
Global Civilization: Just an Ordinary Lord Talent

On the first day of the 22nd century, an unusual event takes place when people find themselves transmigrated to a different world called [Main Plane]. As they awaken, a user interface resembling RPG genre in video games appears, offering a choice between two roles: Traveler or Lord. Confusion reigns as people flock to the Earthen World Chat feature, seeking answers about their sudden displacement. An electrifying conversation ensues, filled with curiosity and disbelief. Anonymous users flood the chat, their words buzzing with excitement. Anonymous: "Hello?" Anonymous: "What's going on? I suddenly spawned in the middle of nowhere next to a strange building when I chose to become a Lord." Anonymous: "Me too!" Anonymous: "Hahaha, guess what? I ended up with an Extraordinary Lord Talent called 'Church of Light' (Epic-Grade Talent). It is said that this building can summon Paladins for me!" Anonymous: "Are you serious? Did we actually transmigrate into a fantasy world?" Anonymous: "I chose to be a Traveler, and here I am, spawned inside the grand cathedral of an Empire! They offered me to become a Dragon Knight!" Anonymous: "What? This is unfair! I also chose to be a Traveler but spawned inside a house in a small village. They didn't even offer me anything(T_T)." Amidst the fervor in the chat, Arthur quietly observes as a notification appears in his UI Panel: [Congratulations, you have received an Ordinary Lord Talent, Persuasion (Legendary-Grade Talent)] "Huh? Ordinary?" "Whatever... this is my second chance, I won't let it slip away!" "Angel Race? Dragon Race?" "Pfft..." "I'll even make the Gods listen and cower before my Persuasion!"

Tora_Ratom · Games
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44 Chs

Offering an Alliance

Few hours ago...

After 4-5 hours of traveling between regions, Arthur and Eamon managed to arrive at the Frostholm Region. However, before Arthur and Eamon enter the Trosty City, they changed their appearances and transformed to match that of the dwarf race by using Eamon's [Visage Transformation]. With their appearance as a dwarf race, they managed to enter the city safely without any problems.

As they strolled through the lively thoroughfares of Trosty City, Arthur couldn't help but admire the intricate craftsmanship that adorned the architecture. Buildings were adorned with ornate engravings, and the sounds of hammers striking metal echoed from open doorways, indicating the city's renowned dedication to the art of craftsmanship.

The dwarf race was renowned for their craftsmanship, and Arthur knew that in his previous life, a dwarven civilization that managed to raise their territory to a city or even higher should at least possessed rich mineral mines and abundant resources to meet their people's daily needs.

Arthur's purpose in visiting Trosty City was two-fold. First and foremost, he aimed to search for talented individuals who could contribute to the growth of his Dawn Light Village. The dwarf race was renowned for their craftsmanship and skill in various trades, and Arthur hoped to find a potential member who could enrich his village's development.

The second purpose of their visit was more immediate—an opportunity to gauge the city's atmosphere and gather information. Trosty City was situated in Frostholm Region, one of the potential targets of Frost Moon City's conquest. With the delicate political situation in mind, Arthur wanted to assess the city's mood and discern any potential for alliances or partnerships.

As afternoon settled over the city, Eamon's steps led them to a vibrant city park, where a multitude of dwarven families and individuals had gathered to enjoy the pleasant day. Amidst the scattered crowd, they set up a small stage, a simple backdrop for their performance as bards. Arthur planned this to gather the attention of the people in the city, because apart from his subjects, the system could only help him inspect the people who had set their sights on him.

Then, at present time, as their performance came to an end. Arthur accessed the personal information of the spectators through the system. With a smile of intrigue, he singled out a particular name that caught his attention.

[Name: Thoren Stoneforge]

[Epic-Class: Grand Architect]

[Strength: Yellow-Low Tier]

"Gotcha..." Arthur turned his attention at Thoren among the crowd.


The park exuded a sense of merriment as the sun's rays painted the sky with hues of orange and purple, Thoren gathered his children, signaling that it was time to head home.

However, as they began to leave the city park, their path was intercepted by the two bards from earlier. With a polite smile, one of the bards addressed Thoren, "Mister, do you have a moment to spare for a conversation?"

Thoren's brows furrowed slightly, his curiosity piqued but tinged with suspicion. He was cautious around strangers, especially those who seemed to approach him out of the blue. "What do you want?" he responded, his tone guarded.

The bard exchanged a brief glance with his companion before continuing, "We're here to discuss matters concerning Moon Frost City."

Thoren's eyes narrowed as his suspicion deepened. The mention of Moon Frost City instantly triggered his wariness. He was well aware of the tension between his city and the Frost Moon City, and any information about their information was of great importance.

His initial reluctance shifted, and he gestured toward his home. "Fine, follow me. We can talk there."

In the privacy of Thoren's home, the other bard seamlessly mingled with Thoren's children, engaging them in playful conversations and drawing delighted laughter from the young ones. Meanwhile, the other bard's expression turned serious as he settled into a more formal demeanor.

"I am Arthur, Lord of the Dawn Light Village," he began, his voice carrying an air of confidence. "I'm sure you've heard the information of the village that managed to defeat a thousand-strong elven army from Moon Frost City."

Thoren's lips tightened, a trace of skepticism in his eyes. "I've heard that, yes."

Arthur's next move was to dispel any doubt. He turned to Eamon and gave a nod. The dwarf musician withdrew his lute, and with a flourish of chords, the Visage Transformation unraveled. Thoren's eyes widened in surprise as the dwarf before him transformed into a human.

His disbelief was palpable, and he took a step back, unable to fully grasp the implications of this revelation. "How...?"

Thoren's brows furrowed as his mind whirred with thoughts. He glanced at Arthur's face, then looked toward Eamon, and back again. Doubt still lingered, as if he was trapped in a struggle between the extraordinary and the mundane.

Arthur's gaze remained steady, his expression unwavering. "Since you don't seem to believe us yet, then I'll say this name: Altrove Frostglen."

Thoren's heart skipped a beat. The name was still lingering within his mind clearly. Altrove Frostglen, commander of Moon Frost City's Second Battalion, a name that only well-known by the higher-ups of Trosty City.

Apology began to creep into Thoren's features as realization dawned upon him. He lowered his gaze slightly and spoke more respectfully, "My apologies, Lord of the Dawn Light Village. Where are my manners, my name is Thoren, Grand Architect of Trosty City. Please, tell me what you wish to discuss."

Arthur's smile held a hint of hidden intent as he observed Thoren's expression, gauging the moment when the architect's skepticism finally gave way to belief. With a calm demeanor, Arthur spoke again, his words measured and deliberate. "Mister Thoren, I appreciate your willingness to listen. Now, let me ask you a question. As the Grand Architect of Trosty City, do you have any disciples?"

Thoren's brows furrowed in confusion at the sudden change of topic, his thoughts still anchored in the gravity of the previous discussion. He hesitated for a moment, then nodded, a hint of pride evident in his voice. "Yes, I have one exceptional disciple who show great promise. He possess a remarkable aptitude for craftsmanship and might even surpass me one day."

Arthur's smile broadened subtly, but Thoren's discomfort at the seemingly unrelated question was palpable. Thoren began, his tone reflecting his uncertainty. "Can we get straight to the main point of this discussion?"

Arthur leaned forward, his expression growing serious once more. "Please forgive the abrupt shift in our conversation,"

Arthur's gaze remained steady, his tone calm as he raised two fingers and spoke two simple words: "Two days." It was the information he got from Altrove about Moon Frost City's movements, and Thoren's confusion deepened as he struggled to understand the significance.

"Two days?" Thoren repeated, his confusion turning into a furrowed brow of concern. "What do you mean by-"

Before he could finish his question, Arthur continued, his voice firm and matter-of-fact. "In two days, the full forces of Moon Frost City's army will descend upon Trosty City. They have just managed to eradicate Crolant City today, and they will need a day to recuperate before continuing their conquest. Since Trosty City was the only city left in their conquest, so it was obvious who the Frost Moon City's next target would be."

Thoren's face turned grave as the puzzle pieces fell into place. The information Arthur had just provided aligned with their own intelligence, sending a shiver of unease down his spine. His eyes bore into Arthur's, his earlier skepticism now replaced by an unsettling realization.

"How do you know about this?" Thoren's voice was edged with urgency as he demanded an explanation.

Arthur's expression held a mix of determination and sincerity. "We are here to propose an alliance, Thoren. An alliance between Dawn Light Village and Trosty City. We stand against the same threat, and together, we can defend against Moon Frost City's assault. We have experienced their might firsthand and have come here to offer our assistance."

Thoren's gaze remained fixed on Arthur's face, his mind racing as he processed the implications of this offer.

However, before he could agree or decline, he interjected, "I appreciate your offer, Lord Arthur, but I do not possess the authority to make such a monumental decision on behalf of Trosty City. Our course of action requires the approval of our City Lord and a gathering of our council to discuss the terms of any alliance."

Arthur nodded in understanding, his tone respectful. "Of course, do as you please. Just know that I will not participate in the meeting."

Thoren chuckled softly, acknowledging Arthur's unspoken sentiment. "Very well, I will make the necessary arrangements for the meeting, tonight. However, I must warn you that the decision will not rest solely in my hands. Our City Lord, along with the council, will ultimately decide the fate of this proposed alliance."

Arthur's response was accompanied by a relaxed smile. "Understood. Do as you see fit, Mister Thoren. Whether the outcome is favorable or not, I respect your city's sovereignty in this matter."

Thoren's amusement grew, his eyes gleaming with a certain knowing. "You certainly have a way with words, Lord Arthur. Very well, I will arrange the meeting and present your proposal to our lord."

As the conversation continued, Arthur shifted gears slightly, his expression becoming more earnest. "By the way, Mister Thoren, I have a small request to make of you. Could you inform me about the whereabouts of your disciple?"

Thoren's brow arched in surprise at the unexpected question again. "My disciple?"