
Glory of the fallen

In a world where spiritual energy is the norm, Vladimir stands out as an anomaly. Despite being a genius spiritualist, mastering all aspects of it, he is viewed as a freak. Yet, Vladimir finds solace in his uniqueness, seeing the rejection as a perfect fit for him. As he embarks on adventures, he grapples with both the challenges of his extraordinary abilities and the societal perception of his difference.

Atomic8Purgartory · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The looming doom

Elmund's POV:

Did any of this register in Vlad's head? Lumina overload, overcoming it, and then skipping two levels to awaken—this was unprecedented. Yet Vlad sat there, as if discussing the weather.

"Vlad, are you out of your mind? Do you grasp the significance of what just happened? This is uncharted territory in the annals of Ethereal is," I snapped, my tone sharper than usual.

"I don't see the big deal. I was going to awaken eventually, right? So, what's with the fuss? I'm exhausted," Vlad muttered, his eyes drooping.

"Exhausted? You should be petrified! Starting the soul alchemy level doesn't guarantee awakening. You could be stuck in limbo forever, you ignoramus! And the process? It's not a stroll in the park. It takes at least two to three days just to kickstart it, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. The entire journey through soul alchemy spans two agonizing months. That's 100 days for you, in case you're counting," I lectured, exasperation evident in my voice.

"Oh, so this world's months are 50 days with 5 weeks?" Vlad interjected.

"Focus, Vlad! One hundred days of intense transformation, and you're treating it like a vacation! Listen carefully. After soul alchemy comes the soul and body merging stage—the riskiest part of all mystic arts. It's a week-long ordeal, and one misstep can lead to a 'Mystical Abomination'. Rush through it, and you'll end up with a messed-up body and soul. Drag your feet, and your soul will start slipping away, leaving you a mere husk of your former self. Useless powers, grotesque appearance—the works. And there's no turning back," I warned, hoping my words would finally penetrate Vlad's oblivious facade.

"Yeah and..? Keep going thats actually making me sleepy..." As Vlad's words trailed off and he succumbed to sleep, I was left speechless, my mind reeling with frustration and disbelief. How could he be so cavalier about something so monumental? Would the gods intervene, or was this the beginning of a karmic reckoning for his nonchalant attitude?Taking a deep breath to calm my racing thoughts, I realized that perhaps Vlad's ignorance was not entirely his fault. Perhaps, in his exhaustion, he failed to grasp the gravity of his situation. With a resolve to educate him further.

* * * *

In the undisclosed location, hidden from prying eyes, a clandestine meeting unfolded in the dead of night. The room was cloaked in darkness, illuminated only by the dim glow of candles scattered across the semi-circular table where a group of figures gathered.

Clad in somber hues of black with subtle accents of grey, each member wore a mask, concealing their identities and adding an air of mystery to the assembly. The atmosphere crackled with tension as they awaited the commencement of the meeting.

A man, adorned with a crow mask, broke the silence with a hoarse voice, his words dripping with disdain for the gathering's size. "Tsk, there are only twelve of you here. What do you take of the boss, really? How disheartening."

A childish voice, masked as a three-eyed beast, piped up in response. "Oh, come on! If you count the boss and you, that makes fourteen of us. Only two are missing, and they're on an important mission, Crow, you dummy."

"Luminix, you're too noisy. I've told you before, your voice is very annoying. Why is a child even here?" retorted another, with the mask of a three-horned rabbit.

"Quiet! Tricornix, don't be rude to her. She has a point," interjected a husky voice, masked as a wolf. "Crow is annoying with his whining, and he never acknowledges anyone."

As tensions rose, a sibilant voice, masked eyes twinkling, intervened with a smile. "Crow."

"Boss," responded Crow energetically.

"Roll call," commanded the boss, his tone authoritative.

"Sir! As you all know, I am Crow and I am present," Crow announced, his mask resting on the table before him. "Now, three of you have already made yourselves noticed, without anybody's concern at that."

Several snorts echoed in agreement.

"Let's check for Shadow Stalker," continued the boss.

"In," came a lazy voice from behind a shadowy mask, its wearer seated with their mask on the table.

"Ember Hound," the boss called out.

"In," replied a cheery voice from a fiery beast mask, also seated with its mask on the table.

"Viperbat," the boss prompted.

"In," answered a nasal voice, another mask resting on the table.

"Stardust hare,"

"Yeah," said a raspy voice.

"I want to wrap it up quickly so, Frog, Aurelia, Kai, Aerith, and Mirage Palm,"

"In," one person with a frog mask on the table, three with human faced masks, and one with a palm mask all chorused respectively.

"Damn i feel so insignificant!" Said the one with a frog mask.

"Couldn't have said it better, you are like nothingness amounting to nothing indeed, so feel that way all the to your grave," Crow teased, earning himself a glare from Frog.

The roll call continued until all members had acknowledged their presence, each responding with their respective masks on the table. Some with lazy drawls, others with raspy tones, all adding to the mystique of the gathering.

"Alright playtime is over now let's..."

Just as the boss was about to proceed, two latecomers made their entrance.

"Sorry to interrupt your worthless meeting. I hope I didn't miss anything worthless as worthless as you are," quipped a melodious voice.

"Argh, Celestial Bloom and Fairy," grumbled Luminix.

"Well, thank you for the warm welcome, and we bring you some good news in return," said Fairy, her voice gloomy.

"Oh, you two sit down and share with me what you have that led to you interrupting me while I was speaking, and it better be good... enough," the boss said with much emphasis on his words. His momentum grew, causing Celestial Bloom and Fairy to shudder in unison. Beads of sweat formed on the brows of everyone in the room as the tension escalated to a palpable level.

"Yes, sir! We have located the Celestial Heart, and it seems to have been nourished for a long period of time," Fairy said in a panicked tone, her voice trembling with urgency.

The boss leaned back in his chair, his expression unreadable behind his mask. The news seemed to hang heavy in the air, casting a shadow over the room as the significance of the discovery sank in.

"Ha! Haha ha," laughed the boss maniacally, sending shivers down the spines of all present.

"Yes, that is indeed great news," the boss acknowledged. "Crow, prepare for a raid. The Umbral Cult shall commence its activities today! Now, tell me the location."

"It's at the lost village of Auriela in Aurora Isle," reported Fairy.

"Oh, so it did exist. The lost village of Auriela Lightbringer," mused the boss with an eerie smile. "Auriela, you are in luck this time. Seems like you get to see the hometown of your muse."

"Darn it, I should have known!" lamented Frog, his frustration palpable in the dimly lit room.

* * * * *

Back in Celestial Heart, Mr. Klaus strode through the village with his head held high, his thoughts heavy with concern. "Sigh, that child... his absence always brings sadness to my heart. Now who is going to pay attention to good old me?" he mused to himself. "Well, I hope he succeeds in the first level of the soul alchemy. That would give the Celestial Heart good enough energy to last the king a while longer."

His thoughts turned to Elmund, and a scowl crossed his face. "That stupid Elmund with her quarter soul. She can't be any more useless," he muttered under his breath. "She better not ruin this one because of her jealousy. He was a big catch, with all the qualities needed. How unprecedented."

As he approached the entrance to the chief's yard, Mr. Klaus's fears were confirmed. He saw Elmund, sweating profusely, struggling under the weight of Vlad on her back.

"Mr. Klaus! Please help! He has become a Mystical Abomination!" Elmund exclaimed, her eyes bulging with panic.

"Oh, how I regret ever meeting this worthless child," Mr. Klaus sighed, his frustration evident in his exasperated tone.

* * * *

In the midst of Klaus's chaos, there was a place where two gentlemen, or so they seemed, conversed quietly. One sat while the other stood before him.

"So, any news about Elmund?" spoke the man with blue hair and eyes, his build sturdy and imposing.

"Oh, your highness Edmund, I think we found her, right at the lost village of Auriela. The dwellers there said they felt a sense of euphoria every time they went there, that is how it became a place that is frequented," replied the man in shades of blue clothes, his hair brown and eyes ordinary.

"The 'Wonderland Bringer.' That's her Aetheric legacy signature, alright. One that makes people hallucinate, giving them a sense of hopefulness," Edmund remarked bitterly.

"Your highness, it would seem that she was able to conjure a 10th-grade barrier, since its location is definite but entering seems like a fool's play," Loyd explained.

"Loyd!" roared Edmund.

"Sir," Loyd saluted, his weariness evident.

"You know that your brother betrayed me so he could preserve that rotting father of mine. An abomination to the kingdom of Aurora Isle," Edmund declared, his gaze sharp as he locked eyes with Loyd.

"Yes, sir," Loyd replied wearily.

"So, do me a favor and find a 12-grade barrier counter, and I won't be compensating you for that. Do not overestimate that girl's powers. Once she loses even the slightest control, it's all over," Edmund instructed, a wry smile creeping onto his lips.

"Yes, sir, on it!" Loyd saluted before hastily exiting the room, leaving Edmund alone with his thoughts.

"For the greatest good of the empire, I shall plunge the world into chaos," Edmund whispered to himself, his voice a chilling echo in the quiet room.