
Global Civilization: Just an Ordinary Lord Talent

On the first day of the 22nd century, an unusual event takes place when people find themselves transmigrated to a different world called [Main Plane]. As they awaken, a user interface resembling RPG genre in video games appears, offering a choice between two roles: Traveler or Lord. Confusion reigns as people flock to the Earthen World Chat feature, seeking answers about their sudden displacement. An electrifying conversation ensues, filled with curiosity and disbelief. Anonymous users flood the chat, their words buzzing with excitement. Anonymous: "Hello?" Anonymous: "What's going on? I suddenly spawned in the middle of nowhere next to a strange building when I chose to become a Lord." Anonymous: "Me too!" Anonymous: "Hahaha, guess what? I ended up with an Extraordinary Lord Talent called 'Church of Light' (Epic-Grade Talent). It is said that this building can summon Paladins for me!" Anonymous: "Are you serious? Did we actually transmigrate into a fantasy world?" Anonymous: "I chose to be a Traveler, and here I am, spawned inside the grand cathedral of an Empire! They offered me to become a Dragon Knight!" Anonymous: "What? This is unfair! I also chose to be a Traveler but spawned inside a house in a small village. They didn't even offer me anything(T_T)." Amidst the fervor in the chat, Arthur quietly observes as a notification appears in his UI Panel: [Congratulations, you have received an Ordinary Lord Talent, Persuasion (Legendary-Grade Talent)] "Huh? Ordinary?" "Whatever... this is my second chance, I won't let it slip away!" "Angel Race? Dragon Race?" "Pfft..." "I'll even make the Gods listen and cower before my Persuasion!"

Tora_Ratom · Games
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44 Chs

Earth Federation, Guardians of Gaia


[Barton Wheist has become your subject.]

[Name: Barton Wheist]

[Title: Lord of Barton Village]

[Territory: Barton Village]

[Class: None]

[Special-Lord Talent: Slime Cave(Common-Grade)]

[Strength: White-Low Tier]

[Loyalty: 100(Temporary)]

With the emergence of the 'Main Plane', the system had also been integrated into all Lords and Travelers of Earth. However, for them, there were some limited features added into the system, one of which was that people couldn't see each other's Personal Information, unless it was related to their talent, or they have become a subject of a Lord.

As Arthur's persuasive influence washed over Barton, the man's face began to change. His eyes took on a respectful gleam, and he lowered his head slightly, a sign of submission. The power of Arthur's Legendary-Grade Talent, [Persuasion], was undeniable.

"My lord," Barton began, his voice laced with deference. "I apologize for any disrespect I may have shown. Please know that I hold you in the highest regard."

Arthur waved a hand dismissively. "No need for formalities. Just call me Arthur."

Barton nodded obediently. "Yes, Arthur."

With that settled, Arthur leaned forward, his curiosity piqued. "So, what's the reason you've called me here?"

Bartin cleared his throat and straightened his posture. "The higher-ups in our government have expressed a desire for you to represent our country within the Earth Federation. Specifically, they want you to join the Guardians of Gaia."

The mention of the Guardians of Gaia caught Arthur off guard. He remembered them from his previous life as a monstrous group of individuals with Legendary-Grade Talents.

These talents were incredibly rare, and even on Earth, a planet with over six billion people, there were only around a hundred individuals with such talents.

The Guardians of Gaia were rumored to be the most powerful group on Earth, and they consisted solely of these exceptional individuals.

As Barton continued explaining, Arthur's thoughts raced. He hadn't expected his government to take such a drastic step. In his previous life, he had been tasked with eliminating groups of civilians who had formed villainous organizations to oppose the government.

`Was this butterfly effect a result of the insights they had gained from his Legendary-Grade Talent?`

"I understand that this might be a lot to take in," Barton said, noticing Arthur's contemplative expression. "But the Higher-Ups said that the Earth Federation want to build a powerful group consist of people with Legendary-Grade Talents. And since our government has an alliance with the Earth Federation, they want you to represent our country within the Earth Federation."

Trying to compose himself, Arthur asked, "When is this meeting with the Earth Federation going to take place?"

Barton replied, "The meeting is scheduled for tomorrow. We'll be leaving today to make preparations."

Arthur nodded, absorbing the information. From his understanding, Barton would follow him to the Earth Federation's main headquarters as his assistance.

However, as they prepared to leave the room, he turned to Barton, a sly smile playing on his lips.

"By the way," Arthur said, his tone conspiratorial, "Remember, for the sake of appearances, continue acting as you always have. Even in my presence, don't reveal that you're my subject now."

Barton blinked but quickly caught on to Arthur's meaning. He nodded solemnly, understanding the unspoken power dynamic that had shifted.

Even if his new subject was a lord, Barton's Territory would not immediately belong to him, as Arthur needed to first integrate his Barton's Territory Token with his Territory Token for the Main Plane's System to recognize Barton's Territory as Arthur's.

With that settled, they left the room and made their way to prepare for their departure to the Earth Federation's main headquarters. Arthur couldn't help but smile to himself. The tables had turned, and now he held the strings of control. It was a delicious irony that wasn't lost on him.

Their departure commenced as they boarded a military private jet, destined for the Earth Federation's main base.


After a four-hour flight on the military private jet, Arthur and Barton arrived at the Earth Federation's main headquarters.

They were greeted by a group of officials, dressed in crisp uniforms, who welcomed them with a warm smile.

"Welcome to the Earth Federation's main headquarters," one of the officials said, extending a hand in greeting. "My name is Mr. Anderson, and I'll be your liaison during your stay here."

Arthur shook Mr. Anderson's hand firmly, acknowledging the introduction. "I'm Arthur, and this is Barton," he said, indicating the Headmaster.

"Very well, Your Excellencies Arthur and Barton," Mr. Anderson continued. "Before the meeting scheduled for tomorrow, we've arranged a room for you to rest and freshen up. Please follow us."

They were led through a series of hallways adorned with large flags and banners representing different regions of the Earth Federation. The sheer scale of the headquarters was impressive, and it left Arthur with a sense of awe. It was clear that the Earth Federation was a formidable organization.

Upon reaching their designated room, Arthur couldn't help but be impressed by its size and comfort. The furnishings were luxurious, and the room had a regal air about it. There were two large beds, a sitting area, and even a personal workspace.

"Make yourselves comfortable," Mr. Anderson said. "Feel free to rest, and if you require anything, please don't hesitate to contact our staff."

As soon as the officials left the room, Arthur couldn't help but let out a sigh. He took a moment to lay back on one of the beds, his mind racing. The events of the earth had set into motion a series of changes he hadn't expected.

`This must be the effect of the butterfly effect.` Arthur thought about the Butterfly Effect, a concept he had read about in several novels.

The butterfly effect referred to the idea that small actions or events could have far-reaching consequences. It was like a butterfly flapping its wings in one part of the world, causing a chain reaction that led to a tornado in another. Arthur had unwittingly become that butterfly, and the ripples of his actions were now reshaping the world around him.

However, he decided not to dwell on it too deeply at the moment. There would be time for introspection later, once he had a better understanding of the current situation. Instead, He needed to focus on the situation at hand, the meeting with the Earth Federation and the Guardians of Gaia.

With a deep sigh, Arthur rose from the bed and decided to make use of the Earth Federation's amenities. One such amenity that caught his attention was the mixed public bathhouse provided within the headquarters. It was not uncommon for such bathhouses to exist in certain cultures, and Arthur saw it as an opportunity to both refresh his mind and indulge in a bit of relaxation.

Arthur asked Barton if he wanted to join him, but Barton refused the offer and chose to stay in the room.

Soon, as he arrived, he saw the bathhouse was a spacious area adorned with elegant stone and tile work. Large pools of warm, steaming water beckoned to him, surrounded by lush greenery that gave the place a natural and serene ambiance. The soft murmur of conversation from other bathers added to the soothing atmosphere.

Arthur couldn't help but admire the beauty of the surroundings as he stripped down and entered the pool. The warm water enveloped him, and he sighed in contentment. This was indeed a much-needed moment of respite from the whirlwind of events he had experienced.

Arthur appreciated the opportunity to immerse himself in hot water, allowing the tension in his muscles to melt away. The bathhouse was designed to accommodate various cultures, and it provided an atmosphere of tranquility and relaxation.

His gaze wandered, taking in the sight of other bathers. The mixed nature of the bathhouse meant that men and women shared the space, albeit in separate sections. Arthur's appreciative eyes may have strayed a bit, savoring the sights before him.

Arthur observed the scene before him, a group of women enjoying the soothing waters. He couldn't help but acknowledge a twinge of mischievousness. After all, he was still human, and certain desires undeniably emanated from him. His gaze wandered, appreciating the sights around him, even as he kept his interactions respectful.

As he bathed and relaxed, Arthur's mind began to wander. He found himself thinking about the possibilities of implementing such a facility in his territory. The idea of a mixed public bath appealed to him, not only as a place of relaxation but also as a way to foster happiness among his subjects.

`I'll asked Kroos to build this in the future.`

After spending some time in the bathhouse, Arthur emerged feeling rejuvenated. Wrapping himself in a towel, he wanted to return to his room and prepare for a good night's sleep.

However, as Arthur wrapped himself in a towel and prepared to leave the bathhouse, he suddenly felt a sudden interruption.

A beautiful woman, her vibrant red hair contrasting against the white of her towel, intercepted his path with a gaze that could have set fire to the water.

Her eyes blazed with a mixture of anger and indignation as she fixed her gaze on Arthur. Without mincing words, she demanded, "You need to apologize to all the women in the bathhouse. Your actions made them uncomfortable."

Arthur, still caught off guard by the unexpected confrontation, blinked in disbelief. It wasn't what he had done that stunned him, but rather who was standing before him. He had known her from his previous life.

"Sienna?" Arthur stammered, his eyes widening with recognition.

She's one of the Guardians of Gaia, with the nickname 'Scarlet Ravenwood'!