
Global Survival : All my Skills are Full Level! (DROPPED)

One moment, 27 year old ‘retired’ mercenary Max Riggs had his heart beating faster than even being held at gunpoint with certain death before him ever had, his excitement literally shooting through the roof at finally being able to reunite with his only living family, his three sisters, whom he had left to pursue his dangerous career. The next, every human on Earth, from just born babes to old men and women on life support, were whisked away to an alien universe, separated throughout uncountable dimensions each holding a single human, vast untapped resources, and innumerable ‘monsters’ of all shapes and sizes. All they had, was a marble of light in their hands, a voice in their heads, and their own ‘Talents’ which they awoke. And they had to play a very deadly, yet rewarding ‘Game’. A ‘Game’ between Gods and Men. ((Congratulations to Amy Riggs for being the first person to kill a Tier 1 Monster. Special rewards have been issued. The ‘Chat’ Function for all participants has been unlocked.)) “Amy?”, Max muttered as he recalled the 16 year old from 8 years ago, fresh to high school, naively pure and innocent, smiling at him brightly as she held two cones of ice cream in each of her two hands… ((Congratulations to Emilia Riggs for being the first person to gain a F Grade Item. Special rewards have been issued. The ‘Trade’ Function for all participants has been unlocked.)) “Emi?”, Max thought back to Amy’s twin sister in all but personality, the rebellious blonde who carried a bunch of knives and rods to school and whom he had bailed for sending countless boys and men to the ER with crushed balls and cut off dicks more times than he would care to count… ((Congratulations to Adeline Riggs for being the first person to find a design drawing. Special rewards have been issued. The ‘Build’ Function for all participants has been unlocked.)) “Ade?”, Max recalled the adorable eight year old who he used to walk to and from school, who forced him to play house with her for hours on end, who simply wouldn’t sleep without him telling her a bedtime story, the same eight year old who cried so bitterly that it broke his heart when he left… “Hiss! What happened in the last eight years that made my likely sisters so fierce?” Then, the cold, emotionless voice of the ‘System’ governing the ‘Game’ rang in his head. ((Congratulations, you have awoken the Talent [Absolute Mastery(G)]. Please check your ‘Status’ for more details.))

Azerial_0 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

[Chapter:1][Island Castaway?]

"What the hell…"

Looking around, Max felt his lips twitch.

Just a second ago, he had finally reached the house he had been dreaming of going back to for almost a decade…

But before he could even knock or ring the bell, he found himself staring at the vast and seemingly endless ocean while standing on a small island…

((Congratulations, you have awoken the Talent [Absolute Skill Mastery(G)]. Please check your 'Status' for more details.))

"Who!?", he shot up in alarm, but realised that he was all alone on the island.

Not only that…

"That voice, did it just ring directly in my mind? But how…"

Just then, his vision changed, as three icons similar to those in computers appeared in it.

"These are…"

Although alarmed, curiosity won out as Max 'selected' the very first icon mentally, resulting in a hologram like screen appearing in his view.

. . . . . .

[Max Riggs]

Race : Human

Age : 27 years

Sex : Male

Tier : 0

Strength : G (0/1)

Physique : G (0/1)

Agility : G (0/1)

Spirit : G (0/1)

Talent : [Absolute Skill Mastery(G)]

Skills : [None]

. . . . . .

"This is…"

Max's eyes widened as he slumped down, and began to do push ups.

As a mercenary, although he had only fought for 8 years and participated in less than 15 war zones, his body was certainly far, far stronger than ordinary people.

In normal times, he would easily be able to do a hundred push ups with just ragged breathing and some tiredness in his arms, yet now…



Max felt his arms burn up, his chest heave as his body dropped to the ground, unable to even finish the twentieth push up. And his heart dropped along with his body.

"I…I became weaker…!"

Feeling the result for years of hardship, of sweat and blood and tears, disappear so suddenly…

((Conditions met. Learn skill [Breathing]?))

((Conditions met. Learn skill [Training]?))

((Conditions met. Learn skill [Rest]?))


Looking at the prompts which suddenly appeared before him, his shock and heart wrenching pain at having his efforts wasted disappeared.

"This is…"

Looking at the Skills, Max's eyes widened as he hurriedly looked at his Status.

"My Talent…"

Tapping his 'Talent', a descriptions popped up.

. . . . . .

Absolute Skill Mastery(G) : Increase Level of any 1 Skill(s) at or below Grade G to max. Talent Grade increases with Tier. Number and Grade of Skills increases with increase in Talent Grade. Once selected, a skill cannot be unselected or replaced.

Note : Due to restrictions, number of Skills that can be learned is limited to number of Skills affected by Talent. Current number : 0/1

. . . . . .

A very simple description, but it made Max's heart a little excited.

"Max level skills…although I have no idea what that means, at least it sound good…"

Of course, without any available example, he had no idea what the benefit of a max level skill was. But at the same time, he could only select a single skill, making him hesitant.

"Let's wait for a moment, and take a look at the other icons first."

Deciding not to be hasty and accidentally waste a good opportunity, Max closed his 'Status' and swatted the 'learn' prompts away before looking at the other icons.

"This is…Mail? And there's an exclamation mark next to it, so does that mean someone sent me a mail?"

Blinking his eyes in confusion, he selected the Mail icon, and the corresponding window appeared before him.

. . . . . .

[System : Welcome to the Game] (!)

. . . . . .

There was only one unread Mail marked by an exclamation mark, which Max selected.

. . . . . .

System : Welcome to the Game

Hello Player, welcome to the Game of Gods and Men. The Game has been created by the Supreme Will of the Universe in order to facilitate growth and progress of Mortals, as well as giving them a chance at Godhood, and heights even higher.

The Game begins with you, the Player, stranded on an island in a vast and infinite Ocean. Do not attempt to reach the 'end' of the Ocean, for there exists no such thing. The World you are in is quite literally 'infinite' in length, width, depth, and height. And no, you are not on a spherical planet, but that is all I'll tell you for now, you have to find out the rest on your own! Spoilers are no fun, don't you agree?

The purpose of the Game is, in simple and concise words, 'Survive, Develop, and Conquer'. Survive the harshness of the Ocean, Develop your tiny island into a small island, big island, large island, small continent, big continent, even a landmass larger than planets and stars. And Conquer the myriad beasts and Monsters that exist in your world, which exist under the sea, on the land, in the sky, and even among the stars.

The Player can unlock more functions as they progress in the Game, and can even meet with other Players in other Worlds! All the population of all Sentient Races in the Universe have been enlisted as Players, so if you want to meet up with your friends, relatives, family, etc…, you better develop quickly~!

Basic tools to help you in your hopefully eternal journey are attached to this mail, and will be given to you once every day. Live long, live hard, and live FREE!

Oh, by the way, if you die, you will be re-spawned in another world on another tiny island, and all your progress / regression from the beginning of the Game will be deleted, so try not to die too many times!

So long!

. . . . . .

Max looked at the message in a daze. Unable to believe his own eyes, he read the Mail over and over again.

Yet nothing changed, causing him to take a deep, long breath as he looked at the 'tools' mentioned.

"A unit of wood, a unit of stone, 500 grams of food, 3 litres of water, a unit of fibre, and a unit of metal."

Selecting them all and choosing to bring them out, Max looked at the items that appeared before him.