
Global Reincarnation: Becoming A God With My Unlimited Revive

Author: One Punch Cute King
Ongoing · 3.8M Views
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Reveal spoiler


Please pick this it is a good book


Idk i dont like it... it feels badly executed and well... boring. I dont really like non human MCs but i can read it if kt reads well... this doesnt read well.


strongly recomend you to read it[img=update][img=update][img=recommend][img=update][img=recommend][img=update][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=update][img=recommend][img=update][img=recommend][img=update][img=recommend][img=update][img=recommend][img=update][img=recommend][img=update][img=exp][img=exp][img=update][img=exp][img=update][img=exp][img=update][img=update][img=exp][img=recommend][img=faceslap][img=recommend][img=faceslap][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=update][img=recommend][img=update][img=recommend][img=update][img=recommend][img=update][img=recommend][img=update][img=recommend][img=update]


Reveal spoiler


Racist story involving someone who kills off every human that isn't Chinese. Not sure what the author's problem is but it's clear he's a loser who lives out his sad childish fantasies via writing.


It's written by kid for kids. "OMG OMG !!!! MC tOo sTronk, hAnDsoMe ... " is what happens every chapter. There isn't even any effort put. The 'bad guys' are called 'Evil Energy Organization'. Every character is either a creepy jade 'beauty' or 'bad guy' or 'bootlicker 856783'. If I gave a pen to my dog, even he could scribble better than this.


if you are trying to actively loose your neuron then this story with a genius mc who also suffers from turner syndrome is for you. every girl should have very big eyes and super white skin even tho they are in AU china. half of the chapters are just build up for a cheap face slap and a pathetic audience surprise. there is huge discrimination against other races as well and author trying to justify it by self insertion. disappointing translation which gives us the iconic "kill" and "also" every paragraph just like the mtl version.


Will become a nationalist novel in the future... Reader beware.




This novel is definitely worthy of being picked on the Trial Reads. A unique premise where MC is not just a beast, but a summoned one on top of that. Definitely an enjoyable read for me.


Reveal spoiler




its good so read it ................................................................................................................


Reveal spoiler


Cool storry, rushed ending. Im not mad about the ending, just the timing of it (even though it was kinda meh). The author could have easely written another 100-200ch by developing ideas that were underdeveloped. FROM THIS POINT THERE ARE SPOILERS -why he has the infinite revives Summuned beasts world: -districts 100 and 3-1 -interactions whith races other than spirits -why annoucements disapeared Ancient gods world and gods domain world: -mc didnt go there nor became a demigod/god -small exploration of gods domain world and rule skills other than this i liked the story.


They are giving it a completed state, is it really done or is it like with most translations here, that they will never finish the job? will need to do mtl if so...


I’m convinced that some people just don’t know wat a good novel is, if I was just getting into novels and I read this as my first one I’d probably not see all the crazy flaws in this. But I’ve been read for a while and I can’t just ignore how bad it is. Okay spoilers from here: Premise: tbh the reason I even got into this is because I saw promise in the synopsis but 33 chapters in and I’m very disappointed. World building: if youre gonna have a novel with a broken mc you NEED to have proper world building but there is absolutely none so far. You’d think that that the first thing u do when going to a new world would be to look for maps, books, or even ask someone what country you’re in where your at what’s the date. Yeah no it’s just left up in the air Characters: the mc has a VERY generic backstory which I suppose should be skipped because It doesn’t explain why he then becomes a suicidal Maniac. His system is only supposed to make it so that he can revive indefinitely but that doesn’t explain why he feels no pain at all when he dies, It doesn’t explain why he has no qualms of dying either. From what I remember he was only supposed to get a portion of the memories of the beast he reincarnated into but now they changed it so he gets a 90 percent Bru. His summoner is this mysterious little girl which you don’t really care about because the story gives no substance to her character. there’s no character development because at this point he’s doing everything for her or everything is just dropped on her plate. in a story like this where the mc is OP you need to have good side characters, the side characters are people that need there backstorys explained. like his summoner is supposed to be a young girl which has no job at all but somehow with both her parents dead is able to live in a three-bedroom house. Her friend which you think was a bully or an arrogant person is actually her friend which is hinted at immediately as the MC gets put in the world pretty ,much the little girl saved the friend from dying and so now they’re like best friends. I would comment on other people in the story so far but there are none literally there are none. some of the people just come in and come out like the older lady that joined their group she has no substance she kinda just became attached to them for some reason the two twins that were in their group as well immediately die and it’s kind of just like glossed over youd think these kids would be like even more scared because they were just talking to the kid the other day or something like that no they don’t it’s for a second until like oh yeah they’re scared and that’s pretty much it. Grammar/sentences: I don’t personal have a problem with the grammar it seems okay but the sentences have no substance and the names are not creative like I think it was chapter 28 where they introduced the evil energy organization 😑that has to be the worst name for an evil organization I have ever heard especially for a Chinese novel. Nationalism: Im in the early parts of this novel so I didn’t really see any patriotic or racist or crazy nationalist writing but something that does confuse me is these Asian novels always have these Korean, Chinese, etc. names and it’s not just like one place has it not just one world has it nope EVERYONE has these types of names and it loses the fantasy aspect for me personally. Overall: i’m not gonna go to in depth anymore with the flaws of this novel I just wanna say it is not worth the four star rating that it got if you’re an avid reader this is going to be a trash novel if you’re new you may like this because you can skip over all the flaws this story has but overall it’s not good the characters are not good the world building not good the pacing is even more atrocious like the dude immediately goes to different world and he’s immediately embroiled in a countrywide fight with an organization for no reason really besides oh this kid(his summoner) is very smart. Hopes: to be honest I had high hopes for this and I didn’t think it would go down this path or be bad like this novel is right now I had thought that it Be a story about leveling up and seeing all these new world and getting to learning about these new cultures in these Worlds or even him just becoming like a guardian beast of some country would’ve been a cool spin on the story but I’m not gonna stick around to read anymore it’s just not that good especially with the comments saying that it gets very racist and very nationalist I’m just not gonna try anymore it’s not really good to begin with so I’m not gonna waste my time anymore.✌🏾


"Oh my, how powerful, wow, I can't believe it, are you seeing this? Wow, He really did that! I oh my god, what's that, Did you see!, Wait, he can't do it, oh my, he did! no way. Wow. That was increadible. I will never forget that stuff that just happened. Don't you agree?" This is the entire novel in a nut shell. The MC does stuff off screen 99% of the time and the writer writes Thousands of paragraphs of other people saying they saw "something" happen. If you're lucky, they may give a half assessed explanation of what they saw. In total. The MC has had 5 fight scenes in the ENTIRE novel. I do not count any scenes where we don't get descriptions of him doing things explicitly. Almost encounter or fight is just you reading about people telling other people about what they saw, and that's if you're lucky. The writer will actually more often then not do "And then they explained" Even though we the readers never saw what happened in the first place. so Nothing gets explained and you're just sitting there like.... What the f*** is happening! You can turn away for literally 5 seconds and the story goes from "MC talking to a person in a store" to "oh my god did you see that thing that happened!" So you go back, and literally nothing happened.... This novel is absolute epitome of every bad thing a writer can do. Show don't tell: The writer ONLY tells. Keep it simple stupid: The writer over complicates simple things. Make important things interesting. The writer over simplifies and makes it boring. Describe only what needs describing. The writer gives either no descriptions or over describes unimportant things. Every possible thing that a writer can do wrong this writer did. And they didn't even do it well. This is not satire. This is their best efforts. This is the level their mind is at. This person should stop writing and start reading. Maybe in 10 years they can give it another go.


So let me say at the top: I enjoyed this novel and would probably recommend reading it if you enjoy the genre. Compared to other, similar, novels it has a somewhat unique premise. Although MC constantly killing himself to accumulate more and more skill is, in many ways, very similar to other novels where the MC kills enemies or does lucky draws or whatever to gain skills, it's actually quite different. Because the MC has to die each time he wants a new skill, the author completely sidesteps 99% of "cultivation nonsense" that eats up a great deal of the word count in other novels. After all, if the MC is going to explode his body and change to a new one next chapter, there isn't much point in talking about "opening the eight extraordinary meridians" or whatever in this chapter. Therefore, MC's power upgrades all come directly in the form of skills or advancing his "soul rank" (at least in the currently available chapters). For me, that was a massive plus. I've read too many novels where chapters upon chapters are dedicated to nothing but describing magical BS methods of circulating qi, or upgrading blood, or genes, or bones and meridians, or whatever. Having a novel that just completely excises all of that while maintaining other trappings of the genre felt like a breath of fresh air. In the novel, MC plays the role of a summoned pet, but he also often throws away his body (and current master) away in order to get summoned by a different master in a different world in order to have access to more resources and power up faster - so the novel also captures some of the feel of a quick transmigration novel with it's rapidly changing settings that the MC only plays around in for a while before moving on. For me, that was a plus. That said, there are a few issues that drag it down. The biggest one is probably how all of MCs "masters" are basically the same character. Male or female, it's always a weak, soft-spoken person who MC can easily push around and take the dominant role of the relationship despite being a "summoned pet". The singular exception to this trope is a master from a race of comically evil cannon fodder-types, who immediately tries to kill the MC the second he comes out of the summoning portal. (The MC to explodes himself and kills the cannon fodder... along with all his friends/family presumably) By having all of the MC's masters be pushovers the author "cleverly" avoids the issue of having the macho wish-fulfillment male protagonist guy needing to act subservient, even though his status as a "summoned beast" should really make subservience an unavoidable reality for him. So if you were expecting anything thought-provoking or interesting on that front, I'm afraid you'll be disappointed. Another issue is that the MC is... a psychopath? He repeatedly explodes himself without blinking. Later in the story when his explosion power becomes too powerful to use casually, he takes to instead stabbing himself with sharp things or ripping his own heart out with his bare hands in order to reincarnate. And the author directs exactly zero percent of the word count towards how ripping their own heart out might affect a person emotionally - it's just written plainly like that in one or two lines and then we move on to the next adventure. He doesn't even have any skills like "Pain Resistance" or "Mental Fortitude" or anything else that would create some sort of in-universe explanation for why the MC can calmly face death without blinking. He just can. In short, it's a cultivation novel that doesn't get bogged down too much by the details of cultivation. It's a fun power fantasy adventure novel that doesn't bother to think too hard about why the MC is so driven and focused on going on adventures or challenge your expectations for how a male protagonist should behave in any way. Li Xuan's main (read: only) motivation is getting stronger and behaving overbearingly, and that's all you need to know. In the background, there is some vague "main plotline" about worlds (including Earth) being destroyed, which is why there are all these reincarnators running around in close proximity and why the Earthlings need to fight off other refugees of destroyed worlds from other races but... you know how it goes. All that boring stuff takes a backseat to MCs never-ending quest to grow stronger. It's alright for what it is.