
Chapter 26: Blessed General_1

Translator: 549690339

His words immediately plunged the researchers in the room into deep thought.

Eventually, everyone's gaze turned to Xu Liang, as he had the most authority to speak.

After a long contemplation, Xu Liang slowly said, "Based on our research theory, all plants that have mutated to a certain extent can be purified to extract Life Essence, so in theory, this Iron Birch Tree should also be possible."

"However, it isn't as tall as the Mutated Old Chinese Scholar Tree, so we will need more material, probably at least 300 pounds."

This immediately energized everyone in the room.

As long as we reach the destination, whether we collect 100 or 300 pounds, the difficulty is the same.

Seeing everyone's excitement, Xu Liang reminded, "Although choosing the Mutated Iron Birch Tree in Sunset Valley will reduce the danger significantly."

"But however much it's reduced, the risk is still great, and it may be very difficult to find someone to take on such a task."

Yi Weihua spoke again, "I have a suggestion, I know the owner of a security company who might be willing to take on this task."

"Security company?" Xu Liang's eyes lit up instantly.

Compared to ordinary people, the personnel of a security company would certainly have a much higher success rate.

"Cough! It's not a regular security company." Seeing the puzzled looks from everyone, Yi Weihua quickly explained: "I mean, legally it's a security company, but they don't actually do the work of a security company."

"What exactly do you mean?" Xu Liang frowned.

"To put it simply, their main business is lending, and that boss has quite a gang of hoodlums under him," said Yi Weihua.

The people in the room instantly understood what he meant.

"Is it reliable to find them for this task?" Xu Liang's frown grew tighter.

"They are one of the few groups daring enough to take on such high-risk tasks."

"Moreover, after a recent crackdown, they no longer dare to engage in such grey business, and that boss is probably worrying about where to get money right now!"

"3 million would be enough to entice them, and we can sign a contract with them, pay half as a deposit, and upon successful completion, pay the rest. They would definitely work hard," said Yi Weihua.

"Just paying half upfront, would they agree?" Xu Liang asked.

"I'm not sure, but we can try. And when dealing with such a group, we don't need to persuade every member; as long as their boss agrees, that's enough," Yi Weihua said.

The researchers exchanged glances, feeling the proposal was feasible.

"Alright, you contact that boss and have him come over to talk," Xu Liang finally decided.


Ye Feng had no idea that what he worried about had already come true.

Nevertheless, from the moment he chose to make a breakthrough, he was prepared mentally.

So at this time, although he felt heavy-hearted, he wasn't panicked and methodically went about his work.

Harvesting Spiritual Energy, leveling up, infusing Mutated Animals with Spiritual Energy, and occasionally possessing two little sparrows to check on their search progress.

But for some reason, the Mutated Wild Boar was nowhere to be found, even after searching for three hours, nothing turned up.

"I've searched nearly 10 kilometers around, it couldn't have left this area, could it!" Ye Feng furrowed his brow slightly.

Of course, it couldn't rule out the possibility that it was simply overlooked during the search.

Although the Mutated Wild Boar was massive, with the mutation of plants, trees over a dozen meters high were common, and simply searching from high up, there was a great chance of missing it.

But carpet searching was impossible with the few animals he had available.


"It's about time for them to come back," Ye Feng muttered as he issued the return command.

To boost the strength of his subordinates faster, Ye Feng infused them with Spiritual Energy every hour.

Notably, after they broken through to the Second Stage, each animal's consumption of Spiritual Energy significantly increased.

Now, the nine animals combined devour 84 points of Spiritual Energy in one hour.

But Ye Feng didn't mind this consumption; he planned to advance one minor level daily, and the remaining Spiritual Energy was more than enough for him.

According to the experience gained from the King Cobra, these Mutated Animals could make a breakthrough every 10 hours on a steady basis, provided they had enough Spiritual Energy, even in the Second Stage.

In this case, he could cultivate this batch of Second Order Mutated Animals to the Third Order in no more than two days.

Meanwhile, Ye Feng ranked the amount of Spiritual Energy they could absorb during each Minor Boundary breakthrough at the Second Stage.

1. Mutated King Cobra: 200 points of Spiritual Energy

2. Mutated Buffalo: 200 points of Spiritual Energy

3. Mutated Black Crow: 80 points of Spiritual Energy

4. Mutated Bats: 80 points of Spiritual Energy

5. Mutated Mouse: 60 points of Spiritual Energy

6. Mutated Sparrow: 40 points of Spiritual Energy

As for Big Yellow Dog and the parrot, currently at First Order, they were not included in the calculation.

The amount of Spiritual Energy absorbed for breakthroughs often implied how much potential the animals possessed.

It's worth mentioning that at the First Order, the Mutated Buffalo required 10 more points of Spiritual Energy for its breakthrough compared to the King Cobra.

However, at the Second Stage, the amount of Spiritual Energy they absorb each hour had equalized.

This led Ye Feng to speculate that Mutated Beings which broke through on their own might have greater potential.

As he pondered these things, his subordinates returned one after another. Although they didn't find the Mutated Wild Boar, they hunted some other Mutated Beings they encountered and brought them back for Ye Feng to Devour.

And now, with the return of these animals, one Mutated Animal after another was laid out before Ye Feng.

6 Mutated Mice, 3 Mutated Wild Chickens, 2 Mutated Toads, 2 Mutated Tree Frogs, 1 Mutated Weasel.

In addition, the aerial squad brought back 3 Mutated Bats and 2 Mutated Pigeons.

Some of these Mutated Beings were dead, others alive.

Whether dead or alive, Ye Feng could Devour and absorb them directly.

But once dead, they couldn't be captured.

However, looking over the Mutated Animals in front of him, he had no intention of capturing any, and decided to Devour them all.

"Why is the King Cobra returning so slowly this time?" Ye Feng wondered. But before long, the King Cobra also appeared within his sight, its tail coiled around another Mutated Being.

When he clearly saw what the creature was, Ye Feng's face immediately showed an interested expression.

It was a Mutated Hedgehog.

Although the hedgehog was a small-sized creature, its spiny body might make it quite powerful in combat at higher levels, so it was on Ye Feng's capture list.

"Really, my lucky general," Ye Feng remarked as he looked at the King Cobra.

Both the Mutated Buffalo and Big Yellow Dog were brought back by it.
