
Global Martial Arts: I Chose Monopoly As My Game Talent

# MONSTERHUNTING # INVASION # RELAXED Su Chen was transmigrated to a world where every person would get to choose a gaming talent when they reach adulthood. Some chose the talent from WoW, which allowed them to get stronger by spending money. Some chose Minecraft, which allowed them to break and combine everything. Some chose Plants vs. Zombies, which allowed them to farm powerful plants to attack their enemies. And yet, Su Chen had chosen the talent of a game that no one would choose, Monopoly. He immediately became a land owner in a world where spirit energy had started to appear. He also bought a lot of properties, like the Awakening Tower, the Battle Arena, and even the Female Dormitory. Whenever a person enters his land, they would have to pay a fee. He was also able to rob other people’s weapons, items, money, techniques, and skills. On a certain day when the gods of another realm invaded the blue star, they realized the land they stood on belonged to Su Chen. “Pay up!” he yelled at the gods.

Monopoly · Urban
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

What Other Abilities Does This High School Student Have?

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

On the stage, the host's voice that had suddenly risen a few pitches sounded, "Dear audience, we've just found out that the weeping corpse bird was not only injected with a strengthening drug, but also with a poison. The other party's purpose was to control the bets!"

After the host's words, the audience in the arena let out sounds of doubt.

Many people seemed to have already guessed what they would hear next.

"So, for the sake of fairness, we will temporarily suspend this match and, with the consent of the contestant, we will host another match!"

With the audience's extremely dissatisfied shouts, the scene fell into chaos.

"What right do you have to suspend the match? That high school student won against the fierce beast with his own strength, how could it not count!" A middle-aged man with a huge pancake in his hand and a mouth smeared with oil stains stood up agitatedly and questioned the host.

As his veins popped out and anger filled his chest, his cursing became louder and louder. The crumbs of the pancake in his mouth spurted out, falling on the head of the man with the afro in the front row.

Not far from him, another bald man was holding a ticket in his hand. The ticket recorded that he had bet five thousand Yuan on Su Chen's win.

The man kept complaining, his saliva flying in all directions. Suddenly, a drop of his saliva landed on the face of a burly man beside him.

The burly man was also a hot-tempered man. Without saying a word, he punched the face of the man who had been spitting.

The extremely fierce punch sent the other party from his seat to the ground.

Then, the two got into a fist fight with each other. While trying to put down the other party, they cursed.

"Why the f*ck do you want to cancel the competition?! I f *cking spent five thousand on the bet! I can win at least seven or eight thousand!"

"I also f*cking bet 3000 Yuan! What right do you have to spit on my face?"

Beside the two tough men who were fighting, a wretched man was cheering loudly.

He had spent a huge sum of money betting on the weeping corpse bird's win because he felt that a high school student couldn't possibly win against the former.

Yet, in the end, the high school student had won, and all the money he had bet had gone down the drain.

With the organizer's actions, it was just nice that his money could be returned, so the wretched man happily agreed.

"Good, if there's a problem with the weeping corpse bird, then this match shouldn't count! The organizer should return our money!" Coincidentally, his words were heard by the two angry men who were fighting.

Immediately, the two big men turned around and cursed.

"What did you just say? Why should this match be canceled?"

"Do you think it'll be canceled just because you say so? Who's going to give us the money we deserve? If you can't give me the money, why are you saying those words out loud?"

After the two men heard each other's shouts, they turned around and looked at each other in surprise.

Then, they let go of each other at the same time and threw a punch at the wretched man at the same time.

"Why the f*ck did you agree to suspend the competition?! I'll beat you up so badly that even your mother won't be able to recognize you!"

"Don't tell me you bet on the weeping corpse bird? To think you don't even support the human race, there's no need for you to live!"


The audience was in a mess. There were people fighting, cursing, complaining, and agreeing.

In the martial artist's VIP lounge, the blonde man was extremely excited. Although the weeping corpse bird was not a terrifying opponent, it was still a fierce beast that had been strengthened with the strengthening drug.

Yet, such a fierce beast had been defeated by a high school student!

This made the blonde man very excited!

He prided himself as a person who admired the strong. Regardless of whether the other party was older than him or not, as long as the other party's strength was stronger than his, the other party would be the object of his worship.

For example, his big brother, Zhang Tong, was not even twenty, but his strength was far above his. Therefore, he was willing to acknowledge him as his big brother.

Similarly, the 18-year-old high school student on the screen was also a person who was stronger than him.

Although the other party was younger than him by nearly ten years, the blonde man knew that this high school student's strength was above his!

Therefore, the blonde man was full of admiration for Su Chen.

After learning that Su Chen did not use his talent and relied on his own abilities to deal with the weeping corpse bird throughout the entire duel, the blonde guy's admiration for Su Chen even exceeded his admiration for Zhang Tong's!

"Brother Zhang, do you think the Bay Demon Hunter Squad should invite this high school student? If he joins, the team's strength will definitely rise to a higher level! If you agree, the captain will definitely not have any objections! That high school student is only 18 years old. As long as he goes through the captain's training, he will definitely be better!" The blonde's face was filled with excitement. He couldn't wait to bring the high school student in the ring to the captain and ask the captain to train him!

"This kid is only eighteen years old! If he trained for a year or two, he would definitely surpass brother Zhang! Even if this kid's talent isn't up to par, there's nothing to be afraid of! It's just..." The blonde guy looked at Su Chen on the screen. The boy's shocked expression was as if he had seen a pig climbing a tree with a person on its back. It made him feel a little disgusted.

"It would be perfect if this high school student didn't show that shocked and stunned expression anymore."

Zhang Tong nodded slowly, a hint of surprise still on his face. He now had the utmost respect for this high school student who was two years younger than him.

"What is this kid's awakened talent? Is he too disdainful to use his talent against the weeping corpse bird? That attack... If I didn't use my talent, even I wouldn't have been able to kill the weeping corpse bird in one hit! I'm afraid that this kid's physical ability is not below mine!" A hint of excitement suddenly appeared on Zhang Tong's face, because his next opponent was Su Chen!

Since that's the case, he might as well personally test the kid's chances of joining the Bay Demon Hunter Squad!

Zhang Tong's eyes were focused on the screen, watching Su Chen who seemed to be shocked, looking forward to the abilities that the high school student would use.

"Su Chen, you'd better have a backup plan, a backup plan that's enough for you to fight against my A-grade talent!"