
global star

dev is the MC who has the dream to be famous star. in this story, we know how he reach is dream.

Gabimaru_lama_ · Urban
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11 Chs

the mixtape

It was all about mixtape in my mind. I was fully prepared about it. I had already made every song with the perfect story line. I believe that it will bring something out of me. It will change the perspective of others about me. My mixtape was a project that will not only tell the tale of man but it was also used as promotional tool for my upcoming album. I was ready and I had hyped about my mixtape.

The mixtape is about the story of man. How he born to the world?, How he grew up and become child?, how he completed his school life? How he fall in love? ,How he changed from child to adult?, What is responsibility of adult?, How he create his family?, etc

I wrote this mixtape as to reflect and collect the memories about a person life. I want the world know about how the person life is . I want to show the world story about a child who grow and become man who is responsible for his every work towards the world.

It was the time to release my mixtape. Before I release my mixtape, I just published few songs from my mixtape with video.

First song was birth. As the name suggests, it was all about the new born child.


I see the light at the end, for which I was in tough fight

as I feel I was right, my mother was lying at bed on site

I feel like I was free to see everything I feel

it was like something new to know about thing

to sew a new relationship that will grew

where I will special among few on these dew

the new world that was seen, brings me to the beauty of scene

I was at the lap, where there was no gap ,just tap of mom hand.

New feeling that was coming, telling the story

looking past history always remembering glory.x2

weak easy to break that child holding on mom lap

it been week of by birth but still there is progress or gap

still sleeping and resting,never been able to stable myself

to sit and be capable to tell about myself

I was just small just trying to go out of wall

these tall hall capturing me , that was thought on my mind.

seeing how kind was my mom to me giving all love for me.

I was just a child , seeing the scene and cared by parents

everything I wish was granted never like a wasted.

I still remember how I cry trying to get I wanted

making my shy but still I feel good and cry to recover everything

about my past which was cover on my life.

This was the my first song on the mixture. slowly I also published my second song on mass tube. It was last track from my mixtape, it was named death. As both signify the start and end of person life. It was perfect to published and make other hyped about my mixtape.

(Thank you 🙏)...