man promptly looked towards Zed, only to find a man struggling to get up on his feet. They quickly turn back to the older man to beat him even more for embarrassing them; out of everyone he could ask for help, he was asking a disabled one-arm man for use. It like the old man was making fun of them, telling them the beating wasn't enough.

The old man's eyes were full of tears. His only hope was a frying pan who slammed him into the fire to burn; he saw Zed's with a katana and thought maybe he could fight, and if he can fight, some of these young men will leave him to beat that bastard for looking over here where he was suffering, but who would have thought this one arm man was so smart his katana became a walking stick in less than two seconds.

Zed continues to curse the old man with sweat all over his face; who did he think I am? Damn, I almost got the beating of my life. "A specter is 70 meters away" Shadow is always quiet until something terrible is approaching.

"Zed run now and hide" Like a warning bell in Zed head, he ran as fast as his leg could move, everyone watches him run like a mad man, Zed didn't even look back, but one person ran after him, it was the old man who had just gotten lifetime worth of beating a few minutes ago.