
Global Civilization: Just an Ordinary Lord Talent

On the first day of the 22nd century, an unusual event takes place when people find themselves transmigrated to a different world called [Main Plane]. As they awaken, a user interface resembling RPG genre in video games appears, offering a choice between two roles: Traveler or Lord. Confusion reigns as people flock to the Earthen World Chat feature, seeking answers about their sudden displacement. An electrifying conversation ensues, filled with curiosity and disbelief. Anonymous users flood the chat, their words buzzing with excitement. Anonymous: "Hello?" Anonymous: "What's going on? I suddenly spawned in the middle of nowhere next to a strange building when I chose to become a Lord." Anonymous: "Me too!" Anonymous: "Hahaha, guess what? I ended up with an Extraordinary Lord Talent called 'Church of Light' (Epic-Grade Talent). It is said that this building can summon Paladins for me!" Anonymous: "Are you serious? Did we actually transmigrate into a fantasy world?" Anonymous: "I chose to be a Traveler, and here I am, spawned inside the grand cathedral of an Empire! They offered me to become a Dragon Knight!" Anonymous: "What? This is unfair! I also chose to be a Traveler but spawned inside a house in a small village. They didn't even offer me anything(T_T)." Amidst the fervor in the chat, Arthur quietly observes as a notification appears in his UI Panel: [Congratulations, you have received an Ordinary Lord Talent, Persuasion (Legendary-Grade Talent)] "Huh? Ordinary?" "Whatever... this is my second chance, I won't let it slip away!" "Angel Race? Dragon Race?" "Pfft..." "I'll even make the Gods listen and cower before my Persuasion!"

Tora_Ratom · Games
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44 Chs

Troubadour, Arthur's New Plan

Elara's smile widened. "He claims to be a bard, a person who's been wandering through many places. He said that he was captivated by the tales of your achievements, my lord."

`A bard?` Arthur's mind whirred with possibilities. `Could this be a result of his growing reputation?` He then looked at Elara and spoke. "Bring him to the Village Hall. I would like to meet him."

Elara nodded and swiftly departed to retrieve the mysterious man, leaving Arthur with a mixture of anticipation and curiosity. He had encountered various individuals in his previous life, each with their own unique class and skills. However, as a Traveler in his previous life, it was rare for him to encounter a bard. Thus, he knew very little about the abilities a bard could have.

A short while later, Arthur stood before the doors of the Village Hall. As he entered, his gaze swept over the room and settled on the mysterious man who stood there, bathed in the soft light that filtered through the windows.

The man was dressed in attire that hinted at a life of wandering, and there was an air of mystique about him. His presence seemed to command attention, and Arthur couldn't help but be drawn in.

As Elara introduced them, Arthur studied the man's face. He had a finely chiseled appearance, and his eyes held a glint of inspiration and adventure. Without hesitation, Arthur extended his hand in greeting.

"Welcome to Dawn Light Village," Arthur greeted, his voice carrying a warmth and sincerity that he reserved for those who were willing to contribute to the village.

The man turned to face him, a warm smile on his lips. "Ah, Lord Arthur, a pleasure to meet you."

"Likewise," Arthur replied, studying the man carefully. "You wish to become a subject of Dawn Light Village?"

The man's smile grew. "Indeed. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Eamon, and I am a bard, a seeker of stories and a weaver of words."

"A bard?" Arthur echoed, genuinely intrigued. Bards were known for their artistry and the power of their words. "And what brings you to our village?"

The Eamon's eyes seemed to twinkle as he answered, "I've heard whispers on the wind, tales of your deeds, Lord Arthur. I was inspired by the story of you and your small army standing against a formidable snow elf force. It was a tale that stirred my heart, and I couldn't help but be drawn to the spirit of this village."

Arthur's surprise deepened. The man had heard of his recent triumph over the snow elf army. He hadn't expected his achievements to spread so widely. "You heard about that?"

The bard nodded, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Indeed, and it has fueled the fire of my muse. Allow me to express my admiration through a humble tribute."

With that, the bard's expression grew thoughtful, and he began to recite a poem with a rhythmic cadence that was both enchanting and powerful. His words painted a vivid picture of Arthur's battle against overwhelming odds, his leadership, and the unity of his army.

"Amidst the snow and icy gleam, a lone lord stands with dauntless dream,"

"With bandit hearts, a force unseen, they clash and rise, a valiant team."

"A thousand elves, their strength combined, against this lord, they did incline,"

"Yet in their midst, a star did shine, the lord of Dawn, his light divine."

Arthur listened, his heart stirred by the bard's eloquence. The words seemed to capture the essence of his previous accomplishments and made a change in his emotions because of it.

As the bard concluded his poem, the room was filled with a momentary silence before it erupted into applause. Arthur and even Elara who were at the scene were clearly moved by the bard's tribute.

Arthur extended his hand to the bard, his respect evident in his eyes. "Your words are a gift, and your admiration is truly humbling. Welcome to Dawn Light Village."

Eamon, the bard accepted his hand with a grateful smile, sealing their agreement. "Thank you, Lord Arthur. I am honored to be a part of your village."


[Eamon has become your subject.]

[Name: Eamon]

[Race: Spirit-Lumine Clan]

[Ordinary-Traveler Talent: Visage Transformation (Rare-Grade)]

[Elite-Class: Bard-Troubadour]

[Strength: White-High Tier]

[Skill: Soulful Connection(White-Low Tier), Charming Overture(White-High Tier), Battle Anthem(White-Mid Tier), Euphoric Harmonics(White-Mid Tier), Mystic Aura(White-Low Tier), Loud Voice(White-High Tier)]

[Loyalty: 75]

[Background: A Spirit hailing from the Luminie Clan known for their affinity to spread joy and inspiration, He was born with a heart that thrived on the power of music and storytelling. Raised in the Spiritual realms where voices were their magic, he transmigrated into the Main Plane as his plane was destroyed. Guided by the whims of the wind and the whispers of nature, he roamed the lands as a wandering bard, weaving tales of courage and triumph with his enchanting melodies, a reflection of his people's boundless love for bringing happiness to the world.]

Arthur's eyes widened as he read Eamon's background. The fact that Eamon was a Traveler from the Spirit Race was unexpected and intriguing. Spirit Race? Arthur's mind quickly raced to piece together the information he had learned from his previous life.

He looked up at Eamon, who had a calm and composed demeanor, and asked, "Eamon, you're a Traveler from the Spirit Race?"

The Spirit Race consisted of six main clans, each with their own unique abilities and attributes. The Lumine clan, Eamon's clan, was particularly known for their unique voice prowess. It was said that they could command anything with the sheer power of their voice, making them formidable opponents in any conflict. Despite their strength, many from the Lumine clan were known for their kind nature, and don't have many enemies.

Eamon nodded, his expression calm. "Yes, Lord Arthur. I am using Visage Transformation to appear in a human form for the convenience of interaction."

Arthur's mind was buzzing with questions. The Spirit Race was a rare sight in the Main Plane, and to have one as a subject was a unique opportunity. "May I ask why you decided to become a subject in my village, Eamon? With your abilities and background, you could have easily joined a more powerful city or civilization."

Eamon's mouth held a serene voice as he said. "While many powerful civilizations exist, their reputation doesn't always captivate my interest. Lord Arthur's village, however, is different. In just three days, you have managed to establish a well-known reputation that resonates even in neighboring regions. That kind of swift accomplishment speaks volumes about your potential."

Arthur was taken aback by Eamon's words. `Doesn't that mean if there is another lord who has more potential than him, he would the village?` But then he chose not to say it out loud.

"You honor me with your words," Arthur said sincerely. "But I must admit, I'm still learning the ropes of being a lord. It's a daunting responsibility."

Eamon's smile remained serene. "That's the beauty of growth, Lord Arthur. Every journey begins with a single step. As long as you're committed to learning and improving, you will find your way."

Arthur appreciated Eamon's words. "I'm glad you've chosen to join our village, Eamon," Arthur said with a genuine smile. "Your presence will undoubtedly enrich us."

"Thank you, Lord Arthur," Eamon replied with a nod.

Arthur's curiosity was far from satisfied, and he decided to probe further. "Eamon, earlier, you mentioned your wanderings. Could you tell me about the places you've been?"

Eamon's eyes lit up with enthusiasm. "Of course, Lord Arthur. Over the past three days, I've traveled through various towns, cities, and villages, sharing my songs and poetry with people of different races. Fortunately, my talent, Visage Transformation, has been particularly helpful in adapting to different environments."

Arthur's interest was piqued, and he leaned in, eager to hear more about Eamon's experiences. "Tell me about some of the places you've visited."

Eamon's voice took on a storytelling tone as he began to recount his journey. "I've wandered through bustling human towns, where my melodies uplifted the spirits of the weary. I've ventured into elven cities, where my poetry echoed through the trees and resonated with their connection to nature. In the dwarven settlements, my songs found a home in their sturdy halls, celebrating their craftsmanship..."

Several minutes later...

Arthur was engrossed in Eamon's tales, envisioning the scenes and interactions that the bard described. He was particularly intrigued when Eamon mentioned the city of the dwarves. "Dwarf city, you say? That's interesting. Can you provide me with its location?"

Eamon nodded. "Of course, Lord Arthur. It's called Trosty City a city situated in Frostholm Region. It's known for its skilled craftsmen, remarkable architecture, and the enduring spirit of the dwarven people."

A spark of an idea formed in Arthur's mind. He masked his hidden intentions behind a casual tone. "Eamon, can you use Visage Transformation on me?"

Eamon blinked in mild surprise. "Certainly, Lord Arthur. May I ask the purpose of this?"

Arthur offered a mysterious smile. "I have a feeling that your talent could come in handy, Eamon. Lead the way to Trosty City, and I'll explain on the journey."

Eamon's curiosity was piqued, and he nodded in agreement. "As you wish, Lord Arthur. If my skills can be of assistance, I am more than willing to help."