
God's beloved daughter

Amadea was created by god to be perfect in almost every way but the family she was born into abused her until she left and ended up dead in the street. Wanting to see his daughter grow and be able to shine her best he sent a clone into another world so he could create a family and bring her soul over. Join us on Amadea journey of friendship betrayal will she settle on a simple life or aim for the stars only the gods know.

murdasquaddark · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Chapter 14 Karian kingdom and choices

It has been a couple of weeks since my fight with the bandit camp and I have been unable to conjure anything more than the water bullet. But I still do not have good control over it since it still burns no matter how hard I try. My father just shakes his head with a smile and tells me to keep practicing.

My thirst for fear and blood has been getting more uncomfortable. There has not been anywhere I can quench this thirst and we are going to arrive at the Karian kingdom by tomorrow. I have been warned to be careful and not to kill while here since it was filled with most of the brilliant younger and talented older generation.

I was snacking on some jerky but most of the food has felt more bland. Nothing tastes better or is more filling than Souls. My father said I need to be careful with how I eat them. Apparently, you can wipe the Soul of everything it knew once it was alive, leaving the delicious fear and other emotions. But if I meet someone strong I can attempt to eat it and refine it stealing their skills.

Finally, we arrived at the Karian kingdom. Our journey will be taking a month's break so we can recover and enjoy a nice bath and get more news on current events. There were so many pretty girls everywhere we went as we made our way to my father's house he had bought when he was younger.

I saw cat girls, dog kin, demons, and humans. I was having an internal battle debating over what was cuter the more sleek cat tail or the fluffy dog tail that looks fun to pull! Most humans looked bland and had nothing that really attracted my interest. Most of the demons I saw were male and guys never really attracted me.

That's when I saw the most beautiful demon I could imagine. She was tall close to 8 feet tall compared to my 5 foot 6 self. I looked so tiny. Her hair was black with red on the tips, but as the sun shined down on her, it glistened slightly purple. Her skin was flawless. She had a red tattoo under her eye and I could see one slightly above her right eye. Speaking of her eyes they were enchanting. I could get lost in their orange glow forever. She wore a red shirt with flowers sewn on and a red rose clipped to her chest. Her chest was not too big but not small she was probably a c cup at most.

I clicked my tongue in annoyance as I saw her surrounded by a bunch of ugly meathead demons. I carved their image into my heart. Once I am strong enough I will kill every one of those demons surrounding her before I leave this town or my name won't be Amadea Hellswallow.

Apael POV

I felt a strong killing intent directed at my subordinates and looked around before seeing it come from an adorable little girl. I shook my head as I watched her leave with a man that made me feel fear deep in my soul. "The orb shows that the new demon lord is close. Keep an eye out for anyone that could be a candidate and report back. I am going to go test that man I saw with that little girl.

With that I started to follow and get closer to what looked like a father-daughter pair. I watched as they entered a simple house. That is when I started to plan how to test him and then that is when it hit me.

Amadea POV

We noticed that beautiful demon following us. My father wanted to kill her and get rid of her but I stopped him. She was my beautiful flower. I will keep her till I grow up and can pluck that flower and if she refuses hmph, then I will make sure no one will ever want to look at that flower again.

I went to the kitchen to brew tea for my father me and the soon-to-be guest. There was a knock on the door and I heard some muffled conversation. As the tea finished I poured 3 cups. Smiling and giggling I took one of the cups licking the entire rim before pouring tea in all the glasses and putting them and the teapot on a tray taking it out to the table making sure to set the special cup in front of the cute girl.

"You see we are testing youths to see what talent they have. Would you be willing to let us test your daughter?" The woman's voice was sweet like a melody causing my heart to thump wildly in my chest. I watched as she thanked me for the tea and raised it to her lips. I blushed a bright red from thinking about the indirect kiss we just shared.

"If my daughter is willing to be tested then she is free to do so" My father gave me a weird look wondering why he could hear my heart rate accelerating rapidly.

I nodded rapidly and spoke in a soft voice as if I was whispering "I-i-i-i am w-willing. What do I have to d-do" I felt as if my whole body was on fire I was making a fool of myself stuttering and stumbling over my words.

She chuckled. "Well, as I told your dad I am Apael. Sir why don't you show your daughter how it is done?" With that she held the orb toward my father.

He grinned and put his hand on the orb while Apael smiled in excitement. "See baby all you have to do is place your hand like so and pour some mana into it" As he said that the orb started to glow blue and show his talent and how strong he was. Apael seemed disappointed before holding the orb out to me to try next.

I put my hand on the orb making sure my fingers could touch her hand. With a shy smile, I started pouring my mana into the orb and it started to glow a bright gold and displayed my stats.

Apael let out a gasp as she saw the orb light up gold. Before I could ask why mine was glowing gold and my fathers was blue she fell to her knees.

"Apael, lord of lust of the seven deadly sins greets the demon lord." She bowed her head to the ground.

"W-whats going on? Demon lord?" I looked at my father wanting to ask him what was going on.

"Baby girl just listen to what she has to say. This is going to be one of the decisions you have to make on your own" He took a sip of his tea watching to see what I would do next.

"My lord I came to fetch you to bring you to the demon realm to help you reclaim your throne and lead the demons. We know a war is coming but we don't know what will start it. So we prayed for the demon lord to awaken so we could train them and have them bless our troops with unbridled power. Will you please return with me and join the demon academy to start training?"

I closed my eyes as I thought it through wondering what decision I should make. Letting out a sigh I opened my mouth to reply…

A/N What do you think our precious daughter will do? P.s my chapter will be late tomorrow I have been sleeping only 4 hours a day to make sure I can get daily