

We all wanted something that is greater than us, we can't help it, we are human after all. It all started with her, Eve. What happens when you are given a chance to become just like gods, the power to create at will, the power to control. All maybe it all just Game.

notAfreak · Video Games
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15 Chs

A world of chaos

Out of nowhere, the disaster that terrified the world began to disappear one by one, starting with the comet and ending with floods living in cities like they have a mind of their own. A little light, so tiny, appeared in the sky, then it grew big enough to be called a sun, but it didn't stop at the sun's size.

It grew and grew; people began to feel their bodies getting invaded by a sort of chaotic energy. Just like that, everyone and everything that was considered living went to sleep.


Zed was standing in a place full of mirrors, he looked down at his feet, and all he was stepping on were dark-blueish smoke. He tried to move, but his feet were utterly useless cause they refuse to listen to his commands.

Zed tried counting the mirrors, but they were too many; he was about to give up looking around the mirror when he saw the most oversized mirror about 200 meters from him; it was so big Zed could easily spot it. Still, Zed knew that there wasn't a big mirror like that there before when he looked around.

After 5 minutes, the mirror started getting closer and closer until it was right in front of his face; all other small mirrors began to disappear like they were never there. On the other hand, Zed was staring at himself in the mirror until an unfamiliar face took over.

The look in the mirror had a burnt face; only his eyes were to be seen a little; everything else, including his hair, was steamed cooked; one couldn't read his facial expressions. Zed's face was in a panic as he touches his face and only to feel relieved after knowing he was still okay. The man in the mirror stretches his hand through the mirror and grabs his neck, choking him, "you little fool, I saved you," Zed, who was now struggling to get the stranger's hand off his neck and was forcefully pulled into the mirror.

Zed was sleeping on the same plane he got off not too long ago. He tried to wake but couldn't; he could hear passager in the flight getting off the plane in a peaceful manner. Zed was hoping one of the students or teachers will wake him up, but no one did.

Who could blame them? He was the quietest kid in the class and was also the only one got in by a scholarship; some even believed he got in because his late parents were friends with the school director. Just as he was giving up hope on anyone waking him, one of the flight attendants walked towards him to give him a tap. A comet hits where he was sitting; flames got to his clothes, and his body was burning.

Zed was in so much pain he wanted to scream for help but he couldn't, he was burning, the pain didn't stop after 10, 20 minutes, It went on for days, months and years. He was in unbearable pain for years. Then he started to feel numb. He knew his time has come. He will finally die in peace.

He opened his eyes with tears in his eyes; he didn't even have time to notice the unfamiliarity before him before a voice echoed in his mind.


[You have been forcefully disconnected and now banned in all realm, you shall be hunted and cursed by the gods]

Zed, who was still losing his mind over the illusion or dream he just had, wasn't even paying attention. He slowly walked towards the house near his current location for a shelter.

Every time you see an *, it always has something to do with the future or a future that was changed.

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