
Global Descent: My Soul is Incorruptible!

Check out my other novel. I Am a Necromancer in A Cultivation World Humanity had gradually been assimilated by the all powerful system and placed into their very own Haven. Competing against themselves and other races,humanity was constantly embroiled in a struggle for survival and dominance. Leon, a simple soldier for humanity, was sure that he had died once he felt his head swept off of his shoulders. So you can just imagine his disbelief once he found himself not in the afterlife but back at the start of it all. The day humanity descended into their very own hell

NineSleepyDragons · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Primordial Runesmith

"So are you ready?" Asked Arovier appearing rapidly in front of Leon.

Leon just briefly stared at Arovier before taking in a deep breath.

"Primordial Energy." Said Leon.

"Even with an untainted soul, Is there anything I should know about it, any long-term negative effects?"

As soon as Arovier heard this question, a cruel smirk appeared on his face.

"Effects? Sure, there are some effects that come with it, but nothing too serious, just maybe some slightly widened emotions. But look at me! I've been living with primordial Energy longer than you can imagine and I turned out just fine!"

Leon didn't want to say it, but it was the personality of Arovier that made him question the effects of the Primordial chaos in the first place. But before Leon could protest, Arovier said spoke out once again.

"Now don't cry too much, this part might hurt just a little bit."

Quickly, Arovier brought out a swirling cloud of dark crimson energy.

"Now I'm going to give you this piece of Primordial energy. Don't resist, or the effects could be catastrophic!"

Without waiting for Leon's opinion, Arovier thrust forth his ghostly hand passing straight through Leon's head and Into his mind."

As this was going on, Leon was struggling to stay sane!

The pain was unbelievable. It was like a blender was being placed in his mind, brutally crushing anything in its path.

And that's exactly what was happening.

The piece of primordial chaos that Arovier had placed in Leon's mind was forcefully lodging itself in Leon's soul and, as if that wasn't enough, it was still trying to spread itself through Leon's soul, completely taunting it.

But this effect didn't last for long before a faint gold light emanated from deeper inside his soul and Leon heard the familiar sound of a system notification

[Your trait <Incorruptible Soul> resists the corrupting influence of the <Primordial Chaos>]

With that notification, the Primordial chaos quickly came to a halt and, along with it, the searing sensation within Leon's soul.

Eventually, the energy wasn't destroyed but instead kept away within a small section of Leon's soul properly being contained by Leon's innate trait.

Fortunately, Arovier didn't seem to notice anything strange and kept pouring more Primordial chaos into Leon's soul allowing for the ball of Primordial chaos to grow larger without spreading its corrupting influence.

Suddenly, as all this was going on, Leon suddenly heard a new notification

[The Great Mage Arovier is impressed by your talent and offers you the class <Primordial Runesmith> Do you accept?]

Leon hesitated for a brief moment before mentally accepting

[Alert! As a crafting class, the <Primordial Runesmith > is able to be accepted as a 'Profession'. Are you sure you want to accept it as your main class?]

Once Leon saw this, he couldn't help but breathe a mental sigh of relief.

This class was too good to let go of, but it was also too slow to get going for Leon to take as his main class.

Fortunately, in <Haven>, production based occupations were usually put under a different category to normal classes known as 'Professions' allowing for a person to take on one such profession alongside their main class.

With his suspicions confirmed, Leon didn't hesitate and quickly accepted the offer to take a new profession.

[Congratulations! you have become <Primordial Runesmith]

[ You have gained a new stat "Primordial Energy"]

[You have gained new skills, <Primordial inscription> and <Primordial Meditation>]

[Congratulations! You have made an extraordinary achievement!]

[Achievement: System First]

[Description: you are the first being within the system to register <Primordial Runesmith> as a profession!]

Reward: New title 'System first!'

Description: The system has been around long before your existence, so to still do something that has never been done before is an impressive achievement!

Effect: Once a day, the user can convert all attribute crystals in front of them into another attribute.

[ Leon El'Jonson]

-Race: Human

-Innate trait: Incorruptible Soul

-Class: none

-Profession: Primordial Runesmith

-Title(s): System First!

- Status

Strength: 46.5 (38.5 +8)

Constitution: 37.5

Agility: 40.9 (30.9+10)

Perception: 22.1

Mana: 13/13

Primordial energy: 15/15

Leon had received a truly wondrous ability but before he even had a chance to check up on his new changes, a thunderous roar shook the entire room.

"YOU!!!" Roared Arovier

"What have you done!!!"

Arovier was furious.

He had just witnessed what he could only consider as the biggest humiliation of his life.

His life's work, something he had Devoted his everything to, was deemed not even worthy of being the main class and all this by a good for nothing weakling no less!

Leon could sense the situation and quickly tried to calm things down.

"Lord Arovier! Please calm down!"

"I'm sure we can still talk about your grievances-"

But before Leon could make a point, he was quickly cut off.

"No." Spat Arovier hatefully.

His bone-chilling voice rang through the room causing Leon to shiver.

"You taking my class and relegating it into a mere profession shows your standpoint. You dare to disrespect my life's work!"

But as Arovier's mindless ranting didn't continue for long before he suddenly broke out into a crazed fit of laughter

"Hahaha! I see it now! How could I be so foolish?"

"You're just like them! Like those jealous gods that sneered and tormented me! Like those foolish mages that dismissed and mocked me! You never respected me in the first place."

Leon tried reasoning with but no matter what he said to Arovier it just went in one ear and out the other.

Leon couldn't understand why he would be obsessed over something so small. It just wasn't normal.

It was then that Leon remembered something.

The notification he had received when he first entered the place.

The dwelling of the Mad Mage.

'Fuck!' thought Leon.

'How could I have missed it?'

'I should have known that this man couldn't be reasoned with, even the system acknowledged it!'

Leon finally realised that the man in front of him was not reasonable. From the very start, he had been deemed mentally unstable.

He was Mad!

He had always been a Mad Mage!