
God's beloved daughter

Amadea was created by god to be perfect in almost every way but the family she was born into abused her until she left and ended up dead in the street. Wanting to see his daughter grow and be able to shine her best he sent a clone into another world so he could create a family and bring her soul over. Join us on Amadea journey of friendship betrayal will she settle on a simple life or aim for the stars only the gods know.

murdasquaddark · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Chapter 16 The meeting

As we made our way through an ancient city, we made our way to a tall building on a hill. It looked as if there were 6 floors getting smaller as you climbed higher. Most of the buildings reminded me of Japanese architecture. Apael looked towards me as we continued walking" It is very beautiful, is it not? The very first demon lord was brought here by something he called truck sempai. No one figured out what that was, but he designed all these buildings."

I nodded in understanding. I guess I am not the first person to be brought into this world. We got on a tall boat and sailed the river of reincarnation. "Strange normally the souls are more restless and try to tip the boat, but it seems like there afraid…" Apael shook her head and kept watch in case of any unexpected outcomes.

I looked into the river, and I saw three children smiling at me and I saw them playing with the head of the man that kidnapped me. His mouth kept moving as if screaming in torment. They looked as if they wanted praise for what they did to him. It was so adorable that I went to the lower deck and instinctively reached down to caress their cheeks in praise.

Suddenly I was jerked back just before my fingers touched the water. "Lord Amadea you can not touch the water. The souls will drag you into the depths and consume you." Apael looked pale as she stared at me with fear.

"B-but those kids are so adorable. "As I looked back I noticed they were gone and let out a sigh. Maybe once I gain more strength I can come back and try to summon them.

After about an hour, we docked near the palace. The guards readied their weapons ready to attack us at a moment's notice. Apael came in front of us and waved her hand before they lowered their weapons and kneeled. "Greetings lord Lust welcome home"

Apael nodded. "I have returned with the new demon lord. Is everyone still in the council chamber?" The guards trembled to realize they raised their weapons toward the demon lord before nodding not daring to gaze up to me.

We went into the palace and even though it looked small on the outside, it was bigger inside. This must be the space magic Father talked about before. Apael lead us into a giant chamber with 5 demons sitting at a table and 1 sitting lazily. The table was giant with 8 seats and a throne above it on the stairs making sure whoever was on the throne would be taller than the people below.

Apael led me to the throne telling me to sit before she walked to the table." Demon lord meet your generals the seven sins. We shall introduce ourselves in order of rank." I looked down and saw a man with red skin orange glowing eyes. He had 5 horns 2 black in front and 3 in the back that were golden, one of which was glowing.

He slowly stood up, only standing about 4 foot 5 but with an intimidating aura. "Greetings my lord. I am Karma the sin of wrath. I am the first chair and strongest. I am in charge of combat and killing a war advisor of sorts. I am ho-" Suddenly he was hit in the head by a small can that looked like a pipe causing a welt to appear on his head. He put his hand on his head before looking towards the culprit. "T-that is Oria pride s-she kinda does what she wants but at least she gets her job done so no complaints here."

The demon called Oria was very beautiful. As she stood up she stood about 5 foot 8. Her skin was smooth her eyes glowing purple with a tattoo going down her left eye. She was very toned. She could put a bodybuilder to shame. She raised her head arrogantly. "The only reason that little man is first is because I allow it. It is beneath me to fight with a child. I am in charge of training. I run the academy." I could see wrath getting more angry but he seemed very accustomed to how she treated him.

Next, a demon with red eyes and some wrinkles on his face stood up. He was about 6 feet tall. His eyes were glowing red he had a gold helmet on that revealed most of his face with a ruby on top. He had a fur coat with golden shoulder pads with iron. On his fingers were thick golden rings it looked as if they could be used as brass knuckles. Well, gold in his case. His deep voice sounded "I am Mon the sin of greed. I am in charge of all the finances my lord."

Then a woman with green eyes and a huge chest that looked like it could smash someone to death. Her hair was blond and she had 2 small horns on her head with tattoos under both her eyes. She was wearing tight black armor that revealed her stomach. She had curves in all the right places. Just looking at her made me blush. "I am Invid sin of envy. I am in charge of the troop's armor and clothing. A pleasure to serve you my lord." With that she winked making me blush and my heart flutter.

A monster of a demon stood 8 feet tall his stature was intimidating. He had 4 horns 2 about 7 inches but the back 2 were very scary easily a foot long each and sharp. His body was covered in fur his eyes and teeth glowing red looking as if he could consume anything he wanted to eat. His hands were normal but his feet reminded me of an animal. He wore a kilt of armor and anklets to protect his tendons. His legs were thick like a tree stump. "My lord I am Koil sin of gluttony. I am in charge of meals for the army and the others. I am also in charge of hunting monsters."

I looked over towards a girl yawning, lying on a soft blue carpet. Seeing her stretch out she seemed to be 6 feet tall. She had blue hair and 2 black wings on the back of her head. She had 2 silver hair clips that looked like horns. Her eyes were glowing blue and it matched her blue outfit. It looked as if she was melting into the carpet as she spoke in a sweet sleepy voice. She gave people the urge to pamper and make you wonder how she would… Well, I really shouldn't have those kinds of thoughts about her. "I am Ayepe sin of…." She let out a yawn as her chest bounced softly. "Sin of sloth I am in charge of accommodations in the palace and for the troops that are deployed."

"And as you know I am Apael the sin of lust. I am the newest member so I do not have a real duty. My only goal is to protect you" As she finished speaking she bowed to me with all the other sins before taking a seat. My father sat in the 8th seat at the table.

Oria looked me in the eye before speaking" My lord you are young and weak as of now. I am in charge of the academy. Demons normally go to the academy at the age of 12 so you should be perfect to enter. I will give Apael the right to enter as your maid. No one knows what the new lust looks like so she would be a perfect shadow guard."

"I agree. I want to learn more about how to gain sinergy and become stronger. Can we go to the academy now?"