
Global Civilization: Just an Ordinary Lord Talent

On the first day of the 22nd century, an unusual event takes place when people find themselves transmigrated to a different world called [Main Plane]. As they awaken, a user interface resembling RPG genre in video games appears, offering a choice between two roles: Traveler or Lord. Confusion reigns as people flock to the Earthen World Chat feature, seeking answers about their sudden displacement. An electrifying conversation ensues, filled with curiosity and disbelief. Anonymous users flood the chat, their words buzzing with excitement. Anonymous: "Hello?" Anonymous: "What's going on? I suddenly spawned in the middle of nowhere next to a strange building when I chose to become a Lord." Anonymous: "Me too!" Anonymous: "Hahaha, guess what? I ended up with an Extraordinary Lord Talent called 'Church of Light' (Epic-Grade Talent). It is said that this building can summon Paladins for me!" Anonymous: "Are you serious? Did we actually transmigrate into a fantasy world?" Anonymous: "I chose to be a Traveler, and here I am, spawned inside the grand cathedral of an Empire! They offered me to become a Dragon Knight!" Anonymous: "What? This is unfair! I also chose to be a Traveler but spawned inside a house in a small village. They didn't even offer me anything(T_T)." Amidst the fervor in the chat, Arthur quietly observes as a notification appears in his UI Panel: [Congratulations, you have received an Ordinary Lord Talent, Persuasion (Legendary-Grade Talent)] "Huh? Ordinary?" "Whatever... this is my second chance, I won't let it slip away!" "Angel Race? Dragon Race?" "Pfft..." "I'll even make the Gods listen and cower before my Persuasion!"

Tora_Ratom · Games
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44 Chs

Lord Mission II(1)

[Lord Mission II]

[Mission Information: Lord will be transported into a Simulated Plane and take on the role of Town Lord to solve Town's issues and ensure the town survives for the next five days.]

[Task Requirement: Successfully ensure the town survives after 5 days.]

[Rating: (Rating would be assessed based on Lord's Performance)]

[Time Ratio: 1:10]

[Reward: Basic Profession Building Blueprints]

[Bonus Reward: (Based on Rating accumulation)]

[Mission Penalty: Revocation of rights as Lord]\


"I'm an Imp?" he muttered, disbelief evident in his voice.

[Name: Arthur]

[Race: Human, Imp (Temporary)]

[Title: Lord of Dawn Light Town, Lord of Imp Race Town (Temporary)]

[Territory: Dawn Light Town, Imp Race Town (Temporary)]

[Ordinary-Lord Talent: Persuasion (Legendary-Grade)]

[Strength: Yellow-High Tier (Temporary)]

[Skill: none]

He found himself in what appeared to be a small, downtrodden town surrounded by towering trees. The place had an air of neglect, with crumbling buildings and a general sense of despair hanging in the air.

As he took in the sorry state of the town before him, he couldn't deny the gravity of the situation. It was apparent that he had become the Lord of this Imp's Town, and it was in dire straits.

The town appeared dilapidated, its streets filled with emaciated Imps wandering aimlessly, and thieves brazenly pilfering whatever they pleased. A palpable sense of abandonment permeated the place.

"What in the world happened here...." Arthur muttered to himself.

Arthur quickly went to the Town Hall and gathered all of the town's officials for an emergency meeting.

However, he realized that the number of officials was severely limited, comprising just two individuals: the Town's Chancellor and the Town's Logistic Officer.

Their expressions were grim as they began to recount the dire situation.

Arthur turned his attention to the Town's Chancellor, a haggard Imp with worry etched across his features.

The Chancellor began to explain the dire circumstances that had befallen the town. his voice trembling with desperation. "My lord, our town is on the brink of collapse, many of our residents have fled the town. Our trade dealings with the neighboring Tulkan Town, the town of Giant Cyclopes, have gone horribly wrong. They deceived us, stole a significant portion of our resources, and even took the lives of our army and general. Because of that, many of our residents were not happy and chose to leave the city right away"

The Town's Logistic, equally disheveled, chimed in, "We are on the verge of a catastrophe. Our resources are dwindling rapidly, and without proper management, we won't last another day."

As Arthur listened to the accounts of their suffering, he felt a sensation of anger overtake him. This type of issues infuriated him, but he knew that now was not the time for rash actions.

His eyes, however, betrayed his composure. They emitted an intense, seething killing intent that permeated the meeting room. The tension in the air grew palpable, and the two officials shrank back, their voices trembling as they spoke.

Feeling a surge of anger and determination, Arthur finally broke his silence. "I understand the gravity of the situation," he said, his voice steady and resolute. "Tell me more about our trading partner, Tulkan Town."

The Chancellor swallowed nervously before answering, "Tulkan Town is a neighboring Town inhabited by powerful Giant Cyclopes. We believed that through trade, we could secure the resources we needed for our town to thrive. However, they took advantage of our vulnerability, deceived us, and left us in this dire state."

The Town's Logistic added, "They tricked us into trading away our valuable resources in exchange for empty promises. And when we realized their deceit, our general and his armies confronted them, only to meet their untimely end."

Arthur's expression remained unchanging, but his grip on the armrest of his throne tightened. He knew that immediate action was required to salvage the town from its impending doom. As he continued to listen to the officials, he formulated a plan to address the crisis.

"We will not let Tulkan Town's treachery go unpunished," he declared, his voice resonating with authority. "But first, we must secure the survival of our town. The traitorous actions of Tulkan Town will not define us. We will rise above this adversity."

His words carried a sense of determination that put a smile in the face of the officials. They exchanged glances, seeing a glimmer of possibility in their lord's decision.

Arthur's mind raced as he considered the best course of action.

From what he understood after talking to Elara, In Town-Level Civilizations, the role of currency, or in this case, Spirit Crystals, became paramount to the well-being of the people and the growth of the civilization. Arthur understood that in the complex web of trade and economics, Spirit Crystals were the lifeblood that fueled prosperity.

He remembered the lessons from Elara, where the value of Spirit Crystal was not merely measured by its physical properties but by its ability to facilitate trade and exchange. In a town that could not sustain itself solely through its natural resources, currency became the bridge that connected them to the outside world.

As he contemplated the situation, Arthur recognized that the Imp Town lacked or had no self-sustaining capabilities. Therefore, the Imp Town had to engage in commerce with other civilizations to acquire essential resources and goods to meet their people's needs.

Arthur's thoughts were interrupted as he decided to address the issue head-on. Turning to the Chancellor, he inquired, "How many Spirit Crystals do we have in the town's treasury?"

The Chancellor consulted his records before responding. "Currently, we have approximately 115 White-Tier Spirit Crystals and a meager 4 Blue-Tier Spirit Crystals, my lord."

Arthur's eyes widened slightly at the revelation. The town's treasury was indeed severely lacking in Spirit Crystals. The situation was dire, but Arthur knew that dwelling on the problem wouldn't solve it. Instead, he pressed on to gather more information.

"In that case," Arthur continued, "how many residents remain in our town?"

The Town's Logistic Officer, replied promptly, "Of the original 2000 residents, fewer than 500 individuals remain within the town, my lord."

The shock of the revelation coursed through Arthur. The Imp town had been devastated, its population drastically reduced.

Arthur maintained his composure, but his fists were tightly clenched.

To address the most pressing issue at hand, which is sustaining the remaining population, Arthur decided to take immediate action.

He knew that even with the town's meager treasury, it couldn't support the Imp City to survive for the next 5 days as the mission required.

However, he decided to do it anyway and relied on the Imp Town Territory Token, an item exclusively available for him to use as a lord, which allowed him to access the Shop system.

Soon, Arthur used the Town's Territory Token to access the Shop system's inventory. There, he purchased a 2 days' worth of food supplies that could support the resident's needs.

Once the selections were made, Arthur turned to the Logistic Officer and instructed, "These 2 days' worth of food supplies will be essential for our town's survival. Please take charge of their distribution and ensure that they are allocated efficiently to meet our people's needs."

The Town's Logistic Officer nodded his head. "Understood, my lord. I will oversee the distribution process personally."

"Please announce to all residents that today, we will be holding a food distribution in the center of the town," Arthur directed. "We must ensure that every resident receives their share."

The Chancellor and the Logistic Officer nodded their heads and promptly left to carry out Arthur's orders.

Few hours later...

In the heart of the Imp Town, preparations for the food distribution were swiftly underway.

The town's officials, along with the few remaining guards, worked together to set up distribution points and organize the acquired provisions.

Crates of food were arranged neatly, and the logistics of the operation were well-coordinated.

Soon, word spread throughout the town like wildfire. Residents, initially skeptical, began to gather in the town's center, their curiosity piqued by the announcement. They couldn't help but wonder what had prompted this sudden act of generosity from their lord.

As the crowd gathered, Arthur appeared, standing at the forefront of the operation.

Arthur began to address the assembled residents. His voice carried over the crowd, calm and reassuring. "Good citizens of our Imp Town, today marks a turning point in our journey together. I understand the hardships we have faced, and I assure you that your well-being is our utmost priority."

At first, there were hushed conversations and hesitant glances among the residents. With a subtle exertion of his [Persuasion] Talent, Arthur began to ease their doubts and fears.

His words resonated deeply with the crowd, instilling a sense of trust and security. Gradually, the initial skepticism gave way to gratitude and relief.

As the food distribution commenced, crates of supplies were opened, and each resident received their allotted share. There were smiles, heartfelt thanks, and even a few tears as the people accepted the much-needed food.

As Arthur continued to interact with the residents, he noticed notifications popping up before him.

[The Town Resident's Loyalty has increased.]

After the food distribution was successfully completed, Arthur stood in the town square, watching the residents disperse with the much-needed supplies in their hands.

With a final nod of satisfaction, Arthur began to contemplate the broader issues that lay ahead.

As the sun began to set, Arthur was now thinking how he should face this Tulkan Town, town of the Giant Cyclopes.