
Global Awakening: My Clones Have Different Classes

Sun Xin was a martial artist that was renown to the underground fighting. He dreamed of Awakening a good power to fight villains. Until one day, he awakened a power called "Cloning". In which he could clone himself. With him as a martial artist, he fought villains but he was still regarded as trash. In this age of Heroes, Dungeons, and, Villains. With others able to breathe fire and command other elements, he could only punch and kick. Up until one day, all his clones awakened and a mass Awakening happened. Awakening, Combat Class! Dragon knight! Necromancer! Berserker! Swordsman! Druid! Lycanthropy! Conjurer! Awakening, Production Class! Blacksmith! Mechanical Engineer! Hacker IT! Inventor! Alchemist! Enchanter! Bookworm! Now, with him as their trainer and leader, all of the villains would cower in his presence.

pantserplotter · Action
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62 Chs

Swordsman vs. Swordsman

Swordsman Xin appeared and saved him

They were all locked inside his soul and the swordsman is only the one who escaped

He cut his hands that holds Xin

Then the swordsman xin was corrupted

Monk Xin went inside him

Then he copied his swordsman class

Then they battle

Joan was corrupted by the Corruption of Margoz. He was slightly screaming at the pain that entered his body. It was tormenting on his side as his very soul was being turned. He gritted his teeth while it was slowly entering his soul. He can feel that his mind was hearing whispers of the said Demon Lord.

Slowly creeping out towards his consciousness and he can feel its power burst inside him. He can feel rising anger was clouding his mind. Animosity and wrath mixed were all directed towards all the enemies of his new master.