
Global Awakening: I created the system

"When everyone believes a lie it becomes the truth" "When everyone is in a dream then it becomes reality" [Blue Star, year 20023] Like every other day on the blue start, the sky was blue and the sun was shining. At least it should have been until it happened! Before anybody could react, the whole planet was infected by a burst of strange energy giving things both living and nonliving incredible abilities and characteristics. The Qin terracotta warriors came to life shouting that their emperor was about to descend Mona Lisa stepped out of her painting saying a new era had begun In the Vatican, an ancient tomb arose from the ground saying Jesus was about to rise once more Hitler's cap appeared giving a random German the ability to brainwash millions of lives All around the world, strange events started happening with historical and legendary items taking the lead And if that wasn't unexpected enough, they came! The Gods and Monsters who humans of the blue start only thought of as myths or legends began to descend Choosing various warriors and awakeners to carry their will These people were called divine warriors and stood out from the awakened Unexpectedly, a thousand years later the Blue star had produced hundreds of strongmen capable of kicking the moon and punching the stars. However, in the most unbelievable circumstances, the most powerful gods and awakeners gathered together to defeat one man Deceiver Ye Tian! Characterised by a signature joker mask, he was one awaker whose true abilities were never known Displaying an array of different powers on each occasion, he was dubbed the title 'Jack of all trades master of all" Unfortunately, under the combined attack of the powerhouses including Zeus, Odin, and the Dragon goddess Tiamat, there was no chance for him to survive Using his last means, he transports himself to the past planning to use his power properly and fix all regrets "With this power, the universe shall fall at my feet!" Deciding to abandon the humans who betrayed him, deciding to live for himself Ye Tian devices a means to force all lives to work for him without ever revealing his identity Using his power he created the one thing which would cause all life in the universe to yearn for Using his power, he created the one thing which could only be thought of as fiction even with the advent of global awakening Using this power, he creates the system! This is a story of how Ye Tian, the future lord of the multiverse, The biggest black hand behind the scenes, The source of the extraordinary, The only God, The father of Evil Gods, and The master of the system is born! ------------------------------------------------ discord server: https://discord.gg/Up35G9Hzzk

Ghost_Worker · Fantasy
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177 Chs


Looking at the colourful property panel, Ye Tian could help but laugh in glee as he felt he had taken his first steps toward writing a new future

"However none of this would have been possible without you my little friend"

Talking to himself, Ye Tian held up a strange feather with ink at its tip, looking closer it looked like a quill used in the olden days

And I'm fact it was!

"The Quill of Dürer's Precision or as I like to call it, Dürer's quill"

"Although not as good as Da Vinci's pen, it seems that its effect wasn't that bad"

Twirling, the quill in between his fingers, Ye Tian smiled as he watched the slowly increasing percentages of various abilities on his property panel

Ex-level fake becomes real, although it might seem like an outrageous ability but it did have its limitations

I'm fact, so many limitations that Ye Tian even once wondered if it wasn't a fake Ex level he got

Fortunately, after living thousands of years in his previous life, Ye Tian had vaguely summed up the rules to his ability

First off, only if the audience truly believes in an ability can that ability take seed within him

Yes take seed, sadly unlike what Ye Tin expected, his ability couldn't automatically make him omnipotent

Just kidding, if that was the case back in his previous life he would have just gone to another planet and found some primitives and pretended to be an all-knowing and all might God

Unfortunately, if he actually did that what he would get would be a seed of omnipresence and omnipresence rather than the actual ability

Next, it would be up to him to make more and more people believe that this was true until it fully manifested

And given the fact that the greater the ability, the more people it would take to manifest, Ye Tian estimated that maybe only by deceiving the whole universe would he be able to achieve it

Luckily although it was impossible to achieve it, but even in seed state, he could still use some of their abilities

And these abilities would also increase as their seeds grew, or on the system panel percentages increased

Thinking of this limitation, Ye Tian didn't actually feel it was too bad, after all, nobody likes a game that's too easy

If anything, it was another limitation that gave Ye Tian a headache

And this was none other than the description and imagination limitation.

Different from what one might expect, Ye Tian couldn't just walk up and tell someone who doesn't know what a god is that he is a god

If that was done, his ability would have no effect or be based on the imagination of what a god is by the person, not Ye Tian.

Due to This, back in his former life whenever Ye Tian took on a new role, he always had to make sure his audience already knew what were the names of the ability he used

It was also for this reason, he told the mysterious man to bring out his identity as the 'creator' 'and source of their power'

Thanks to this, he could not only begin to embody the creation authority but also gain their abilities as the source of their power

Sighing at the limitation is his ability although there were more but these were the major ones he kept in mind

And as for the immortal clown and the mysterious man, neither of them were actually his creations

Rather they were created using a few costumes gotten from his uncle and the quill in his hand

Thinking of this, Ye Tian began to think of its origin

Dürer's quill, one of the few artefacts that could be gotten and used before the awakening

Born from the hands of Albrecht Dürer who created the Melencolia I in the year 1514, the Dürer's quill can bring any artist's work to life for a certain amount of time based on their spiritual power.

Unfortunately, it cannot create characters with strengths higher than B no matter how strong the users' spiritual strength is

Not only that, for every creation that exists, it takes a toll on the user's spirit as the user needs to maintain a certain amount of strength to control his creations

Thinking of its limitations, Ye Tian couldn't help but sigh at its inferiority compared to the limitless Da Vinci's pen

However, considering that it was up for sale at a nearby antique store in his previous life

Ye Tin felt like this was just what he needed to kick start his plan, and as for Da Vinci's pen that was for him to get later

since even if he got it now he wouldn't be able to use it due to lifespan issues

So with that in mind, after going to the antique store and confirming it was there, Ye Tian did the next smartest thing he could think of

Using almost all of his mental strength, and after several trials and errors, he finally created two C-level characters

The mysterious man, and the immortal clown, the two actors who had just turned the whole world upside down

However now that the plan had been successful and the abilities had been successfully began to form

Ye Tian knew that he just needed this matter to ferment for a few days, and with the efficiency of modern media, he was expecting a few abilities to solidify

But looking at the quill in between his fingers Ye Tian couldn't help but begin to hesitate

He began to wonder if he should unsummon his two new actors since both of them were taking an unnecessary toll on his spirit

However, before Ye Tian could make up his mind, two loud voices sounded in his ears interrupting his thoughts

"Lord creator, your faithful servants have carried out your orders!" (2x)

Kneeling on both knees, the clown and mysterious man who had just arrived bowed down before him