
Global Reincarnation: Getting bitten by a vampire at the beginning

1181042239 · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Chapter 6: Ghost Wolf Hybrid

Michael's blood has been obtained. Selene's blood has also been secured. Now, what remains is the blood of a werewolf. To be precise, it's the blood of the werewolf leader Lucian. Once Lucian's blood is acquired, it will be possible to fuse together a hybrid creature of vampire-werewolf proportions.

In 'Underworld 1', the protagonist Michael transforms into such a hybrid after being bitten by Lucian and then drinking Selene's blood. The combat prowess of this vampire-werewolf hybrid goes without saying. Michael, during his first transformation, delivered a crushing defeat to Victor—one of the three Elders of the vampires—and later grew to become the acknowledged strongest in the subsequent films.

Therefore, obtaining Lucian's blood is a must for Ye Hong.

Under the cover of night, Ye Hong moves like a ghost onto the battlefield.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Selene's battle with Lucian is intense. It's evident that Selene's marksmanship is exceptional, landing precise shots with silver bullets that force Lucian to retreat. However, Lucian proves too resilient; the silver bullets merely slow him down, soon expelled from his body, and his wounds heal rapidly at a visible pace.

It becomes clear that Selene is losing ground and will inevitably be defeated.

Seeing this, Ye Hong's eyes flash with determination as he decides to intervene. With Selene distracting Lucian, he stands a chance to obtain Lucian's blood. Without her intervention, it would be unrealistic for him alone to subdue Lucian. At his current level of strength, taking on the boss character of this game world is simply not feasible.

Ye Hong lunges forward, aiming straight for Lucian's back.

"Fool! You're courting death!" snarls Lucian, who, amidst battling Selene, suddenly turns around. From the beginning, he detected Ye Hong's presence and was prepared. Furthermore, seeing Ye Hong as nothing more than a newborn vampire, Lucian doesn't consider him a significant threat. He casually grabs the attacking Ye Hong and snaps his jaws toward Ye Hong's throat, fully intending to rip open his throat and snap his neck.

To Lucian's surprise, however, this newborn vampire shows no signs of panic, instead sporting a sly smile on his face. Ye Hong's ambush is merely a ruse to distract Lucian. Ye Hong is acutely aware of their disparity in strength and never expected the sneak attack to succeed.

At the critical moment, Ye Hong forcibly shifts his position by an inch, avoiding his own throat and allowing Lucian to bite into his shoulder instead.

Blood spurts everywhere, and Ye Hong feels excruciating pain as if his shoulder and collarbone are about to shatter. Yet, his smile broadens even more.

Baring his fangs, Ye Hong retaliates by biting into Lucian's flesh and begins to voraciously drink his blood.

"Drinking my blood?!" Lucian momentarily stumbles, then explodes with rage.

Even Victor, one of the vampire Elders, dared not do this; anyone who dares drink his blood would meet a gruesome end—torn apart into bloody pieces.


Enraged, Lucian instantly transforms into his most powerful werewolf form, vowing to cruelly slaughter this audacious newborn vampire.


Selene watches, stunned, as Ye Hong makes this reckless move. Despite her shock, she reacts swiftly, emptying a magazine of bullets at Lucian while dashing forward to intercept him. However, the enraged and transformed Lucian is terrifyingly powerful, ignoring the silver bullets hitting his body and swatting Selene away with a single blow.

But Ye Hong does not flee. Instead, he continues to grin.

Hybrid Vampire-Werewolf! 

He has finally achieved it – using Michael's blood as the catalyst, successfully blending the bloodlines of the vampire and werewolf into one.

Power, a torrential surge of ferocious power courses through his body, a sensation that is intoxicating and exhilarating.

Under his vampire combat mode, his fighting prowess was already formidable. And now, transformed into the hybrid vampire-werewolf, his strength escalates to an outrageous level.

Facing the raging Lucian, Ye Hong neither dodges nor evades. Instead, he launches a punch directly at Lucian's wolfish head.

Lucian chooses not to dodge either, his eyes flashing with a contemptuous sneer. In his transformed state, his defenses are immensely strong, impervious even to direct hits from silver bullets, let alone an attack from a newborn vampire.

Yet, in the blink of an eye, disaster strikes Lucian. 

With a resounding boom, Lucian is sent flying by Ye Hong's punch, spinning uncontrollably before crashing hard into a wall.

Lucian is stunned, unable to comprehend what just happened, and before he can recover, Ye Hong's relentless assault rains down upon him.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Ye Hong lands every punch, causing Lucian to spurt blood continuously, accompanied by the sickening sound of bones breaking.

Selene blinks, utterly astonished. This is the berserk, transformed Lucian, and yet, in front of Ye Hong, he appears powerless to fight back?!


Lucian bellows in frustration and anger, resorting to a desperate stance. Surprisingly, Lucian turns tail and flees the scene...