
Reviews of God's Apostle: Rebirth of a Lazy Genius


God's Apostle: Rebirth of a Lazy Genius


  • Overall Rate
  • Writing Quality
  • Updating Stability
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • world background



Reveal spoiler

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Mc is insulted and degraded and trash talk by mere servants despite the mc being written as intelligent from what I read so far he is completely stupid. For character development? Sure we could say that but why did you go with the mc being insult/degraded way to develop his character that just makes me feel like your a m author. By chapter 21 he has become 7 and he should be able to have an idea how to pressure, expose his uncle since he’s written by the author as one of the most intelligent humans in his previous life. He didn’t have to hide his power and intelligence too as he could be more favored by his family and be protected and he would be trusted and such which in a way he could use to take advantage to pressure his uncle from committing his plans. Despite being one of the most intelligent humans and having a second life experience he is retard


the book so far is great, people say the start isn't that good but I didn't mind it much


Please complete the novel dear author and do not abandon it halfway. I really like this work. I can't say much about the grammar but I can say that the story is totally entertaining.


I started reading this novel yesterday (all hail limited free reading!) cause it was always suggested to me. I generally don't like harem so I usually ignore novels with those tags but I'd recently been giving some of them a shot and did so for this as well. I'm caught up and I was actually surprised at how good of a story it is. The grammar is excellent, and the plot got me hooked from the first chapter. I was very intrigued by his lazy nature and I like the way the story flows so naturally. So far, the harem tag has had zero effect on the story and based on the writing quality, I think the author might be able to pull off a harem that isn't irritating. Keep it up, Author 👍🏽


Reveal spoiler


good. give it a try, it's worth it. [img=update]


Writing Quality- Good not many mistakes. Story- Started off slow but around chapter 30 it picks up. Characters- Kind of lacking to me doesn’t really focus to much on any character in particular. If you’re hoping for an mc who loves his new family im sorry to say that it hasn’t happend yet as of chapter 50. Mc- Smart, decisive, not lazy as the description says. So far the only time he’s been lazy is when he’s a baby which makes sense but other than that can’t really think of much. Good story for when you got nothing else to read, would be different if it had more chapters I can see myself binge reading it over night.


Author did you drop this?