
Global Awakening: I Can Manipulate Destiny

If you are looking for a novel that starts of epic then goes on to fall your hand with dragged out chapters, stupid plots and unrealistic characters. Then sorry but this novel ain't for you. On the other hand, if you are looking for a novel that starts of above average[9/10] things at the beginning seem so mysterious, incoherent, and blurry. But as you read on everything starts clearing out, mysteries are being unraveled and various plots are being pieced together into one slowly but surely. Everything that don't seem to make sense or because you aren't patient and attentive enough seem incoherent will start to piece together. Like a puzzle... Then congrats and welcome...cause you have just found the right book. I can't say this will be the best mystery focused/based book that you have ever read. But anyone seeing this should know...give this mystery masterpiece some few chapters and be patient and just like anyone who has read LOTM. You will slowly but definitely come to love this masterpiece!!! ____________ Upon the Malivoire Descent. A world along with countless of other worlds, were all given a chance to tap into their latent potentials and become not only Malivoire Combatants but also World Evolvers. Now tasked with the task of protecting the world of Earth from each Malivoire Trial that would ever descend upon their world. Success will result in the evolution of their world, and successfully leaving the bottom of the food chain while constantly trying to survive. Whereby failure will result in not only the destruction of Earth, but the unleashing of a mysterious entity upon the entire universe. Now embarked with the latent talents he successfully awakened. Zeras, a young kid who had always had a bleak outlook of life, with his brother serving as his only beacon of happiness and perhaps humanity, would do anything to make sure that the World Evolvers of Earth overcome each Malivoire Descent headed their way. Even if it meant he had to manipulate and be in control of everyone around him... Discord server is out...Join Now!!! https://discord.gg/PuQNaE9z

Dream_Lord14 · Fantasy
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120 Chs

Within The Limitless Void; Unfortunate Set Of Words.

The Nightmare weaver slashed out with his large crimson claws, as it collided against the paws of the Eldritch dream monstrosity.


A loud defeaning explosion rocked the entire space, as intense ripples radiated outwards contibously.

The paws of the Eldritch dream monstrosity got sent back into the air.

Through this one could see who had the upper hand. Intense Malivoire energy gushed out ferociously from the body of the Nightmare weaver.

As he suddenly threw out multiple slashes within the breathe of a second...the Eldritch dream monstrosity...upon realizing such an imminent threat on its' life immediately let out a super-sonic like roar...


A loud roar shook the entire space, as terrifying circlic ripples undulated ourwards continously, stopping the various slashes headed for it in their tracks as they collided continously....

Ripples undulated outward continously...as both creatures were sent smashing back into the distance...they created countless gorges along their path of retreat.

Meanwhile ..within the limitless void.

Zeras felt like crying but he couldn't...the tears just couldn't find their way out. Through the simulation...he had realized how petrified he would be. But seeing was believing...he laid his eyes on what he could only call..terror-inducing.

Just right above his head...within this limitless void that seemed to be filled with various astral stars...a gigantic beast with various holes that seemed to contain an entire world within, and this holes numbered around millions. There were like pores on the body of the creature...the creature had a very dark abyssal body...humongous horns jutted out of its head...and its pupils are strikingly deadly as it glanced down at the limitless void with a cold gaze.

Almost as though this terrifying being was perceiving something...its' brows got narrowed before it became normal. The creature shook its' head before Zeras suddenly witnessed a shocking feat.

In front of the figure...a wormhole that would surely be even larger than a super massive black hole suddenly appeared before the dreadful void creature...as it immediately stepped into it. And then....it vanished away from sight.

Zeras took in a gulp of saliva before giving a deep exhalation. As realization dawned on him.

He probably wasn't noticed due to the void like cloak that had coated his entire body...making him seem like one with the void...therefore he couldn't be seen.

But who could say some stronger beings didn't reside within this weird terrifying place.

He didn't dare imagine what would happen to him if he was found out.

"I am afraid I wouldn't have even the remains of my bone, I would probably be roasted to death." Zeras muttered, as each of this thought continuously assaulted his mind.

He finally couldn't take it anymore...he immediately de-activated the Void Merge.

And the reason he de-activated it was quite simple...although he was sure it was probably some millions of kilometer away....But the humongous body of the whale like creature just couldn't be hidden...its' entire body seemed to be in an ethereal state...as although it seemed slow...but each movement of this whale like creature brought it countless of light years away.

Luckily...Zeras escaped just in time. Drops of perspiration dripped down his forehead.

"I should really be mindful of how I make use of this Void Merge of a thing...I wouldn't want to be ripped apart by some unknown entity before I even realize it." He muttered, as he glanced at his surroundings.



The Nightmare weaver tore one of the paws of the Eldritch dream creature who let out a loud roar that sounded painful as it slashed down with every ounce of strength contained within it with its' other paw.



One of the wings of the Nightmare weaver got ripped apart...as he let out a weird sound...Anger obvious in his pupils as this only further served to fuel his hatred against the lower creature...

Zeras immediately moved away from the ten meters radius. As he finally saw what he was looking for: THE SAFE OF ANTHERIA.

If he was correct then there was a large amount of cores and shards contained within them...

Now all he had to do was just to...

He grabbed the Artifact that had been ejected out of Hero's soul realm after he had died, thereby resulting in the collapsing of the soul realm.

He had a light smile on his face as he willed for it to enter his soul realm; a circlic brand suddenly appeared on the artifact as it immediately just like a ray of light...shot for Zeras' Forehead.

As a set of runic words appeared before his eyes.

[You have become owner of the Mythic grade Artifact: SAFE OF ANTHERIA...]

Though that wasn't the main reason why he had branded his soul mark on the artifact, the only reason he did so was so he could devour the cores and shards to grow stronger....

Though he didn't mind getting such a useful artifact in the process...

'After all...who doesn't like to be lucky.'

"Chaos Devouring." He muttered the magical words...a large stream of energy was suddenly being absorbed from the cores and shards which he had already willed out of the artifact as they dropped onto the ground before being immediately devoured by Zeras...as they became a source of nutrient for him.

He could feel himself growing stronger continously....his entire muscle brimming with energy. His veins popped up continously, as his entire body strengt seemed to have increased...his blood was flowing far faster than normal.

The white dense fume of energy streaming towards him finally came to a stop...

As the runic words just as he had expected immediately appeared before his eyes.

[You have gained 500 Evolving shards]

The words appeared before his eyes...as he wasn't surprised in the least bit. After all within the past two simulations...it had been made obvious that Hero had been the one in charge of keeping the respective cores and shards of their expedition team...that probably numbered in tens... probably close to fifty.

And although this might be a good thing...but in the dream realm, such a level of co-operation could also be a bad thing...

And when they all lost their lives...Hero was left with all the cores he needed...as he probably already had it in mind to absorb them after arriving at the Ancient Holy land.

Zeras mused while glancing at the runes; or more precisely. The quest section that now had some set of words...some new quests.

-Escape from the clutches of the Nightmare Weaver

-Arrive at the Ancient Holy Land; The Only Safe Zone within the dream realm.

-Find the cause of the anomality within the dream realm...

He knew new quests would still be given...as they would be the helrading point of the Trial. He had a light exhalation as he finally got to the final stage of his plan.

"Shadow Walking."



He muttered the three words one after the other...as he suddenly realized a shocking fact. He seemed to have completely blended with not only the surrounding but also the surrounding darkness and shadows that roamed within the darkness as he immediately dashed forward.

He knew his origin energy was rapidly depleting...after all, he was making use of three abilities instantaneously...if that didn't even deplete his origin energy...than he had no idea what could...

Which was why he first decided to devour the cores and shards before attempting such a deadly feat...

He just had one prayer right now.

And that's for his origin energy not to get depleted before he manages to escape.





The terrifying fight was still ongoing...as terrifying ripples undulated ourwards continously. Threatening to destroy the surroundings completely...

Zeras couldnt even be less bothered...as he fastened his speed.. smashing against the ground with every ounce of strength contained within him.

As he rapidly passed by the 8 meter radius....7 meter radius...5 meter radius...2 meter radius....1 meter radius...

'No, no, no...not now...not now.' Zeras yelled within his mind, as he could feel that his origin energy was just five seconds away from being depleted.

His hands and feet trembled violently...as he was still some couple of feet away from the cave.

But this didn't stop his legs from moving...as he ran with everything he had got. And with the continously clashing and ripping sounds that reverberated through the atmosphere...his minor footsteps didn't seem much of a big deal.

As he was finally just ten feet away from the cave as his origin every suddenly got depleted...and immediately after that... He was able to take two more step.

As he passed by the Dreadful Eldritch creature who had its eyes glow crimson color upon seeing Zeras pass by it. As it seemed that it could never allow anyone to pass.

It smashed down with apocalyptic might...as the Malivoire creature was sent smashing right into the ground...creating a large crater on the ground.

As Zeras was finally just four steps away from the cave when a terrifying pressure suddenly descended upon him....he felt his entire body giving way to this mind-wrenching pressure...as a terrifying silhouette of a large humongous paw covered his entire body...before it rapidly descended with terrifying speed.

Almost like a shot meteor as it attempted to squash Zeras beneath it.

'No, no,no...fucking damn legs move faster for Godsake...move faster!!'

Zeras heart yelled out in anxiety...and then the paws smashed against the ground...

The Eldritch dream creature had a strange look on its' face as it removed it's paws from the ground.

Only to be met with a shocking fact.

The ant was no where to be found...

Its' loud roar shook the entire mountainous range...as the Malivoire creature suddenly appeared behind it. He had a wide grin on his face as his claw easily tore through the body of the Eldritch Dream creature.

He had a wide smile on his face...as his row of sharp teeth were in full display.

The Malivoire creature immediately brought out his dark crimson hand and claws as a circlic core now laid within his hand. The Eldritch dream creature had an unwilling look in its eyes as it slowly collapsed onto the ground with a loud thud.

The Malivoire creature had a light smile on his face...he suddenly threw the core into his mouth...and he wasn't done yet...he tore apart the body of the monstrosity.



As he threw seven cores into his mouth one after the other...

The Malivoire creature had killed a Fallen tier seven Eldritch Dream Creature...

Every world evolvers hands suddenly had a bright golden glow to it...as a set of unfortunate words slowly unfurled before their eyes....

What do you guys think of this chapter. I wonder what happened to Zeras...

Hehehe...anyways as usual.

Golden Tickets, power stones, gifts and comments are very much appreciated.

Dream_Lord14creators' thoughts