

We all wanted something that is greater than us, we can't help it, we are human after all. It all started with her, Eve. What happens when you are given a chance to become just like gods, the power to create at will, the power to control. All maybe it all just Game.

notAfreak · Video Games
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king ranked specter

"Zed, quick hide right by that building," Shadow said. Zed quickly ran towards the building in his field of view. He uses whatever strength he could muster to jump into the building. Zed didn't even care about the glass window. Neither did he care about who owned the house.

To Zed, as long as he could keep his life, he would do anything. He landed on broken pieces of glasses that came from the window. Even though he was bleeding, he stood up and took cover by the window, only taking a little peek.

The little head of Zed was barely visible, but to Zed, he could see everything, everything including a man who just flew into the window, giving Zed a kick to his jawline.

"Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkk," Zed screamed at the old man who was now lying in the middle of broken glasses; Zed looked at the old man and thought he was dead. It's been almost 2 minutes since he has questioned and screaming at this old man, but he laid there, not moving an inch.

Zed was about to kick the old man's nut before he heard the roar that paralyzed his whole body.


Whether it was Zed or the crowd, which were acting confident, all stopped what they were doing. No, they didn't stop what they were doing. It more like they were forced to stop all actions.

If one were to go around, one would notice a horrible smell is in the air. Usually, the smell could be from the new predator in the area; surprisingly, it wasn't the predator. It was the smell of human urination. About a dozen human had peed their pants.

Zed had sweat rolling down his face; he didn't want to know what was out there. "whatever you do, do not attract it to you or you will die" Shadow word wasn't even needed to be said even without that warning he would dig a grave for himself just from hearing such a thunderous sound.

If not for the fact they could hear the wind slap against their ear, everyone would have thought they had gone deaf. Zed, who was now by the wall, slowly peeked, and what he saw alone was enough to make his bone feel like they were getting crushed.

The so-called specter had demonic-looking wings in mythology; its head was that of a beast one would consider as a lion; its eyes were dark, it had three tails, and they all had a stinger on it.

Its height was about a building that is eight stories tall, and it was the gigantic animal Zed has ever seen. Shadow was thinking to himself; He knew such a monster shouldn't be here.

Shadow thought of how he had to change the future a little bit, and if he was not wrong, the specter must be attracted to the katana.

Zed immediately started evacuating the area, "what kind of animal is that?",

"That not an animal, it not an ordinary specter either, it a king specter." Zed hadn't even met an ordinary specter, yet he met a king specter. He immediately cursed his luck as he got out of the building running towards the woods behind the building.

Roarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, The next thing that came after was, of course, the death of countless soul who was unable to do anything about their situation. The further you are from the beast, the less effectiveness of the roar that instills fear. Those that could still move their muscle ran without looking back.

Every man for himself, and if your fate is sealed, good luck to you. The people who claimed to be heroes ran with all their might. Some even left their weapon.

There was a woman who left her child, and the child was crying for her mum. Zed saw this, but there is no way he is going back there; all he could do was pray for the child.

The king specter didn't even eat any of its prey; it only crushes their bone with its pawl, and those that tried to run once he catches up to them, he stings them, and all you will hear is their screams. One didn't need to be hurt first hand to know how much pain those people felt.

The king specter didn't only stay in the area with a lot of crushed of the body lying on the ground; he ran through buildings looking for something. Despite being 5 miles out, he could still hear the roar and anger of the king specter.

Zed knew the king specter was angry, but he didn't know which one of the stupid humans dare to make him angry.

He noticed he still wasn't tired; it was only 20 min yet he ran so fast. So this is the benefit of a world like this, wait. He couldn't feel the weird gravity anymore. Just as he was about to ask shadow where his strength came from, he heard a familiar and groggy voice from behind him, " Hey, hold up, mate."