
GO READ FROM FAN-FIC SECTION.(New Life In Highschool Of The Dead)

After college I had no interest in life to be honest it was bland until I found anime it coloured my world and so began my conquest on the road to otaku. By 21(2 years after starting) I had recognized Highschool of the dead as my favourite anime and planned to rewatch it on my way back home from work however the great creator sama had different plans for me. This is my first time writing a novel so I truly believe it is downright garbage and may lack consistency. I welcome constructive criticism to help me improve my writing this will not be an OP character novel he will grow stronger according to the world that he is in for the first world it's obviously HOTD Second I'm thinking One Piece or something I'll hold a vote to see what to do

A3giss · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs


{6 Months and 3 Weeks later...In Tokonosu City In a secluded area of town in a room fully equipped with medical tools.}

Kaen was jolted awake by the sudden pressure he felt(What the hell!... oh it must be time for me to be born.) While waiting in anticipation he felt himself being pushed out of the womb

After an unknown amount of time Kaen was born ad soon after a loud slapping sound was heard, 'PHAA' (Fuck mee! who the hell spanked this daddy!?.) " WAAAAHH WAAAHHH" ( Damnnit this is frustrating!, Old man you better watch your back I'll get revenge for this!) Looking at the muscular yet lean old man with white hair which stops by his shoulders. His deep blue eyes looked as if the would drown you with a single glance."It's a boy" the old man says while looking at my puny little brother, he then shifts his gaze to what I assume should be the runes around my navel."H-he.... Yuri, your son he...inherited your ancestors legacy..." The old man knew because Yuri had the same kind of runes around her navel arena and when he asked he was told it was proof of inheriting their ancestors bloodline but sadly Yuri was the only one left in her clan until now when Kaen was born.

"R-really!? I'm so proud of him..... I want him to take my family name, his flames will burn hotter than anyone else, they will be gentle to those he cares about but ruthless to his enemies, his name will be Tsukikage Kaen. I don't want him to inherit the Sugino name, they are the ones who drove my husband away.... I don't want my son to have anything to do with them. At least I can pass everything I have to him because he inherited my ancestors bloodline so it would benefit him a lot and considering my situation it is the only thing I can to for him as his mother.Anyway, please let me hold my son! " Yuri exclaims, though from the tone of her voice you can tell that she is forcing herself and is very tired and weak.

The old man hands Kaen over to Yuri so she may hold her son at last. " My son... mother is so sorry... I won't be able to watch your grow up..sobs...sobs" Yuri starts crying as she bids farewell to Kaen and apologizes for leaving him alone. "....Sobs..mother will leave everything she has left to you my son....sniffle....become strong my son...." Looking back to the old man Yuri says" Yami-san please take care of my son for me... teach him how to be an upright man...and teach him how to protect those he cares about." Yuri pleades with Yami who was her husband's bestfriend.

In Yami's eyes tears were forming as he replied in a strong determined tone" Yuri, I swear on my honour as a swordsman that I will take care of your son as if he were my own grandson!" Yami was a friend of Kaen's father who went "missing" after his family realised that he married an outsider. Yuri always had a weak constitution so giving birth was basically suicide but she fought through to bring her son into the world so Yami decided to honour her wish.

"Thank you so much Yami, this means the world to me, now, before my time runs out please use the blood chain to extract my blood essence and seal it within the chain for my son, when the time comes my blood essence will purify his bloodline, that's the best I can do for him. I hope he finds people who care about him I future." Yuri looks down at Kaen's black hair then into his blood red eyes to fully appreciate the beauty of her son and burn his image into her retina. Reluctantly she looks away from her son who had been smiling at her and looks towards Yami. Yami please take him from me, I need to write a letter and when you let him leave the house please give it to him to give his to a woman he chooses, that is my last wish."

Yuri says as she holds Kaen in her left hand while she looks up a man and paper from the side of the bed to write the letter.

Kaen who had quietly been listening to his mother's last words and burning her image into his memories starts crying out loud. (Damnnit! Mother I swear on the name Kaen! I will become a man you can be proud of!)"WAAAAHHH.....WAAAAAHHH" He stretches out his hands and grabs hold of his mother's cheek to remember the feeling she gave him.

Feeling her son grab onto her and cry Yuri starts crying silently and forms a gentle smile when she faces Kaen and looks into his blood red eyes. " Mommy loves you Kaen" Finishing her statement she focuses on completing the letter and hands Kean over to Yami.

Once she 0sealed it she hands it over to Yami and signals to him to start extracting the blood essence. Yami opens a black box which contains a white chain inside. He reluctantly takes Yuri's left hand and ties the chain around it, once the chain is completely tied, as if it rains life it tightly wraps around her wrist to absorb her blood essence.

10 minutes later the once white chain turned dark red and loosened its grip Yuri's wrist signalling that the process is complete

At this point Yuri looks as pale as a white sheet as she mutter out in a weak voice" Please tell my son, Kaen.....I loved....him very much....and did...not abandon him....and.. thank you... Yami.." Letting out her last words she passes away with Kaen crying in her arms.

Yami picks up the crying Kaen and take him over to his own home.

{About a month later back in Yami's residence}

This time it was Sara and Cana's birth. Yami was standing watching his daughter give birth to his grandchildren with tears in his eyes because he knew that similar to Yuri, she would most probably pass away because of her weak heart.

After an hour the cries of two children could be head reverberating through the room. Hearing the cries of the two children Sugino Hana, Yami's daughter displays the most heartwarming smile as she looks over her two daughters. One with snow white hairs and bright purple eyes while the other having raven black hair similar to her mother's and crimson red eyes." Sugino Sara" Hana says as she looks over to her left arm in which she was holding the black haired girl. "Sugino Cana" now looking over to her right arm in which she was holding her white haired daughter. Lifting her gaze to look at Yami she utters in a weak voice" Father i wish to marry both of my daughtersa to Kaen-kun, I don't want them to end up in the hands of someone else."

Clenching his fists as tears rain down his cheeks he let's out a small. " Hai!" to acknowledge his daughters wish.

"Don't cry Father I was already prepared to sacrifice myself to bring my daughters into the world... I have done what I can for them now I wish to leave them in yours and Kaen-kun's care!" mustering the most confident and determined voice she could she tells her father not to worry about her in an attempt to lessen his grief.

dropping her gaze back on her two daughters who had already understood the situation and started crying she says to them in a weak voice " Mommy is sorry girls....I wish I could watch you grow into fine women... i really do but mommy has to go to a faraway place now so please be strong for mommy goodbye my an...gles..." as she says her parting words to Sara and Cana her pale lips form a gentle smile and she closes her eyes to pass on peacefully.

Kaen who had been watching whole scene with a determined and firey gaze sword in his heart (Mother in law I swear on my name "Tsukikage Kaen" that I will fulfill your dying wish and take care of the both of them.)

Yami who had already walked over to the two girls picked them up with his big calloused hands like they were the most precious things in the world. He swore in his heart to properly care for all three children until he has groomed them to perfection only then may he follow everyone who has left him behind and only then!

Losing two of the most important people he had left in this life Yami was depressed but he swore to himself that he would take care of them to the best of his ability until the day they were old enough to take care of themselves then he would follow all those dear to him to the afterlife as there are none of them left in this world.