
chapter 23 End of year competition G*

After such an amazing date I doubled my effort over the next few months to increase my sinergy in all the sins I could. I wanted to be strong enough not to burden the one I love and to be able to also protect her. I spent many nights training until I almost collapsed, but I never overdid it because I did not want to worry Apael by destroying my body for more strength in the early stages of my growth.

Feeling better than ever before Apael escorted me to the competition grounds. Oria held an opening ceremony but I did not bother to listen to it instead spending my time flirting with Apael holding her hand and touching her leg. The just of the competition was there would be 3 matches per person you win all 3 you graduate to year 2. If something happens to one of the top 25 where they can not continue to next year then it will go to the next person until they have 25 people.

Looking around there were only 75 demons left so it should be straightforward. Since I wanted to show off in front of my girlfriend and Oria I jumped on the stage first. "Headmistress, I request to fight all 3 of my matches first. I have important matters to deal with and am in a rush." I know my pride was getting more out of control but I could not help it.

"Since Amadea wants to go through her fights first we will draw three names for her to fight. Remember you can use your own equipment for this fight. Good luck, and may you graduate to the next class."

My first opponent was taller than me using a giant hammer. As the fight started I decided to use my spear to keep him at a distance. With every thrust I made he would deflect it using more agility than I thought possible with such a big weapon. Using another fast jab at the end of the thrust I let go of the spear grabbing the dagger from my side. I slipped in quickly stabbing him between the ribs making him unable to continue the fight.

The first win was relatively simple and filled me with more of a confidence boost. My second fight was with a 6 foot tall demoness. Her hands were wrapped in a layer of bandages. It looked like she was going to use hand-to-hand combat. Once the match started I again decided to use my spear going with the same strategy of keeping a distance.

Once the first thrust was made she surprised me by grabbing the shaft and chopping it down with her other hand breaking my spear. As I tried to recover from my shock she swiftly punched me in the gut forcing me to slide back a few feet. That is when I noticed her hands had a faint red glow to them. I was shocked at noticing how she incorporated her sin into her hands to create a strong energy.

I spent most of my time cultivating making my energy stronger and my combat abilities stronger, but I forgot the most important part of combining them. Slowly I began retreating more as her speed was increasing. Her feet also started to be coated in her sinergy making her faster than I could move.

Attempting to block her attack to prevent myself from being knocked out of the ring I felt my shoulder move back popping out of place making my right arm go limp. Wincing in pain I kept backing up until the edge of the arena. At this rate she would knock me out of the arena. Before I could fully think I dived at her legs in an attempt to tackle her to gain me a bit of time. By some miracle I caused her to stumble over me and out of the arena.

Sweating profusely I popped my shoulder back into place praying for an easy fight. I was left with 2 daggers and a sword. They were not the best materials but they were not weak. That's when I finally saw my last opponent enter. It was this year's number 1 genius Marog.

Standing about 5 foot 9 He had fur armor covering some of his chest. He had 2 small horns glowing red eyes and long brown hair that went down to his shoulder blades. His shoulder pads had a couple of ornament horns, the signature of a duke in the wrath kingdom. He had a couple tattoos on his face and his pride was overflowing with his noble aura.

He had two weapons on him a cane that was sharp that could be used as a sword and a hooked dagger. The dagger was bigger than average the back thick and more like a hook. It would definitely rip chunks out of me if I got stabbed and had it ripped out.

If I wanted to get into my second year I had to beat him no matter the cost. I pulled out my daggers waiting for the start signal. Once the battle began I bolted at him with my top speed. Feeling my muscles screaming at me for the sudden burst of strength I swung one dagger to try and slash him using the other to try and stab into his side.

Marog looked down with a sneer like a predator looking at his prey. He used the ornate dagger to parry my dagger that was stabbing at him. He got my dagger stuck in the hooked end before twisting the blade shattering my dagger. With his other hand, he hit my elbow sending pain down my arm making me let go of the dagger mid-swing sending it out of the arena.

He scoffed at me kicking me sending me sliding back 10 feet. "This is all you have to offer and you call yourself a demon? Pathetic, I will show you a real demon!"

I glared at him getting more pissed at how he made me feel weak. I pulled out my sword and charged him again swinging at him 3 times in a single second trying to overcome him once again. He scoffed at me again parrying all my attacks with his own sword before kicking me forcing me to turn my back to him stumbling.

Suddenly I felt a burning sensation in my back feeling my skin tear and cut like I was hit by a whip and sword at the same time. I managed to reposition myself to face him just in time to see his cane glowing red the sword turning more into a whipped blade. "Come at me again or do you want me to come to you?" Listening to his taunting I figured the best course of action was to let him attack and go on the defense.

I stood my ground preparing for any attack he would launch. He charged me and swung the whipped sword once again. I barely managed to move where the tip of the whip would go by but instead, it turned sharp and hard again like a sword acting differently than I expected. I took the sword slash to the chest. At this rate, I was starting to bleed more and feeling more sluggish.

Seeing his cocky face was pissing me off but there was no way I would give up. I needed to pass. I could not wait to grow stronger but with every choice I made, I kept trying to do it on my own not trying to learn methods to harness my raw power.

He put away his can pulling out the ornate dagger making me think of him more like a butcher. His strikes slowed down and I was able to parry his dagger with ease. His face looked shocked and I started to get more complacent.

As I fell into his pace he suddenly sped up his eyes glowing evilly as he plunged the dagger into my side. I felt the pain shoot through me tears starting to flow from my eyes as the pain from the wounds worsened. As if he could hear my thoughts he pulled the dagger slightly up and ripped it out catching the hook on my bottom rib, breaking it and pulling it out of my body.

Coughing up blood I managed to keep my footing and stay standing making sure they would not call the fight. I still had hope of winning after all.

"Looks like my toy has more spunk left. Well I got all day to play!" Hearing is maniacal laughter sent chills down my spine my body screaming I was in danger. I ran to try and get out of the arena. Approaching the edge I heard the whip blade crack and I jumped out as fast as I could.

My right side felt almost weightless and as I looked into the arena I saw my arm still wrapped around his whip. I felt powerless and as if Apael was out there watching feeling nothing but disappointed in me for not working hard enough.

Slowly my vision turned back the loss of blood making me lose consciousness.

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