
Global Awakening: Apocalypse Ender's Chronicle

Volume 1: The Ender of Third Apocalypse - In Progress Volume 2: The Missing 9th Apocalypse: The Battle Against the Ender of Vampire's Rise Apocalypse - Soon *** You are about to start your selected Apocalypse World. You are free to choose one of the Gift Packs you'll bring to help you in the early stages of the event. [ Energy Gift Pack ] [ Entertainment Gift Pack ] [ Food Gift Pack ] [ Medical Gift Pack ] [ Shelter Gift Pack ] [ Stealth Gift Pack ] [ Survival Tools Gift Pack ] [ Transport Gift Pack ] [ Water Gift Pack ] [ Weapon Gift Pack ] You have 10 minutes to choose. *** WSA 2024 Entry Please support! Thank you!

xlntz · Fantasy
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216 Chs

The Manor's Defense

After Shane departed to explore the shadowy depths of the abandoned mines, Gene, the only Knight of Springriver Manor, assumed his vigilant watch over the sanctuary he has now called home. 

His armor gleamed faintly as he patrolled the perimeter, a silent sentinel against the undead scourge.

Meanwhile, within the forge's fiery embrace, Leo, the blacksmith, hammered diligently, forging the foundations of their future stronghold. Nails, wires, and metal spikes took shape under his skilled hands, along with robust hammerheads and sharp spear tips, destined for the defense of their expanding territory.

Harper, on the other hand, had just finished his daily crafting ritual. 

With deft fingers and an Exceptional Grade Pocket Knife, he transformed simple wood into intricate items such as torches, benches, wooden spikes, cups, plates, and others, each bearing the mark of his meticulous craftsmanship.