
God's Blind Eye

This is a fanfiction of The Promised Neverland, and yeah it contains spoiler for manga and it does not contain any og characters.

Nuni_thul · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

And the Neverland

An old man woke up from his bed, as usual, there was only silence that awaits him as usual. He stood up and started doing his chores as usual, waiting for his death to meet God as usual.

He will do this all by himself as he doesn't depend on others, nothing changes in life except this time someone or some people were in front of his house.

'Who is it?' he walked faster than usual.

'Government officials...' his disappointment was see-through.

"Come in" Sergant went inside with his door open without the others could say something.

All the officers went inside the house immediately after that they bow down.

"Stand up!" he declared, one would enjoy this but he was annoyed.

They immediately stood straight

"Tell me why you people came for?" Sergant asked.

They all seated and the government officials started saying but Sergant was barely listening as he was looking at the gun he was thinking "How long it will take to kill these bastards."

but it was a little too loud enough for others to hear.

"Segrant please...we need your help there are already 500 members in our rebellion with your expirence we definetily can dethrone the queen." The officer stopped.

"I am not joining i have already done enough for the royals..."

"But you could still do more ex Sergant." the officer told it with confidence.

Sergant anger peaked. He suddenly felt suffocated by those people.

"I have gotten nothing...Why don't you understand let me die in peace!" he immediately went outside the house.

"What did i expect" he muttered to himself.

Sergant was walking towards the village, his house was located outside the village but it was bigger than any house.

He walks around the village once in a while, it is the only way to know he was alive, the people will always greet him even though he never responds to them,

"Why are you wishing him grandpa!" one girl asked her grandfather, whom just only learned to talk, "He does not know any manners." asked with an angry face.

"Oh no don't say that he saved me and friends many times during the war, he is the war hero," he said with some respect.

"Oh," she was amazed by the fact.

"Thank you for saving my grandpa and his friends, hero grandpa" the kid shouted so he could hear it.

Sergant heard that and felt somewhat happy it was different. He turned around but he could only see them walking towards their house. After all, they knew he would never respond.

He finally went to his house it was silent as usual. he was exhausted mentally, there was only one thought in his mind that night

"I should get a pet"

The next morning, He went off to the forest. As he is near the village he has to go deeper into the forest to even to see a wild beast.

While he was searching he heard a sound 'Hmm might be a landslide it should attract some beast' he immediately went there, as the beast was going in that path.

'If I feed it enough with some dog meat it should be fine' he was about to shoot when he found something near the waterfalls...

'Humans!!' before he could run the beast was way ahead of him.

He shot the beast in the head but it was too late the human was already a fleshy mesh.

'They are humans... didn't they go to the other side?' in the confusion he couldn't stand properly...but he started running.

He immediately saw the kids 'What should I do with them...maybe give them to the authorities...No...not again'

he was getting closer the three kids went faster as soon as they feel the sound.

"I have to catch them first"




Sergant tied the three at his house.

"What do I do with them."

'All the years..All the blood... gave me nothing..... no one! medals, hounours its nothing!'

'ah why me of all!' He suddenly felt an idea


"This is a gift. I knew it...Yes....all the serving I did...finally god...Thank you" Finally after all these years, he found someone to relay.


Hoilsten felt like he is in a sleep paralysis, he could not move his legs and arms heck not even he could open his eyes. He was afraid, his voice doesn't even come out of his mouth.

'Where am I, Ahhh! Mother, Father Help! Jake!' he wiggled a little which made the chair he was sitting fall.

'I am tied!' Hoilsten realized.


Hoilsten felt a vibration in his head for some reason he could regain all his memory.

"No is Jake gone, no!....the monster...it is coming for me... NO! Mother Father..... won't do anything wrong again please..come here!..." Hoilsten crying was muffled by the cloth he was tied up. He cried for a while then he stopped as felt something coming near, he hold his breath. Then he felt it was going away from him.

He finally was relaxed as it was not heard for a while.

Finally, he started regaining some strength he shook his head on the floor so he could remove the blindfold.

He could see that he was in a room. it is partially dark with the sun setting just now.

He saw Thortin sitting in a chair just like him but he seems to have already cried for a long time.

Hoilsten wiggled his way toward the chair and kicked it, making a sound Thotrin turned in that direction he seems to have known it is hoilsten so he searched for anything he could hold onto he grabbed Hoilstens hand which is tied around the chair then he tried to untie them but while doing that he fell backward making him fall on Hoilsten. He managed to untie Hoilsten.


Sergent smelled his dish.

"Ahh... it is so good. It's best one I made so far. After all these are god's recipe even the royals wouldn't have eaten this"

He went to see how the soup was going, "My wife's favourite," said with a glories smile "Too bad I was too 'busy' for her to stick with me for this long."

He took the meat from the table and chopped it "Go fuck!-that useless- piece of prick-you bitch!-", he started adding the chopped meat to the soup.

He saw the pot, "Some more meat can be used."

He went to his storage room where he made those two humans tied in the chair that he bought for his kid.

"I just should have killed all at once I am not thinking straight!" told himself as he was hearing sounds when he was cooking.

He opens the door he sees could that one person is escaped and almost untied the other.

"Fuck!" he cursed himself for the quest given by God.

'Ah! Isn't what I have been through in my life wasn't enough!'. he believed that he won't need any precautions because 'God' had sent him this present.

But, it seems even that God also wants to push him some more.

The two humans are now screaming as soon as they see the Demon's face in the moonlight.

The Sergant was getting near them, but then one instinctively leaped on a chair, jumped, and grabbed onto the window. He did not care for other human's life.

'How' Sergant was confused. He went towards him and was going to kill him with one strike, but then using the opportunity another human went out of the room.

'Inside one can be caught later.' Sergant thought to himself. The human on the window doesn't fit into the window but in that moment he was too exhausted to feel pain as he is scraping his skin to get into it. He was bleeding heavily. Then there was some sound.

It was the Sergent "Wife's favorite" soup which was made from the brain of unmarked farm meat Katina that had fallen from the table because of Thotrin as he was seeing the remaining naked Katina.

'Ah God, Why?' Sergent went towards the soup.

'I even managed to disappoint god' Sergent didn't know what to do. He just went towards Thotrin.

Thotrin was there lifeless. Then Hoilsten saw that Demon was coming towards Thotrin.

He snapped as he didn't know what to do, he saw the shiny knife in the ground and stabbed it in the head.

Sergent screamed in pain as he saw Hoilsten crying and carrying all meat from the ground and stuffing it into the open head of Katina.

'Even the kid had someone one' Sergent having his last moments


'They were the Gift a-'