
Whispers of the heart

My dad and I were watching a movie, and a young boy of my age began to make out with his girlfriend. As I watched, I saw that my dad was likewise preoccupied with the film. He took a moment to inquire about my romantic life. 

 "Can we talk?" My dad asked 

"All right, Dad," 

"Tell me about your love life"

"Well, Dad, I haven't found somebody who truly accepts me as I am. Your riches are the only reason the guys around me are there. which is exactly what I don't want. "But you know that you can get anything in life with money," he says. 

"But not with love," Dad, 

" how do you plan to see true love"

"How do you intend to see true love in this time when everyone is after money and wealth?"

"Well Dad I have a plan to achieve that" 

"Can you let it out for me?"

"No, Dad, it's just my little secret, you'll know when I've achieved it." "Well, if you say so," Dad went inside his room as I went to bed to ponder about how to achieve my plan of finding true love.

I went to a shopping center the next day to acquire some things when I noticed a guy I loved and approached him.

"I guess I like you.

I spoke quietly, looking at him innocently.

" Do you like me?

"I believe I like you.

I spoke in a quiet voice, staring at him innocently.

" Do you like me or do you believe I like you?

He smiled as he spoke.

" I mean, I like you.

Innocently, I answered.

He began to laugh out loud and smile brilliantly.

I couldn't figure out why he was laughing or what was so amusing about what I said, but I knew he'd give me a chance. Given my current situation 

" All right, I heard you. 

Is that why you're stopping me?

He said this while staring me down. 

I innocently nodded my head without saying anything.

"All right, I heard what you said.

He said out, still smiling and trying not to chuckle.

" Would you like to be my boyfriend?"

I finally said it out loud.

He couldn't hold back his laughter this time around, so

He broke into a serious stage of laughter that left me in confusion.


"He paused. Wait a minute. "Are you dam serious?

Yes, I am Ann, the daughter of Marvin Stone, the owner of Malinvina Company.


"Oh, I see"

"Anyway, Alex," but that is not the way to approach a guy. But I think I like you too.


"So we go for lunch?"

"Maybe tomorrow."


"This is my number; call me when you are free. Ok

" Ok"


The next day in the morning, I woke up and set out to work.


I work for my father's company as the CEO of the company.


That morning, as I walked into the company, my workers greeted me, and my secretary took my bag to my office.


A few minutes later, my secretary just told me that I had a call. Guess who it was? Alex.


I didn't know why he had to call so early because I gave him my office number.

Ok. I picked up the call, and the voice was romantic.

"How is my sweetheart doing this morning?

I voiced out while laughing, and as soon as he called me sweetheart...

But I knew clearly that he was interested in me because I mentioned the name of my dad.

My dad is known all over the world. As one of the richest men. He is a successful man who has made his money through hard work in business. He married my mother when he graduated from the university because my mother was his schoolmate and we were dating when they were in school. During their time, Love was not difficult to find. Like our time.

It was so difficult for me to befriend anyone because my parents were already rich before giving birth to me.

I couldn't answer him very well. Because of my father's wealth, I have a sense that he was interested in me.

But I am looking for someone who will love me for who I am, not for what I have.

I picked up the call, and we agreed on where to meet for lunch.

Alex is a tall, handsome guy every woman wants as a boyfriend. But I wanted to know if my belief in money was true about love.

We went out for lunch as promised, and everything went fine. But deep down, I knew the guy was after my father's wealth. I have had many similar experiences. So I decided to test Alex's love.

Chapter two

Intertwined Deception

I dial a number on my phone. It was Dr. Anderson, an experienced and trusted physician, who answered the phone.


Hello, Dr. Anderson is speaking. How can I assist you?


Hello, Doctor. It's Anna. Do you remember our plan?


(slightly concerned)

Yes, Anna. Are you sure about this?

I hesitate for a moment, then collect myself.


Yes, Doctor. I want to make him believe it's an accident.

I hang up the phone, contemplating my decision.


Next was pretending to be unconscious, lying in a hospital bed, while a nurse checked my vital signs. Next to me were Alex and my dad.

I pretended to wake up and asked where I was. But Alex tried to calm me down so that I would be fine.


Immediately, the doctor entered to see me and requested that my dad come to the office with Alex; he appeared nervous.


"I don't know how to tell you this.

Anna had a very serious issue with her spinal cord.

Hmmmm. It seems like Anna might not be able to walk again.

Now my dad exclaims

I will do anything for my daughter to be okay.


"I am sorry, there is nothing I can do for now.


A few days later, I was discharged and entered crutches for support.

As I was at home contemplating what to do next, I had a knock on the door.

"Who is there?"

It was the voice of the maid.

"There is a man here to see you."

I knew it was Alex. I said

"Let him in."

So Alex came in with a pitiful face. I pretend to be in pain because I am crippled and cannot walk again.


"Babe, does it mean that I would not be able to walk again?"

"Don't say that again."

"But that was what the doctor said."

"Your dad is going to do all he can to make you walk again."

"My dad is not a doctor."

"But he has the money to search for the best hospital that can treat you or have surgery that can make you walk."

Are you trying to say the hospital I went to is not one of the best?"

Because our family hospital is one of the best in the world. Also, Dr. Anderson has been our family doctor since my dad made his money. I have known him all my life.

"That is not what I am trying to say."

"So what are you trying to say? Make me understand."

"See, Anna, we are in a generation where everything is possible to get, including your legs, so understand what I mean."

"Don't tell me that because of my condition of being crippled, you are tired of the relationship."

"No, no, no. What I am saying is that you are to get the best treatment as the daughter of a wealthy man."

"Alex, please, I don't want to hear that again. I have my life to live, and my father has his own life to live.

"So what are your plans as to what will happen?"

"Life continues; I would like to live by it."

I noticed that Alex was not happy with my statement. And she was acting funny; I just decided to play along.

"Alex, what is the problem? I asked.

"Nothing, I was just thinking."

"Thinking about what?"

"Don't worry, everything is going to be okay, he said to me.

But deep down, I knew Alex was not interested in the relationship again because I was crippled. I have now decided to ask him.

"Where is this relationship heading?"I asked

"You say"

"Didn't you hear me? I asked again.

By this time, he was feeling uncomfortable and nervous. "You see, babe, we need to take things slowly. I don't think this is the right time for you to talk about this. Just take your time and relax at the right time. We'll see how this is going to work," he answered. So III already that Alex was not interested in me for love but for his own gain. I then call it a quit without even revealing my true self of not being crippled. I just decided to call it quits immediately.

The next morning, my dad was surprised to see me walking. And ask me

"Young lady, what is the meaning of this?"

"Dad is just one of my games to know who truly loves me."

"My dad just just laughed. I hope one day you find this true love you are always glamorizing about. Anyway, I wish you good luck in your search."

He left for his usual routine of the day.

Chapter three

The Disguise

Metropolis was a city that never slept, its towering skyscrapers piercing the sky like steel sentinels, guarding secrets untold. Anna, the father of fortune, had grown weary of the glitzy facade that masked her reality. Her desire for authentic connection burned like a flame in her chest, leading her to make a decision that would change her life forever.

Anna transformed herself into Belle, shedding the trappings of her privileged life. The golden strands of her hair disappeared beneath a plain brown wig, and the sparkling jewels were replaced by modest accessories. Oversized glasses framed her face, concealing the striking blue eyes that had once graced society pages.

Embracing her newfound anonymity, Anna secured a job at a guest house as a receptionist, tucked away in a quiet corner of the city. The daily recording and welcoming of new clients and customers became her daily routine job. It was here that she believed she could unearth the true essence of love.

As Anna immersed herself in the world of the less privileged, she discovered the profound beauty of human connection. Conversations in the hidden corners of the hotel became her solace, and the people she met painted the city with stories as diverse as its skyline.

In the warmth of the hotel, Anna encountered Chris, a real estate surveyor with dreams. That has a site he came to supervise in that city. Their connection was instantaneous, sparked by shared laughter over a conversation whenever he came to lodge in the hotel for some time, and sealed with the promise of genuine companionship. Anna revealed the enchantment of love without the looming shadow of her family name.

Hello," said Chris.

"How can I help you?"

"I need a room for two weeks."

"OK, let me check the available rooms."


"Hmm, we have rooms 4, 7, 10, and 15."

"What about room 10?"

"I want room 10."



After six hours, Chris came down the stairs to ask for a change of room. So I asked what the problem was. He complained about the toilet. So I told him that the other rooms were already occupied. So he became furious and asked for a refund. but I refused and asked him to be patient for the toilet to be fixed in a few minutes.

"I don't have that time."

"But we don't refund here," I replied.

He was just trying to create a scene, but knowing what brought me there, I had to calm him down. I made sure the toilet was fixed immediately. So this impressed Chris, who wanted to know me more. So after the whole drama, Chris came down to thank me and asked a few questions, which I told him I answered.

So I became Chris's friend.

Chapter 3:

Unveiling the Truth

Anna and Chris's relationship deepened as they navigated the city together, finding beauty in simplicity and joy in each other's company. The seasons changed, mirroring the transformation within their hearts. With every shared secret and stolen glance, they painted a love story that defied the boundaries of social status.

Yet, as their love flourished, so did the weight of Anna's secret. She grappled with the fear of judgment and the possibility of losing the one person who saw her for who she truly was. The city, with its secrets and whispers, became both a haven and a labyrinth of challenges.

In a moment of vulnerability, Anna decided to reveal her true identity to Chris, fearing that the truth might shatter the fragile reality they had built. The revelation hung in the air like the turning leaves of autumn, uncertain and filled with anticipation.

"I have something to tell you."

"What is that?" He asked

How will you feel if the one you truly love is not the one meant for you?"

"Are you hiding anything from me?"

"No, I am just asking."

At this point, Chris is trying to figure out what is wrong with me. He asked again.

"Babe, is there something you are not telling me?"

"Is it like you are hiding something from me?"

"Hmmm," I sighed.


"You see, babe, I want to find love. I want someone who sees me beyond my personality and who loves me for who I am."

"I am the daughter of Marvin Stone."

"I just want to find true love.

To her surprise, Chris embraced her, understanding the complexities of her world and choosing to see the person beneath the disguise. Their love, tested by the revelation, emerged stronger than ever, proving that authenticity could withstand even the most formidable challenges.

As Anna's journey approached its climax, she discovered that true love was not an ordinary quest but a transformation of the soul. It led her to a realm where she realized that embracing vulnerability and taking risks were the keys to unlocking the most precious treasure of all: love in its purest form. In the end, Anna's pursuit of true love taught her that it was not about finding someone who completed her, but rather someone who encouraged her to become the best version of herself.


Love's Embrace

In the end, Anna's courage and determination prevailed. She triumphed over the obstacles, breaking free from the gilded cage of her past. With the support of her soulmate, she embraced a future defined by love in its truest sense. Together, they danced under the stars, reminding themselves that love was not just a destination but a beautiful journey that they would continue to explore, hand in hand, forever.