
Global Descent: I Can Purchase for free in the Lord's Mall.

In the wake of a cosmic upheaval, the entirety of Earth's population finds themselves transported to a mysterious and untamed realm—a brand new plane ripe for exploration and conquest. Among them is Liam, an ordinary individual thrust into an extraordinary situation. In this new world, every inhabitant has been granted the opportunity to rise as a lord, commanding their own unique armies and territories. However, fate is not kind to Liam. While others receive powerful troops and resources, he is bestowed only the lowest tier of soldiers, a blue slime, seemingly chosen randomly. Despite this disadvantage, Liam discovers a hidden advantage—a mysterious ability to access a "cheat" once a week, which allows him to purchase one item for free in the mall once a week. With this newfound advantage, Liam sets out to defy the odds and carve out his own path to dominance in this cutthroat landscape. But as he rises through the ranks, he attracts the attention of powerful rivals and dark forces lurking in the shadows. Alongside his ragtag army, Liam must navigate treacherous landscapes, confront mythical beasts, and outmaneuver cunning adversaries in order to survive. I suks at making thumbnails, don't mind me. HEUHEUHEUE

ToTallyNoTmE · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
38 Chs

Chapter 37: I have no saying, no?

Hearing such words, Liam didn't flinch at the grave implications they carried. Instead, he took several purposeful steps forward, closing the distance between himself and the enigmatic being. 

As he reached the open window of the room, his gaze shifted toward the distant view of the townspeople beyond the castle's walls.

 The sight of the bustling town below was a stark contrast to the solemn atmosphere of the chamber.

"Then, the purpose of such a being as you coming here... Wasn't it to make me yours?" 

"After all, the bold claim that I made before was that one that challenged you to come here, no?"

Liam's voice was calm, yet there was a hint of curiosity laced within his words. He turned away from the window, fixing his gaze upon the figure standing before him.

The being regarded Liam with a gaze that seemed to pierce through to his very soul. There was a subtle intensity in their eyes as they responded, their voice echoing with a sense of authority.

"Indeed I have come for such a purpose"

The being replied cryptically, their tone measured.

 "But it is not a matter of possession in the way you may perceive it. Rather, it is about fulfilling a certain wish of mine after so many years of existing"

"It might be selfish of me to say so, but really... waiting any longer will give me no sense of comfort"

Liam's brow furrowed slightly at the enigmatic response. 

He was accustomed to dealing with ambiguity and hidden meanings, but this encounter pushed the limits of his understanding.

"And what it might be? could it be love? As you had been warning me to stay alert to other women?"

"As obvious as it is, alerted by the system"

Liam pressed, his voice tinged with curiosity and a hint of skepticism.

His words were also a test, wanting to see whether this being is related to the system or not.

The being offered a small, knowing smile in response. Though such a smile was not conveyed through the being complexion, but instead... it was light.

"It is indeed love, after all... I had been wanting to give birth to an offspring that can carry my origin"

"I had been meaning to fall in love with the same kind"

"I had grown tired of standing still in the silence for too long... after all... my race was originally me and me alone"

"No matter what methods I tried before, I could never seem to create or find a creature with the same origin as me"

"But that was not until I found you... we are the same kind"

"In you, I see the hope of fulfilling my dreams. Dispelling the curse that bounds me to be alone for eternal"

 They answered their words carrying a weight that seemed to resonate throughout the chamber. 

However, Liam's doubts were buried under the words. 

'Not admitting it?'

Liam thought within, and at the same time, the being continued with her words.

"The balance between light and darkness, order and chaos. You are a crucial part of my desires, Liam. And I am here to offer myself to you as a bride. There may be no love for you to bore, but from me there is... "

"Though I believe with time, the emotions can be conveyed"

Liam's mind raced with questions, each one more pressing than the last.

 But before he could voice them, the being held up a hand, silencing his thoughts.

"All will become clear in time"

They assured him, their gaze unwavering. 

"In time?"

 Liam asked, his voice tinged with doubt as he struggled to comprehend the cryptic message.

"Yes, in time"

 The being responded, their tone reassuring yet enigmatic. 

"My true presence can't stay here for too long... The consequences are intolerable"


Liam waited with bated breath as the being paused, his eyes fixed intently on its form.

"But I will separate a consciousness of mine to reside here... as evidence of my feelings"

"As an oath for you to believe in, and also a mark of mine that you are one with me"

"And with that, we will be able to communicate our emotions through words... Exchanges of feelings"

As the being spoke, they waved a hand to the side, and in an instant, a cocoon of shimmering light materialized from thin air. 

Liam watched in astonishment as the cocoon gradually shifted and contorted, taking on the form of a human with glistening golden hair, the same shade as his own.

The transformation unfolded before Liam's eyes, leaving him stunned and speechless as he beheld the emergence of a graceful woman before him. 

She bore a striking resemblance to him, from the golden hue of her hair to the ethereal glow that surrounded her form. And even deep down, Liam could feel the same sense of familiarity inside the woman's body.

'Creating a human body at the lift of a finger... '

'How absurd... '

The sight was deeply rooted within his mind.

For a moment, silence enveloped the room as Liam struggled to process the surreal sight before him. 

The being had vanished, leaving behind only the mysterious woman and the stunned Lord of the castle. He didn't even notice, how or when the being disappeared, as if the time was cut off from the main string, leaving behind the astonished him with a bewildered face.

'I can't remember it's movement?'

'Even time is under its control... just how strong is she?'

The room seemed to hold its breath as the woman was deep in her slumber, her eyelids closed shut and seemingly sleeping in peace before him.

 Liam remained rooted to the spot, his gaze locked on her form as he processed the events that had just unfolded.

It was a surreal sight, to say the least. The being's summoning of the woman, the transformation that followed, and then the being's sudden disappearance—all of it happened in the mere blink of his eyes.

'The divine of truth, the divine of celestial... '

'The divine of silence'

'And I don't even have the right to refuse, do I?'

Liam's eyes gleamed at the thought of this as his eyes gaped upon the closed shut eyes woman before him. 

'It is hard to pinpoint any flaws within her story since there isn't much for me to know regarding it. A being of eternal loneliness that craves love and emotions? How poetic... '

'I have countless reasons not to believe, but... doing so is giving me a strange sense of discomfort deep within'

'This strange feeling of familiarity of the so-called same origin... It makes me not want to doubt... '

'What a hindrance it is...'

'Though it is not without any benefits. A being of such caliber, the knowledge that she possessed must be boundless. It is worth it in the long run I must admit it... for her to stay by my side. Even if it is a small consciousness

Liam commented, slowly walking up towards the woman before him with bold yet careful steps, finally hugging her into his embrace and gently placing her on the bed while covering her with the bed quilt. 

"At the very least, for now... you will be in my care"

"I am afraid of being manipulated more than death, I hope I am not a certain chess piece in your heart"

Liam murmured hesitantly, with a frown etched on his face, though seconds later... seemingly to compromise, Liam could only sigh dejectedly and rose up after making sure that her breathing was normal. 

"She's sleeping so soundly after putting me on edge... how annoying..."

"And now, I have found myself to be involved with another woman that seems to be interested in me for love. If that is the truth... how ironic"

"And it seems... "

Liam paused for a moment within his motions as he rose up, intending to leave. 

"We weren't any different after all... the so-called divine of truth"

He smiled and continued as he strode off towards the door. 

"I am also, a person that is looking for someone to fill in the void within"

"In the end, we both are just two miserable beings, aren't we?"

He sighed.

 Leaving behind the stunning beauty inside the bedroom as he exited the chamber gracefully.

 Waving his hand to the side as a powerful magical enchantment emerged to cover this whole room, protecting what was within.

Next, Liam strode along the corridor of the castle, his footsteps echoing against the stone walls. 

His mind was still reeling from the encounter with the mysterious being and the woman it had left behind.

 However, now was not the time for introspection. There were matters to attend to.

'Most importantly... I will need to prepare for tomorrow's teleportation'

Liam mused to himself.

Eventually, Liam reached the grand doors leading to the throne room. 

Adhart, his loyal commander, stood by the entrance, awaiting his lord's arrival with a solemn atmosphere lingering around him.

 Accompanied him were several shadow guards in dark cloaks, signaling the sense of status that he currently possessed within the territory.

And on the side, Liam also noticed a certain woman with a group of maids surrounding her. And he mulled within... 

'She's persistent... '

'Though it's quite cute I must admit it... '

"Welcome back, my Lord"

 Adhart greeted respectfully as Liam approached.

Acknowledging the greeting with a nod, Liam motioned for Adhart to accompany him. 

Without a word, he pushed open the heavy doors and stepped into the vast chamber beyond. Elara followed closely behind, escorted by a group of maids behind her.

As they entered the throne room, the air seemed to shift, charged with anticipation. 

Liam's presence commanded attention as he made his way towards the imposing throne at the far end of the room. Adhart and Elara followed in his steps, slowly waiting for Liam to finally sit on the throne. 

And he commanded.

"Adhart, how was the territory during my absence?" 

"Was there any difficulties or issues that need to be addressed?"

Liam asked with a knowing smile.