
Global Lords: Hundredfold Increments Starting With the Undead

Upon waking up, everyone had time-traveled. Everyone had their own territory, and everyone was a lord. Fang Hao, who also time-traveled, opened his eyes to find himself a recruited farmer, thrown to the wolves. He killed the lord in anger and received a 'Hundredfold Amplification' as compensation. Thus, he embarked on the path of becoming a lord. [Hundredfold Amplification activated, received 10100 Skeleton soldiers.] [Hundredfold Amplification activated, received 10100 iron swords.] While everyone else was struggling to collect resources and survive, Fang Hao had already amassed a mountainous amount of resources. He wiped out all surrounding forces and established his own kingdom.

Angry Piranha · Games
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436 Chs

Chapter 78, Mage Tower_1

Translator: 549690339

Fang Hao held the magic wand, elation filling his heart.

This trip was indeed not in vain, yielding a fine piece of purple equipment.

Having drank the Magic Revelation Potion, Fang Hao's body began to accept and sense magic elements more easily.

If there were no other circumstances, Fang Hao might well embark on the path of a magic summoner.

And this purple magic wand would be perfect for him.

After the excitement, Fang Hao turned his attention to the bones lying nearby.

"Move the skeleton outside."

Two skeletons approached to lift the bone remains from the vine chair.

But just as the surface contact started, the body crumbled like powder, leaving only the skull leaning against the back of the vine chair, now integrated with it.

Alas! Fang Hao sighed faintly.

There are requirements for transformation, and the most important is the integrity of the body.

It is not enough to just retrieve a part, or a piece of a limb, to carry out transformation.